My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 293 The earth trembles and the mecha is born

Xingshan, three 150-meter sealed warehouses stand at the foot of the mountain, and the scene formed is still very mysterious and spectacular.

Whether you are a car technician driving by or riding a high-speed train, you will still be able to see these three towering buildings through the car window and wonder what they are.

"The last time I saw them was half a year ago, and these three buildings are still here." A man murmured on the high-speed rail.

"It must be something made secretly by the state. I don't know what it is. It can't be like the pyramid in Ultraman Tiga. There is an Ultraman stone statue inside, right?" The friend next to him didn't take it seriously and was still eating it in his mouth. Oreo cookies.

"But I saw someone breaking the news on Weibo, saying that you can occasionally hear the sound of the earth shaking here."

"The sound of the earth shaking? Is it an hallucination? Are there really monsters?"

At the Xingshan base, Ma Tian sat in the command center 50 meters above the ground, typing codes frantically, and commanded the drone to scan the situation of the Titan Max-I.

After more than half a year, the Titan Max-I was finally completed in his hands.

The overall appearance of the Titan Max-I is still anthropomorphic, with its legs cast from magnetically solid alloy and driven by a powerful hydraulic system. It's just that the soles of the feet don't have human-like toes, but triangular soles that better support the force. When necessary, steel pillars can be retracted from the soles of the feet and calves and nailed into the surroundings to firmly strengthen the body shape.

The torso is huge and strong. As designed, the right hand is a deformable 15-meter-diameter super-large shield machine drill bit, and the left hand is a giant claw with eight fingers, which can be grasped into the mountain to help stabilize the body during work.

The Titan Max-I has no so-called head because it has no cockpit and is completely remote-controlled. There are only a few laser remote sensing eyes juxtaposed together to form a matrix to scan the terrain and make corresponding judgments.

"The scan has passed, and the motion model is being built." Tianji's voice came out on the front screen, and then the one-to-one scale sketch model of Max-I began to run and jump on the screen, and then climbed Xingshan Mountain, so that the final drill Digging holes in mountains.

"Tianji, issue an order. I will conduct the 18th manual test in five minutes. Please let the relevant personnel leave." Ma Tian said.

"Okay, Mr. Ma Tian!" Tianji's electronic voice came out, and then Tianji's announcement began to sound throughout the sealed warehouse.

"Relevant personnel are requested to evacuate the Titan Max-I building platform in an orderly manner within 5 minutes. The 18th Max-I operational experiment is about to begin~"

"Relevant personnel are requested to evacuate the Titan Max-I building platform in an orderly manner within 5 minutes. The 18th Max-I operational experiment is about to begin~"

Engineers began to leave on small flying platforms around or on the Titan Max-I mecha.

Five minutes later, after Tianji checked for the last time through the camera to see if anyone was there, Ma Tian stood on a round platform in the command tower, and then a huge helmet was put on Ma Tian's head with the help of Tianji, and A ring was placed around his waist.

At the same time, blue light began to appear on the chest of the giant god Max-I, and red light began to flash on the limbs, until a huge roar sounded, and the laser remote sensing eye at the top glowed red.

"The startup of Titan Max-I has been completed!" Tianji's electronic voice came, and Ma Tian also opened his eyes, but now he is completely from the perspective of Titan Max-I. The helmet just now has VR technology, which can bring the Titan Max to the scene. -I's vision reaches his eye mask.

This was the 18th experiment, and Ma Tian was no stranger to it. His two feet began to walk in place, and the ring on his waist kept his body on the round platform and would not go down.

At the same time, the giant god Max-I also started to walk. Its 143-meter-tall body weighs 17,800 tons. Even if it simply lifts one leg and steps on the ground, the huge vibration it sends out can be slightly felt even in small villages dozens of kilometers away.

This is also the reason why there are sometimes rumors on the Internet that earth shaking was caused by the Max-I when it was testing walking.

The airtight warehouse was not big, or in other words, the airtight warehouse was not big in front of the giant god Max-1. After walking for more than ten steps, he reached the end, then started to turn around, return and start walking.

Don't underestimate the fact that this is just a simple walk back and forth. The tens of thousands of sensors on the giant Max-I are constantly detecting various parameters on it, and then transmit them back to the command center to be analyzed by the engineers.

After walking about six times, Ma Tian operated the Titan Max-I to stop where it was.

Then Ma Tian began to make a fist with his right hand, and saw that the super-large shield machine drill bit in Max-I's right hand also began to rotate, and a huge roar began to sound in the sealed chamber.

The engineers who were watching on the hanging platform couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. This high-speed rotating drill bit is made of magnetic solid alloy. It has a speed of up to 3,000 rpm. As long as a person comes within 3 meters, it will be pulled in. Then they were beaten into mincemeat, and not even the dregs were left.

