My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 273 Trailer ring experiment and cloud car idea

At Tianyu Xinghai Factory, the disc toy made by Ma Tian was being watched by a group of engineers.

"Where's the tow truck? The tow truck hasn't arrived yet? It's been a few minutes!" someone shouted.

"Xiao Wang went to drive. The trailer is in another workshop. It will probably take a few minutes to arrive."

"How many pulls can this thing withstand?" Some people looked at the ring in disbelief.

Hua Shuwen was shocked by what Ma Tian said in the office. He immediately dragged Ma Tian to the factory for accurate testing. However, the factory's ready-made instruments were a bit inconsistent and difficult to accurately test.

Ma Tian also made the decision and took several engineers to the site to make one, leaving only the disc here for a group of workshop engineers to visit.

A group of engineers were idle, so naturally they tried it with their bare hands to see if they could pull the ring.

As a result, everyone was dumbfounded after trying it one by one. I didn't expect this thing to be so evil.

Unconvinced, they drove a tow truck over and tried to pull it with the tow truck.

There was the Martinborough Hemisphere Experiment in ancient times, and today they are doing a "trailer disk experiment."

"It's coming, it's coming, get out of the way and get ready to tie the rope." An engineer shouted as he watched the tow truck drive in.

This trailer has a 2.0T electric engine, and its instantaneous pulling force is about 2.3 tons.

Soon the ring base was fixed on a tabletop by engineers, and the ring above was temporarily covered with a steel rope made of special material and tied to the trailer.

"Are you tied up? I'm going to start it!" Xiao Wang, who was driving the trailer, poked his head out of the car and was also excited. What man would refuse such an experiment?

"It's tied, let's get started!"

A group of engineers tied it up and tried to see if it was tight, but they quickly avoided it for fear of being accidentally affected.

"Chi~" The steel rope was tightened in an instant, and the trailer moved forward a few steps.

Then the trailer's engine gears were spinning crazily to output power, but the trailer barely moved forward except for a slight slip on the tires.

"Si~" An engineer on the scene took a breath of cold air.

If the rope hadn't been tight, everyone would have thought the tow truck wouldn't have started at all.

"Xiao Wang, are you sure you stepped on the accelerator?"

"I've almost stepped on the accelerator, I really can't pull it off!" Xiao Wang yelled in the car.

A group of engineers looked at each other in confusion as they looked at the tight rope. They really learned a lot today.

It was just a small disc with a small ring floating on it. They couldn't pull it with a trailer. It was really outrageous.

Isn’t this science?

"How about using the Tiangong I model?" someone asked, wanting to try it with an excavator.

"What bad idea did your sister come up with? If it gets ruined, Mr. Ma will take care of us!"

"That's awesome! Is this a black technology developed by Mr. Ma?"

As engineers of Tianyu Xinghai, their skills are naturally at the top level. When they see this thing, they can naturally think of many applications.

They know that Tianyu Xinghai may bring epoch-making products again.

In the afternoon, Ma Tiancai poured out the special testing equipment for R\u0026D, and Hua Shuwen was able to see the specific testing parameters with satisfaction.

A group of engineers were also watching from the outside. Not to mention that men are still teenagers until they die. In addition to watching beautiful women, sometimes they also like to watch some violent experiments, such as hydraulic presses to press things, crushers to break things, etc.

I believe that many men will not be able to refuse this experiment today, and they will naturally not miss it.

On the base of the dynamometer, the disc toy is fixed by a special device, and the ring floats in mid-air.

After a while, the four hooks of the dynamometer also lowered, each hooked at 90 degrees to the ring, and locked it.




"start up!"

As the start button is pressed, the four hooks begin to tighten, and the force is also displayed on the instrument display screen:

"300, 600, 900, 1200...3800...4200..."

As the number got higher and higher, everyone watching around, except Ma Tian, ​​also took a breath.

"Fuck, 4 tons!"

"This is... so awesome!"

When the number reached 4 tons, it frightened the onlookers. The more people who understand technology, the more they know how significant this is.

"5 tons, my God~"

Seeing that the number had reached 5 tons, a group of people almost knelt down and worshiped, but the number display had not stopped yet.

5700, 6100... It was not until the last 7786 that everyone noticed that the ring began to tremble.

"Damn it, it's moving!" an engineer exclaimed.

Ma Tian also looked serious. The calculated force was approximately 7.832 tons, with three significant figures after the decimal point. Ma Tian also hoped that the test result would be this number.

After all, only in this way can he have more confidence in the accuracy of the knowledge provided by the system and whether the formula he derived is correct.

7800, 7829, and finally when the number reached 7831, the ring was pulled away by four hooks.

All of a sudden, it also reached the instrument, making a violent bang and a flash of fire.

The whole audience also burst into exclamations.

"Niubi! 7.8 meals, Edi Niangle~"

"If this one is tied to my girlfriend, and the other is tied to me, will we never be separated?"

"Get out of your love brain!"

Hua Shuwen also widened his eyes and stared blankly at the numbers on the screen. He was the only one at the scene who heard Ma Tian say that the ring can withstand a pulling force of 7.8 tons. Now it seems that Ma Tian was absolutely right!

Damn it, Ma Tianzheng really came up with black technology, and there are formulas to calculate it, it was not obtained by accident!

"Ma Tian, ​​can this be mass-produced?" Hua Shuwen asked the most critical question.

"Of course!" Ma Tian was confident. The implementation of this technology was neither difficult nor simple.

The most important thing is the production of solid magnetic field materials, and the production of that material is not that difficult. The raw materials are simple iron, cobalt, nickel, zinc, etc.

Combined with the solid magnetic field formula in the paper formula, you can match the magnetic solid force or use you need.

"Looking at you, you have already thought of its first use. Tell me!" Hua Shuwen laughed. Now he admired Ma Tiandu so much.

What kind of brain is this? I can only say that a genius is a genius.

"My plan is of course to build a maglev train, but there has to be a transition before that. My idea is to build a "cloud car" in the City of Progress first.

It uses the power of magnetism to create a real flying subway. I believe everyone will be very surprised to see the subway flying in the sky. "

Ma Tian said slowly, and the eyes of Hua Shuwen beside him became brighter and brighter the more he listened!

Even he couldn't help but look forward to what Ma Tian would do this time!

"Although I don't know how you will achieve it, I look forward to the surprises you bring!" Hua Shuwen said. (End of chapter)

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