My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 286 The White Emperor’s guard brings his own celestial phenomena

The military training performance was scheduled for September 15th. On September 14th, Ma Tian checked that there was nothing to do tomorrow, so he called Qiu Keming directly to inform him that he could go.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Keming couldn't help laughing in the office. This wave was so beautiful.

Holding back the excitement in his heart, Qiu Keming went directly to the principal Ji Chunmao's office and told him this matter.

Ji Chunmao didn't expect to invite Ma Tian over, and he clapped his hands happily: "Lao Qiu, you did a very good job on this matter. You may need to pay more attention to the next thing. You must make it tomorrow." Organize the performance!"

"no problem!"

Qiu Keming took over the arrangement, so he naturally had to arrange it properly. He found a free time and called Ma Tian to discuss tomorrow's affairs: "Ma Tian, ​​when will you arrive, so that we can pick you up!"

As Ma Tian, ​​he must greet him in advance.

However, Ma Tian refused on the phone: "You don't have to pick me up, you can find an open space for me, and I will fly there directly in my fighter plane tomorrow!"

That's right, Ma Tian's transportation has been upgraded.

Based on Bai Di's vertical landing technology, Ma Tian developed a fighter plane specially designed for him to pass - "Yu Jian". "Yu Jian" is as the name suggests, and it looks like a sharp broad sword without a handle. blade.

It supports vertical take-off and landing, and can be landed on the playground of Huda University without requiring much space.

"Fighter plane?" Chu Keming was a little stunned. In his thinking, don't airplanes always require longer takeoff and landing paths? There are no special roads in Huda, except for helicopters.

"Well, you can just treat it as a helicopter. It doesn't need a special runway. It supports vertical take-off and landing!" Ma Tian quickly realized that Chu Keming might not have seen it before, so he quickly explained.

"Oh, that's no problem. I'll get you a special apron directly in the gym."

"It doesn't have to be so complicated!" Ma Tian thought for a while and asked Tianji to send a demonstration video to Qiu Keming. He was afraid that Qiu Keming would really "waste people and money" in order to welcome him. Although it was not short of the money, it was really not worth it. necessary.

After watching the demonstration video, Qiu Keming immediately understood how Ma Tian arrived and said, "Then I will give you a whole piece of open space. We might as well not publicize you and keep it as a secret. Then you will arrive by plane tomorrow." , it’s a surprise for the students!”

"Okay!" Ma Tian did not refuse. Qiu Keming knew better than him. Just follow the arrangement.

On the first day of the morning, a group of frog people got up early and gathered in the open spaces of various apartments, preparing to gather and set off to the gymnasium.

After today's performance, the military training officially ended, so even if they got up a little earlier today, not only did they not complain at all, but they were looking forward to the performance being over and over as soon as possible.

Although this military training is child's play compared to the training in the army, it has also made most of their crispy college students suffer a lot.

"Why haven't you started yet? Wouldn't it be better to finish the performance early and end it early?"

"Oh, it's not our decision. I heard from my senior that the leader will speak for a long time. Even if you go early, you have to wait for the leader until 9 o'clock!"

"Yes, it's better to wait here. At least it's a bit cloudy and we can still be lazy and squat for a while."

"Stupid performance, Principal Silly, do this formalism!"

Universities are not all good. It is normal for the president to be scolded once a year during the performance. In his position, being well-known is not necessarily a good thing.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, each company finally set off to enter the field. As required, each company entered the field shouting their own slogans:

"As a company of iron and steel, we will surely strive to be the first, be brave and tenacious, and move forward indomitably!"

"The brave second company, both civil and military, united sincerely, march forward bravely!"

"Five consecutive charms, endless excitement, high morale, and soaring ambitions!"

After a while, the operation area was filled with all kinds of frog teams, and then they waited with their necks straightened out for the leaders to enter.

However, the leader came quite early this time. To be precise, the principal Ji Chunmao came early because he knew Ma Tian was coming.

When other people saw that the biggest leader came so early, they naturally did not dare to come late.

There are 8 seats in front of the rostrum, and Qiu Keming arranged the seats very realistically. Of course, Ji Chunmao and Ma Tian sat side by side in the best middle position.

There is a sign in front of each seat to prevent the seats from being occupied randomly.

So in the end, Ji Chunmao sat fourth on the right, and Ma Tian's seat on his right was left vacant. The sign also said "honored" and his name was not revealed.