No one wants to test the power of this drill with their bodies. Only Xingshan, who is about to be drilled, will experience its true power.

Ma Tian manipulated the drill and did not perform any complicated movements. He only raised and let go of his hands, accumulated force backward, moved forward and stayed in the air.

After 3 minutes, Ma Tian loosened his fist, and the giant Max-I drill began to gradually slow down and stop.

The 18th Titan Max-I motion experiment ended successfully.

Ma Tian also removed the virtual helmet with the help of Tianji, and then called several key engineers - Su Xihua and others for a meeting without stopping.

"I have personally tested the Titan Max-I for 18 times. The current condition seems to be very good. The experiments on the Titan Max-II and Titan Max-III can also begin!" Ma Tian ordered.

The construction of the three mechas has been completed. As long as thirty experiments are successfully completed, Ma Tian will carry out the final construction of Xingshan Mountain. At that time, he will operate the three mechas with real swords and guns to open the mountain.

"Yes!" Several people below quickly said yes, and then went down to arrange for people to prepare.

After a few people left, Tianji also reported the progress outside to Ma Tian. It probably meant that the construction of the cloud rail outside was very fast, according to the current progress rate.

Except for the Xingshan section of the road, the other roads can be completely completed in about 2 weeks.

One of the reasons why it is so fast is that the construction of cloud rails is simpler than that of ordinary high-speed rails. After all, ordinary high-speed rails also need to build pillars and frames, while cloud rails only need to be laid like railways;

Another reason is that several working departments are too proactive.

Whether it is the National Construction Commission, the 18th or 16th Bureau of Hunan Construction, or the engineers involved in the construction of Tianyu Xinghai, they all want to see the first long-distance cloud rail between the north and the south completed as soon as possible.

"So, we have slowed down the progress?" Ma Tian said. With the current progress, the three mechas at the Xingshan base will need to be tested for at least 18 days before they can be released.

Ideally, it would take more than a month to dig Xingshan. Although it is only a simple 3.6 kilometers, it is much more difficult to erect the cloud rail than to erect it outside.

"It seems so at the moment." Tianji said honestly.

Ma Tian shook his head and didn't take it to heart. The current progress of Max's plan was an unexpected surprise, and he didn't need to expect so much.

That is, Li Runqi and Yang Jinli at home may be a little bit complaining because he hasn't been back for a long time.

Two weeks later, the external cloud track was officially laid. One of them stopped to the north of Xingshan, and the other stopped 1 kilometer away from the Xingshan base.

Engineer Zhuang Shiqi from the National Construction Commission also asked for permission to visit the Xiaxingshan Base. Along with him, Mei Wanbing from the 18th Bureau and Huang Yuanxiang from the 16th Bureau and other chief engineers also wanted to visit.

They had long been curious about what happened to the so-called Max Plan in Xingshan Base. After all, when Ma Tian just brought it out at the meeting, they were so shocked that they couldn't even believe that Ma Tian could build it.

However, Ma Tian refused: "There are still 5 days. In 5 days, the three of them will come out together!"

"Five days? It took you 8 months to complete it?" Zhuang Shiqi couldn't help but exclaimed. In his mind, he planned that Ma Tian might complete it in 2 or even 3 years.

Such an advanced mecha may not be easy for laymen, and even more so for insiders.

The more you know, the more you know how much technology is involved.

"That's 5 days!" Ma Tian repeated. Now it has been the 27th test. It will be conducted three more times in 3 days. The last day of maintenance will be the time when the three major mechas are unveiled!

"Okay, then we'll come back in five days." Zhuang Shiqi and others could only give up.

This time the mecha is digging into the mountain, it is definitely not a small matter. First of all, the high-speed train passing by must be stopped. Secondly, the road passing through Xingshan must be closed to prevent cars from coming, because the movement of the mecha digging into the mountain will be very loud. , basically just small tremors constantly.

In order to reduce the risk, it is better to close the road.

Fortunately for the railway department, as soon as the National Construction Commission informed them, they followed the instructions without asking any reasons and began to stop operating the corresponding routes, because their losses were not big, and everyone could also change planes, but it would take a little detour.

However, when the local government received the road closure notice, they were still a little confused: "All the roads passing through Xingshan were closed for a month? Why?"

This road has been closed for too long, and it's really time for them to ask.

"Because Xingshan is going to build a cloud track, there may be a lot of noise!" Ma Tian also came to explain in person, and then demonstrated the giant god Max's plan to open the mountain.

