My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 284 Representatives of the two constructions gathered in Tianyu Xinghai

Wang Jun, deputy director and general manager of the 18th Bureau of Construction Engineering of Hunan Province, just hung up the phone above.

He didn't expect that he would receive such a task temporarily.

"Xiaotian, ask Mei Wanbing and Li Chi to come to my office!" Wang Jun ordered his secretary.

After a while, Mei Wanbing and Li Chi came hand in hand.

"Mr. Wang!"

"Well, I called you here today because I suddenly received a notice from a superior. There is a project that requires us to cooperate with Tianyu Xinghai. Of course, the main thing is for us to study. I plan to send you two to Tianyu Xinghai." Wang Jun looked at it. He said to the two people in front of him.

Mei Wanbing is a senior manager of the company and has rich project management experience, while Li Chi is the chief engineer and a professor-level senior engineer. He is an old man with good skills.

"Study?" The two looked at each other. Although Tianyu Xinghai's technology is indeed very good, there is no need to learn from them in the field of construction.

"This time is different. The project this time is a project that has never been done before - Cloud Rail."

"Cloud Rails?"

"It's the nearest flying train!"

"What?" The two of them were a little surprised. This was indeed a project they had never done before. If it was this, they would be interested in joining it.

At the same time, something like this also happened in the 16th Bureau of Hunan Province Construction Engineering.

On the same day, two major construction workers also came to Tianyu Xinghai one after another.

The one who entertained them was Li Junqiao, currently Tianyu Xinghai's chief engineer in charge of construction.

Speaking of Li Junqiao, there is another story, that is, he was the chief engineer of Hongqiao Airport in Shanghai.

I don’t know how many years ago, a pair of lovers broke up at the airport. When the girl said goodbye, she said to the boy:

"Don't wait for me, just like the airport can never wait for the train."

Many years later, Hongqiao Airport was really connected to the train station, and the hero in the story was Li Junqiao.

Of course, Li Junqiao never admitted it. Even after joining Tianyu Xinghai, he kept silent about it.

Li Junqiao politely received the people from the two major construction projects. Tianyu Xinghai has always been open to the Chinese people.

Soon, Ma Tian also held a meeting, and relevant personnel were invited to the meeting.

Representatives from the two major construction companies also participated.

It was also the first time for Mei Wanbing, Li Chi and others to attend the meeting of Tianyu Xinghai.

At first glance, they were surprised by the unique layout of the conference room.

The conference room that Ma Tian usually uses for meetings is not like most conference rooms: a long table with a large screen.

Rather, it is like a large classroom, with three rows of seats one after another on the left and three rows of seats on the right.

They correspond to each other. You can turn your head left to see the big screen in front, and you can turn your head right to see the location on the high platform behind.

The seats on the high platform at the back naturally belong to the organizers of the meeting. For example, Ma Tian took the lead and had to sit in the middle.

Seeing Ma Tian, ​​Mei Wanbing debated whether to say hello or not. After all, in his previous project entertainment experience, he always greeted each other first.

But when he saw Ma Tian typing something on the keyboard with a straight face, he didn't dare to step forward and sat down on the left like a good student.

He, the deputy general manager of the 18th Bureau of Construction Engineering, actually felt a natural sense of oppression in front of Ma Tian.

"Mr. Ma, everyone is here!" Li Junqiao sat in the front position on Ma Tian's right and said to Ma Tian.

"Hmm! Where are the people from the 18th and 16th bureaus of Construction Engineering?" Ma Tian nodded, then asked about outsiders from these two bureaus.

"Mr. Ma, I am Mei Wanbing from the 18th Bureau. I am currently the head of the project department and deputy general manager of the 18th Bureau."

"Mr. Ma, I am Li Chi from the 18th Bureau. I am currently the chief engineer of the Technical Department of the 18th Bureau."

"Mr. Ma, I am Huang Yuanxiang from Bureau 16. I am currently the chief engineer of the technical department of Bureau 16..."

People from the two bureaus quickly stood up and introduced themselves. Ma Tian also nodded. After they finished the introduction one by one, he said: "You are very welcome to come. I hope that in the next period of time, you can integrate into us as soon as possible and learn how to How to build cloud rails.”

"Okay, Mr. Ma!" People from the two bureaus nodded quickly.

"Please look at the big screen!" Li Junqiao took the microphone and began to introduce the cloud rail project.

“We plan to start from Beidou Station in the north of the City of Progress, passing through Xiangshi, Yiyang, and finally to Zhangjiajie Station.

The black line on the map is the cloud track, and the two train signs represent the platform...

The total length of the Cloud Rail is 324.17 kilometers, divided into two tracks...

Our plan is to use a multi-point construction method at the same time, with the map mark point as the center, extending to both sides of the railway track, and then connecting...

The total planning time is 77 days, and the experimental time is 13 days, a total of three months to complete..."

Li Junqiao talked for ten minutes, basically introducing the route, methods, and difficulties.

Mei Wanbing and others were also taking notes frantically with notebooks and pens, for fear of missing something.

However, this time, the cloud track was basically a 90-degree straight line, so they didn't need to remember too much.

The only thing they were a little confused about was whether there were too few stations along the way, not even one at all, which was a bit unreasonable.

Also, why does it have to be a straight line? There are some mountains among them, it is better to avoid them. This is their experience of working for many years. They know whether to avoid it as soon as they look at the terrain.

However, they really liked the simulation animation made by Tianyu Xinghai. It showed the future train route immersively and drew pictures on the spot for them to see.

In the future, before their company establishes a project, they can also create a simulation animation like this.

"Do you have any questions?" Li Junqiao finally said.

The two people from the Construction Engineering Bureau looked at each other, but Li Chi raised his hand and expressed his doubts:

"Mr. Ma, Mr. Li, are there too few stations? I was in charge of the high-speed rail from Hunan City to Zhangjiajie, and the stations it passed had a lot of people. We can maximize efficiency and build a few more stations. It is convenient for our people in Hunan Province.”

Li Junqiao looked at Ma Tian, ​​who was also a little confused and asked: "Before you came here, didn't you know the speed of our cloud car?"

"?" The two people from the Construction Engineering Bureau were a little confused. They didn't think they were specifically told about speed, and what does the number of platforms have to do with speed?

"Mr. Ma, we're not sure!" Mei Wanbing answered truthfully.

"On this section of the cloud rail, the fastest speed of our cloud car can reach 3,000 kilometers per hour. We also want to build more platforms, but unfortunately, at this speed, the braking distance is too long, and it does not support multiple platforms at all." Li Junqiao said said.

This is the most regrettable part, as other citizens on the way cannot experience the extreme speed of the cloud car.

The image point is that the distance is too short, and it is too late to brake when you step on the accelerator. At a speed of 3,000 kilometers, even if the acceleration is -8 when decelerating, the braking distance will be nearly 40 kilometers.

"How much?" The two people from the Construction Engineering Bureau stared wide-eyed. 3,000 kilometers per hour, are you kidding?

"Don't be surprised. Once the pattern is opened up, the ultimate speed of the cloud car can be more than 10,000 kilometers per hour. This is just an early trial in our province, and the whole country is our stage!"


Mei Wanbing, Li Chi and others took a deep breath. They finally understood why they came to Tianyu Xinghai to study.

This is so special, so exciting!

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