To Ma Tian's right is Chu Keming's seat, and to Ma Tian's left and right are the principal and deputy principals of the school. It can be said to be the best seat.

Ji Chunmao guessed that the empty seat was Ma Tian's seat, so he looked at Qiu Keming, who was sitting next to the empty seat, and asked in a low voice: "What did Ma Tian say? Is he on the way?"

"Principal Ji, Ma Tian may have come by plane and will land directly on the school's runway!" Qiu Keming replied in a low voice. He worked very hard to hide it just to surprise everyone present.

"Runway?" Ji Chunmao leaned back, a little confused.

"Ma Tian has vertical landing skills, and the runway is completely sufficient!" Seeing Ji Chunmao's confused look, Qiu Keming felt a little relieved and quickly explained.

"Si~" Ji Chunmao took a breath. Ma Tian was going to completely suppress his reputation as the principal! But considering Ma Tian's status, it doesn't matter. Just suppress him. Who makes him the treasure in Director Su's palm?

"Did he say what time he would arrive?" Ji Chunmao asked.

"Let me ask... Ma Tian said he is preparing to leave now. How about we speak first and leave Ma Tian at the end. Anyway, it doesn't matter if Ma Tian didn't hear the previous speech." Chu Keming said.

"Okay~" Ji Chunmao nodded in agreement.

Qiu Keming also went directly to the host of the performance and began to explain the matter.

There are two hosts, one male and one female. They are both elite members of the school's student union and are professional news broadcasters.

"There are still five minutes until 8:30. Let's officially start at 8:30. According to the procedure, please ask the leader to come up and give a speech...Which one of you will be the last one to finish the speech?" Qiu Keming suddenly looked at the two of them and asked.

"Me!" the female host said.

"Here is a card. When you are about to finish, remember to mention this!" After speaking, Chu Keming also handed over a card with some words on it.

The hostess took the card and looked at it. She suddenly trembled with just one glance, and almost all the cards in her hand flew out.

The male host next to him also immediately turned his attention. He noticed that his partner's mood was a bit wrong. What card did Vice Principal Chu Keming give him?

What he didn't know was that his partner was already in a state of shock after seeing the contents of the card! She didn't expect that... God Ma Tian would come.

This will leave a lasting mark on her career as a host!

"Don't reveal it in a hurry, wait until Ma Tian arrives! Give everyone a little surprise!" Qiu Keming warned and left. The students are all adults and should be able to do this well.

Seeing Qiu Keming leaving, the male host immediately asked his female partner: "What did Principal Qiu give you just now?"

The hostess handed over the card.

"Fuck~" The male host was also shocked after seeing it clearly. He didn't expect that Ma Tian was coming.

This was really an unexpected thing. No wonder Vice Principal Chu Keming kept it secret.

"Dear leaders, instructors, teachers, and dear students: Good morning, everyone!

Facing the cool morning breeze and bathing in the warm sunshine, in this bright, warm and mature September, with glory and dreams, pride and joy, we gather together at the holy place of study and the cradle of growth of pillars. —Huda, start our new life here...

Next, we invite our principal and senior party official Ji Chunmao to speak..."

The host began to lead the performance, and Ji Chunmao was the first to speak. The students straightened their necks and listened below.

The sun in Hunan City in September is too strong. Even if it's just before 9 o'clock in the morning, it's basically like an oven hanging in the sky, roasting the groups of little people below.

This is basically a lesson that every college student must go through. Although I will feel silly when I think about it in the future, it is really good to chat after drinking!

For every college student out there, they are basically scolding their mothers in their hearts. The weather is really too hot. The gymnasium is open-air and there is no shelter. It is just roasting.

Although Ji Chunmao only spoke for 10 minutes, to the people below, it was no different than an hour. They were simply looking forward to him finishing his speech and leaving the stage.

However, Ji Chunmao stepped down, and Qiu Keming came up again. In addition to him, there were other leaders, freshmen representatives, and even instructor representatives...

Half an hour later, the people above were still giving speeches without any sign of stopping, while the students below were completely listless.

"How long have you been talking about this? Why haven't you finished talking yet?"

"They have shade on the rostrum, but we are completely in the sun. We have the ability to speak for half an hour down there!"

"That's it, MD!"

Qiu Keming sat on the rostrum, looking up at the sky from time to time. Since Ma Tian said it came from the sky, it must come from the sky. He had to direct the landing!

Suddenly, his eyes saw three black spots appearing in the sky. As the black spots approached, the roar of the plane also began.