The local government officials in Xingshan were all stunned. If it weren't for Ma Tian and Tianyu Xinghai who had invested in building a Xingshan base here for more than half a year, they would have thought that Ma Tian was playing a trick on them, showing a science fiction movie. ?

"Mr. Ma Tian, ​​are you serious?"

"Of course, it will officially start on the 12th, and there will be a live broadcast on that day to prove it." Ma Tian didn't say much. As for why the live broadcast was, it was to show his strength to intimidate Xiao Xiao.

Nowadays, the country is increasingly encouraging us to show off our fists. This time, the three giant Max brothers are a good opportunity to show the surrounding countries how strong we are now.

"Huh~ But if we close the road for a month, it will cause great inconvenience to many businesses and even people."

"I will send a transport plane to help you transport supplies!" Ma Tian continued. Now he could only think of this way to reduce the losses near Xiaxing Mountain.

"Okay, Mr. Ma Tian, ​​we will fully cooperate with you!"

The local government of Xingshan agreed, and everything was ready, all that was left was the east wind.

Ma Tian also announced tomorrow's live broadcast on the official website on the night of the 11th, but he gave it a twist:

[Tomorrow at 10 o'clock in the morning, I will broadcast something spectacular for everyone to see. If you are interested, you can watch it! 】

The language was a little informal. Originally, Ma Tian planned to post it on Weibo, but in the end he thought about it and posted it on the official website because he was afraid that some foreign forces would not pay attention.

He knew that many major foreign forces basically sent a department to keep an eye on his Tianyu Xinghai official website.

As Ma Tian expected, the message was sent at 9pm, and the hot search was on 9.01.

[Master Ma Tian hasn’t broadcast live for a long time. I remember the last live broadcast was from Tianming Automobile, right? 】

[Holy crap, has Master Ma Tian developed any high technology? expect! 】

[Spectacular, is the adjective Master Ma Tian knowledgeable? 】

[Bagaya Road, what is Ma Tian doing again? 】

[Axiba, why does Ma Tian deliberately tell riddles? 】

[General MacArthur, here is some new news from Ma Tian. 】

[Let me take a look, remember to show it live to me at the same time! 】

I don’t know how many forces or big shots were shocked by the news about Tianyu Xinghai. Ever since Ma Tian made that blow on the sea, Ma Tian has definitely become a man of the hour in the world.

Every move he made publicly was even analyzed by the staff teams of some major forces.

[I think this time it must be related to the cloud car. News came that their "Beijing-Hunan" cloud rail seems to have been completed. 】

【Spectacular? Based on our analysis of Ma Tian’s personality, the probability of him using this word to brag is about 0.1%, so this time it must be a spectacular technological product. 】

Ma Tian and the entire base did not pay attention to the excitement on the Internet. A group of people, including Ma Tian, ​​were looking forward to tomorrow with a little excitement.

They stayed here for eight to nine months during the Titan Max Project. During this period, no one asked for leave, and only a steady stream of engineers came in to support them.

In terms of construction plan costs alone, Tianyu Xinghai has invested nearly 300 billion yuan, not counting some other potential expenditures.

Ma Tian has not yet told the state about this cost, and he doesn’t know if it can be reimbursed. It is estimated that when the cost is reported, the state will also jump in.

However, Ma Tian felt it was worth it. After all, this was his first time trying it. If he went to other mountains in the future, he wouldn't have to pay such a high cost.

At 9.50am the next morning, the official website of Tianyu Xinghai opened the live broadcast room on time. In less than 5 minutes, nearly millions of people flooded in, and barrages began to dominate the screen.

This is what Tianyu Xinghai's satellite network can drive. If you switch to other platforms, it will become stuck in minutes.

The number of people is still increasing. In just 5 minutes, the number of people began to exceed 10 million, and a large number of foreign IPs were also mixed among them.

[Where is the great God Ma Tian? Why didn’t Master Ma Tian come out? 】

【Where is this? Why are there mountains? Damn it, what are those towers for? 】

[Shit, this is a base, I saw a transport plane! 】

Professional aerial drones began to shoot the entire scene of the Xingshan Base and imported the images into the live broadcast room.

The most shocking thing for the live broadcast viewers was the three 150-meter-high sealed warehouses, and they were wondering what they were.

It shocked some foreign forces. Their first reaction was that this was a missile launch base. A 150-meter-tall missile?

However, while they were still discussing or thinking too much, they heard a "boom, boom, boom" sound coming from the live broadcast room, and the doors of the three airtight warehouses began to gradually open to both sides.

The three giant brothers Max welcomed the first ray of sunshine in this world for the first time.

When the three cold black mechas were shown in full view for the first time under the aerial drone photography, the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly stagnated... (End of this chapter)

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