My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 288 The cloud rail in Hunan is opened, and the speed shocked the world

Tianyu Xinghai, Li Junqiao gently knocked on Ma Tian's office door.

"Come in!"

"Mr. Ma, the Xiangjie Cloud Rail can be put into trial operation tonight tonight and tomorrow. Here is the inspection report and experiment list!"

Li Junqiao put the information in front of Ma Tian and reported it.

"Faster than expected!" Ma Tian smiled. It was originally planned to be completed in three months, but now it was completed in less than two months.

"Everyone is very cooperative and very motivated!" Li Junqiao replied. This is the world's first long-distance cloud rail, and it is also a place where the cloud car can test its skills and show off its power.

Whether it is the architects of Tianyu Xinghai or the engineers of the 18th and 16th Bureau of Hunan Construction, they all worked hard to complete it and leave such a strong mark in the long history of mankind.

"I will contact Director Su here, and we will cut the ribbon together and open it to traffic!" Ma Tian said. This is what Director Su also told. Even if Director Su is in a high position, he can't sit still and wants to join this event to witness history in person. moment.

The Xiangjie Cloud Rail has a total length of 324 kilometers and a height of 360 meters. This is definitely a project that attracts attention. It is not epoch-making, but it is definitely of historical significance.

In the evening, Director Su received a call from Ma Tian and asked his secretary to cancel all tomorrow's activities and attend the ribbon cutting.

On the same day, Ma Tian's "Yujian" fighter plane also came to pick up Director Su first. Ma Tian also had the opportunity to see what the compound was. The people here were all big shots who were making moves in Hunan Province.

A single-family villa with a private garden, greenery and security guards everywhere. Although the configuration inside the house cannot be seen, the configuration from the outside is definitely top-notch.

When the "Edward Sword" fighter plane came overhead, it must have been greeted, and the bodyguards overtly and covertly did not take any action.

When Ma Tian got off the fighter plane, Director Su was already standing at the door to greet him with a smile.

"Ma Tian, ​​this is your first time as a guest, right? Come in!" Director Su greeted with a smile, without any airs of being a leader.

Ma Tian just laughed. He felt that Director Su blamed him, but he still went in to drink a cup of tea and met Director Su's wife before leaving with Director Su.

"Is it okay to just stand on this ring?" Director Su asked as he stepped onto the ring on the ground, chopping his feet.

"Yes, this ring will automatically rise up!" As soon as Ma Tian finished speaking, the ring also automatically lifted into the air, and then Director Su saw the interior decoration of "Yu Jian".

The decoration inside the "Edge sword" is a bit different from that of a private jet. Unlike a private jet with many seats, the interior of the "Edge sword" is a bit like an apartment living room, with a long sofa and several seats on both sides.

There is a coffee table in front and a retractable projection screen on the opposite side. Of course, there is also a special rest room for the owner, which can be closed.

Director Su watched with interest, and Ma Tian also said, "Do you like it, Director Su? I'll give you a fight!"

"No, if I have it, will other cadres also have it? I can't say this!" Director Su refused, wasn't he moved? Of course he was moved, but he had to consider Ma Tian, ​​and besides, there were still people sitting up there.

"It's okay. This will be popular in the future. I have already received an order from the military." Ma Tian explained that in the future, it is very likely that important leaders of the country will ride on the "sword" he invented.

In terms of comfort and safety performance, "Yujian" is definitely higher than the special aircraft currently being researched by the military. After all, Ma Tian has developed it himself, so can he wrong himself? As for foreign special planes, the country will definitely go to them.

"We'll wait until it becomes more popular. Now I can just enjoy your ride once!" Director Su still refused.

Ma Tian did not insist, but poured Director Su a cup of tea.

The fastest speed of "Yujian" can reach nearly Mach 1, so Ma Tian and Director Su quickly arrived at the starting point of the City of Progress where the ribbon was cut.

Local officials from the City of Progress were already at the scene to greet him, and there was warm applause when Director Su appeared.

After Director Su cut it with scissors, the Xiangjie Cloud Rail was officially opened to traffic!

The first batch of passengers are the engineers who took part in the construction of the Xiangjie Cloud Rail on their special day off today. They went to Zhangjiajie for three days of team building today, and also experienced the real speed of the cloud rail.

Are you scared to be one of the first passengers?

of course! Engineers are also afraid of new things, but when they think of the honor that this thing brings, they climb on it without hesitation. Besides, this is a cloud rail that they have built and tested with their own hands, so they are confident that there will be no problems!

Under the eyes of everyone, a group of engineers boarded the cloud car named "Xiangjie" with smiles on their faces and waving their hands. After everyone gathered together, the doors of the "Xiangjie" were closed and began to gradually climb to an altitude of 360 meters.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, he gradually accelerated towards the distance.

Two Baidi also took off and began to escort and check the first manned situation.

Through the high-definition camera on Baidi, the media audience at the scene can also see the operation of the "Xiangjie", and even the time and the speed of the "Xiangjie" are displayed in the upper left corner of the screen.

On the screen, the "Xiangjie" continued to accelerate, and the speed in the upper left corner of the screen also continued to soar:


Less than 15 seconds have passed, and the speed in the upper left corner has reached 324 kilometers/hour. At one minute, the speed has reached 972 kilometers/hour.

This speed has made the entire media audience cover their mouths in shock. At 2 minutes, the speed has reached 2700 kilometers per hour. This speed even gave them an illusion.

Is there something wrong with the speedometer on the Tianyu Xinghai screen? But obviously, they didn't see it wrong, but their perception was wrong.

Only the passengers who were fixed in their seats by the window could feel the "Xiangjie" speeding through the window, and the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers below seemed to be flashing, and they were so crazy that they backed away.

Tianyu Xinghai has never announced the ultimate speed of the cloud car, just to directly prove it today.

At the 6th minute, the "Xiangjie" began to slow down and enter the station, even though it was still more than 40 kilometers away from the destination.

At almost the eighth minute, the media audience who looked at the scene below through the Baidi fighter plane could already see the mountains of Zhangjiajie, and there were incredible exclamations from the scene.

"How is that possible? I've been to Zhangjiajie and I saw the Zhangjiajie High-speed Railway Station!"

"Are the mountains in the distance the Tianmen Bridge? Damn it, it's only 8 minutes away? It's more than 300 kilometers away!"

"Hurry up and write the draft, Tianyu Xinghai is going to be popular again!"

Tianyu Xinghai hid it so deeply that no one expected that the slow cloud car in the City of Progress could actually reach such speed on the Xiangjie Cloud Rail!

Tianyu Xinghai brings another big surprise to the world! (End of chapter)

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