Some students had already looked over following the sound, and after a while, a discussion broke out below:

"Is that Bai Di? Bai Di is out?"

"I don't know. I can't see clearly. It's too far away."

"It's Baidi, I can see his shape clearly!" Some sharp-eyed students shouted, mainly because Baidi's appearance is so iconic, and Xiang City is close to Baidi Factory, and Baidi can often be seen taking off.

After Qiu Keming read Ma Tian's message on his mobile phone, he quickly got up and stepped down. He asked the staff who had been arranged earlier to clear a large venue. A staff member was still there waving a flag to indicate that this was the landing site.

The quality of the speaker was quite high, and his rhythm was not interrupted by this sudden episode, but most of the students below had already turned their attention to Chu Keming, who was waving the flag.

"What is that teacher doing? And the flag-waving show?"

"I don't know. Does that teacher still want to wave the flag to show to the White Emperor above?"

The students whispered and gave their guesses. Not to mention, one student made a wild guess and got it right! Chu Keming waved the flag to show to the fighters above.

Ma Tian sat on the "Yujian" fighter plane and saw the flag-waving figure below through the capture lens below. With the input of the pilot's command in front, the "Yujian" fighter jet began to descend in altitude along with the "White Emperor" fighter jet.

"Holy crap, those three planes came down?"

"What the hell, are you coming for us?"

"Do you have any brains? Why are you coming at us? Throw missiles at us?"

Chu Keming also asked those who waved the flag to wave it quickly, don't be lazy! I just felt sorry for the college students waving the flag, and they gritted their teeth and remained silent even though their arms were sore.

As the sound got louder and louder, the students became commotion, and now everyone could see that the fighter planes were really coming down.

The leaders on the rostrum also looked at each other in confusion. Only Ji Chunmao, who was informed, sat firmly on the Diaoyutai with an expressionless face.

The three fighter planes got closer and closer. However, about 2,000 meters away from the stadium, the two "White Emperor" fighter planes began to break away and circled into the sky. Their escort mission had been completed.

And they also have another mission, which is to create artificial clouds.

They will fly to an altitude of 15,000 meters, launch several cloud-making missiles, and forcibly create a dark cloud.

"The Sword Fighter" began to steadily descend in altitude, and the students waving flags below also immediately ran away.

After seeing the students leave, the "Yujian" fighter jet steadily descended under Ma Tian's control, and finally hovered steadily 5 meters above the ground.

As the fuselage came to a stop, a disk in the middle began to descend, and two bodyguards, Ma Tian and Chang Chenghu and Chang Chenglong, appeared with it.

"Boom -" The students saw Ma Tian's figure clearly, and a huge roar began to sound in the gymnasium, even suppressing the sound of the fighter jet's engine.

"Damn it, it's the Great God Ma Tian!"

"Oh my god, Master Ma Tian is coming to participate in our military training performance?"

"Come on, sisters, let me squeeze in. I'm short and can't see~"

The students could no longer remain calm. If they hadn't retained a trace of reason and the military training instructors had not forcibly maintained discipline, they might have rushed to touch Ma Tian!

They waved to Ma Tian frantically on the spot, and those who couldn't see jumped up crazily to look.

All the leaders on the rostrum also stood up with Ji Chunmao and followed him off the rostrum, preparing to greet Ma Tian.

Only the student representative who gave the speech was a little confused. She forgot her words! But it doesn't matter, no one's attention is on her now anyway. She is also a fan of Ma Tian, ​​so she waved to Ma Tian crazily.

When Qiu Keming saw Ma Tian landing smoothly, he immediately came forward with a smile on his face and shook hands with Ma Tian:

"Welcome, Ma Tian, ​​what a warm welcome to you!"

Ma Tian smiled back, then waved to the enthusiastic students, and cheers suddenly began to ring out in the gymnasium:

"Master Ma Tian!"

"Master Ma Tian!"

Only those present at the scene know that Ma Tian’s status among Hunan University students is a living legend. Who in their own school would not be excited to see such a living legend?

The two escorting "White Emperor" fighter jets also rose to the appropriate height and launched two cloud-making missiles. After a while, the sky above the stadium became dark.

It's like Ma Tian appears with his own celestial image: black clouds are crushing the city!

This is Ma Tian's concern for the military training students of Hunan University. Although he has only taken classes for one semester, he happens to be in the first semester of his freshman year. After experiencing military training, Ma Tian understands the feelings of these students very well. (End of chapter)

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