My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 260 The tip of the needle versus the awn of wheat

Because Ma Tian read too fast, others also unknowingly speeded up their reading.

Another hour later, other people finally expressed their views one after another that they had finished watching.

Bekier Cobb paused his voice and said, "If you have any questions, you can ask them."

He was already prepared for Ma Tian and Halls to use materials to attack Musk. Similarly, they have also made preparations to attack Hua Shuwen's materials.

The main problem here is that Yingjiang and Rabbit are not willing to deal with it. Naturally, people from other countries will not speak first.

Ma Tian saw that the audience was silent, but he was the first to speak: "I found some problems with Musk's materials."

As soon as he spoke, everyone in the audience looked over, and Halls raised the corners of his face and mouth, ready to watch the show.

"I found three problems here:

First, there is a deviation in the calculation of satellite orbit coordinates. Although I did not look at all the thousands of satellite coordinates Musk applied for in the second phase of materials because of limited time, I could tell at a glance that there was something wrong with the 112th, 116th, and 134th satellite coordinates.

I scanned about 200 coordinates, and based on probability, at least 90 of the data Musk applied for this time were wrong..."

"It's impossible. We have rigorously calculated this data coordinate."

When he heard that there were 90 errors, Bekier Cobb couldn't help but interrupt. Aerospace and aviation cannot tolerate such a high error rate. He also didn't believe that his countrymen were so low-level and made such outrageous mistakes.

"Listen to what I have to say before you speak. When I finish speaking, I will naturally verify them one by one." Ma Tian refuted mercilessly. As the chairman of the alliance, Bekier Cobb interrupts others when they are speaking. Don’t you even know it’s rude?

Bekir Cobb looked ugly, but he still shut up. Ma Tian continued:

"Second, the experimental data is too ideal. He specified in the launch parameters that the Starlink satellite will operate in a phased manner in a low-Earth orbit at an altitude of 550 kilometers. This model is too ideal and does not take many factors into consideration. I seriously doubt that this model is Made by a guy who failed math..."

As soon as Ma Tian opened his mouth, he explained in detail the three problems he had discovered. Although Ma Tian tried his best not to curse, but when he saw some mistakes, he would still be like a teacher who saw a student write a bunch of Xiang. With sternness and sarcasm.

This means that Musk was not present at the scene. He must have put on a stinky face and exchanged insults with Ma Tian.

Bekir Cobb also had an ugly face as he listened to Ma Tian continue talking. From his position, he naturally suspected that Ma Tian was forcefully finding mistakes and talking nonsense.

He wanted to see what arguments Ma Tian came up with later.

Naturally, Ma Tian would not disappoint him. After he finished speaking the three questions, Ma Tian began to demonstrate on the spot.

"For the first coordinate problem, let's look directly at the derivation of the formula. Although Musk's material omits this step, based on the results, I can probably reverse his formula:

N0 = GM^1/2 A^2/3

N = N0 +^N


Ma Tian's eyes became serious. As the most powerful brain modified by the system, he began to list Musk's formulas step by step on the shared screen.

Bekier Cobb, Halls and others' eyes widened immediately. They were not bad at mathematics, which did not prevent them from being shocked that Ma Tian could list those very complicated formulas one by one.

Damn it, you have to know that this is a formula with one mathematical ring within another, there are quite a lot of them!

Moreover, Ma Tian deduces backwards. During the derivation process, complex numbers can be substituted into formulas in seconds. What kind of mental arithmetic ability is this?

If they hadn't known that Ma Tian had seen these materials for the first time, they would have suspected that Ma Tian had read the materials in advance and made preparations.

Not to mention them, even Zhai Xizhong, a domestic boss who was familiar with Ma Tian, ​​his eyes widened.

He had seen in the files that Ma Tianneng had a photographic memory and a super memory, but he didn't tell him that Ma Tianneng could make such unreasonable deductions. This not only required being very familiar with these formulas or fields, but also having super strength. mathematical sensitivity and logical reasoning ability.

Ma Tian eloquently listed more than 50 formulas, and began to bring Musk's satellite coordinate data into the demonstration on the spot, and then the first data was successfully certified!

Bekir Cobb had to interrupt and said: "Mr. Ma Tian, ​​wait a minute, I will try to use your formula to plug in the data."

Ma Tian acted too fast, he had to verify it himself before he believed it.

Hearing this, Ma Tian just nodded without refusing, he was so confident.

Bekier Cobb began to copy formulas and calculations, and others were also idle, such as Halls and Honda Nanosuke began to calculate on their own.

Half an hour later, Bekier Cobb looked at Ma Tian's formula in despair and collapsed in his seat.

Honda Nanosuke from the island country also twitched his beard, showing his great shock.

All he needed was the curse "Baga".

Only Halls might have a better reaction. He just looked at Ma Tian in shock. He didn't expect that there was such a person in the world.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed it.

Bekier Cobb went to Musk without believing anything and sent Ma Tian's formula to them, asking them to confirm it quickly.

"How's it going? Is there any problem?" Ma Tian calmly took a sip of tea and asked.

The atmosphere was very silent. Everyone in the Eagle Camp looked at Bekiel Cobb and asked him to speak.

"Mr. Ma Tian, ​​I'm going to go to Musk to make sure. I'll just assume you're right and go on." Bekier Cobb said.

"Okay, since I think these formulas are correct, then I will find errors based on these formulas!

You can see the 8th formula I listed on the screen. At first glance, it is just a simple satellite orbit formula, using the evolution formula written by Kepler's law.

But the formula here obviously does not consider the impact of the moon's movement here on the satellite's gravity. Even if the moon moves behind the earth at this time, Musk should also take the moon's influence into consideration..."

"Mr. Ma Tian, ​​the influence of the moon should be negligible, right? After all, it is only 0.000001 times the acceleration of the earth." Bekier Cobb interjected.

"Is the impact of 0.000001 times acceleration very small?" Ma Tian retorted, "1 micron is 1,000 times 1 nanometer. Whether the impact is small or not must be fully considered. For example, if Musk continues to deduce formulas like this, the following 47 formulas will be There will be a certain deviation due to the influence of this formula data.

The most obvious one is the deviation of the low-orbit satellites launched near the equator. The diameter of the earth is considered here, so I said there is a problem with the coordinates of the 112th, 116th, and 134th satellites. Those satellites were launched into orbits above the equator. The accurate data should be yes

GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030\

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