My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 69 Face Recognition Gate

Knowing that Hu University students were so enthusiastic, Ma Tian also stayed at the company and did not go to Hu University.

It’s not that I dislike being chased by Hunan University students, but I’m afraid that it will be bad if there are too many people and an accident may occur.

Ma Tian, ​​who had no goals for the time being, started walking around the company without any problems, which made all the employees nervous.

On this day, Ma Tian stopped looking at the entrance door of his company.

He felt that the glass door of his company was a bit low, and the front desk lady had to open it manually every morning.

Ma Tian also came up with inspiration: "Let's just get an automatic switch with facial recognition for the door of our house!"

Also enable the check-in function to save everyone from needing a work badge to check in.

As soon as he said it, Ma Tian also started his own research.

It’s only 2011, and facial recognition is definitely a novelty in China.

The face recognition system mainly consists of four parts, namely: face image collection and detection, face image preprocessing, face image feature extraction, and matching and recognition.

As can be seen from the name, this is a technology biased towards image algorithms.

As a Level 3 mathematics master, Ma Tian naturally studied this and figured out the algorithm in a few days.

Then he asked Li Runqi to send him a copy of the company personnel's employment certificate photos and trained the face model.

The model was trained in 24 hours. Ma Tian simply simulated and tested it. When he found that the test rate was 99%, he started to mess with the hardware.

Compared with software, hardware is much more complex.

The boards are all good. The main thing is to make a motor-controlled door switch combined with the door. The current company's glass door needs to be dismantled and redesigned and installed.

Ma Tian didn't mind the trouble, so he took a tape measure and began to measure the size of his company's door.

The lady at the front desk looked at her boss with beautiful eyes, wondering what Ma Tian was doing.

Employees passing by quickly said hello: "Hello, boss!"

They all looked at Ma Tian, ​​who was looking at the door in a daze and taking measurements, wondering what his boss was doing.

"You go about your business and don't worry about me!" When someone offered to help, Ma Tian refused.

With the gate design already in mind, a few days later, Ma Tian came directly to Qin San Province with the data.

Now Qin Sansheng is no longer the owner of the Kaderui factory that has about 30 employees and is about to close down. Instead, he is the factory director in charge of more than 300 employees.

Seeing Ma Tian driving there, Qin Sansheng also hurried over to greet him: "Hello, Mr. Ma!"

Looking at Tan Sansheng's respectful face, Ma Tian also hissed. The scene when he first arrived suddenly came to mind.

Ma Tian paused and said with a smile: "Old man Qin, why are you so polite to me?"

Tan Sansheng's face was a little touched, but he finally smiled and said, "You are my boss now! Give me some face!"

"Hahaha, old man Tan, I have something to trouble you with today!" Seeing that Tan Sansheng finally put aside the respect and alienation of his employees, Ma Tian was also very happy and laughed out loud.

"No trouble, no trouble, just ask." Tan Sansheng waved his hand and replied quickly.

In the factory, Qin Sansheng personally led several employees to work with Ma Tian to weld the door motor control system. Next to him, Ma Tian specially bought a sliding glass door with a specially designed size.


The solder made bright sparks on the iron, and Ma Tian and Tan Sansheng looked on with sunglasses on.

"Ma Tian, ​​what did you do? Automatically control the gate?" Tan Sansheng asked.

"Yes, that's right, it's the gate." Ma Tian didn't elaborate, but suddenly thought, was this also technology? Can I earn system impact points?

If this can earn system influence points, does every passing employee count as one?

Ma Tian thinks he has a good idea. He will try it out in his own company after making it. If possible, it is not impossible to apply for a patent and set up a production line.

The employees brought by Qin Sansheng were all veterans of welding, and they were welded by Ma Tian within a short time.

Ma Tian plugged the camera into the USB port of the board and connected the board's serial port with a computer to start debugging.

After seeing his avatar data appear on the system node and successfully returning 1 data to the upper layer, Ma Tian knew that he was almost done.

Now you only need to use the board to control the motor system to drive the glass door to push and pull, and you are done.

Two days later, welding was welding, assembly was assembling, and a glass sliding door connecting the circuit boards stood in the factory.

Ma Tian put the circuit board in place, pointed the camera on the instrument in front of the gate, and then let the factory employees who imported the face data pass one by one.

When he saw that the door could be recognized and opened normally and the name was announced, Ma Tian couldn't help but smile on his face.

A group of illiterate employees looked at the door with surprise:

"This door is good, it can open and close by itself, and it can recognize us."

"The boss still has a great brain and can make such high technology!"

Tan Sansheng looked at Ma Tian and couldn't help but admire: "Ma Tian, ​​you are really a genius!"

What he said was true. At that time, Ma Tian brought a board to make the little blue car. Being educated is different. When he goes back, he will let his grandson study hard and be like Ma Tian in the future.

Looking at the face recognition door that was successfully developed, Ma Tian also directly had people load it into a small truck and transport it to his company's address. The installation will begin today.

Then the ladies at the front desk saw their boss, Ma Tian, ​​ordering people to tear down the door.

There was so much noise that people from the company came to watch. However, seeing the big boss Ma Tian, ​​she was a little afraid of being accused of fishing, so Qing Mimi pretended to go to the toilet and went back to share it with her colleagues.

"Come and see, the boss is demolishing the door!"

"Why did the boss tear down the door?"

"I don't know. I saw him using a ruler to measure the door data last week."

In the end, even Li Runqi was attracted. Seeing Ma Tian slovenly directing the decoration, his face was filled with questions:

"Brother Ma, what are you doing?"

Ma Tian glanced at Li Runqi and explained: "I made a face recognition door. From now on, everyone can open the door and check in by swiping their face!"

"Face recognition?" Li Runqi didn't know this concept.

"Well, it's a machine that can recognize you by scanning your face. Just wait, it will be installed soon!" Ma Tian explained briefly.

After watching the factory employees install the door, they were asked to move away, and Li Runqi was the first one to try.

The ladies at the front desk were also looking at it curiously.

Li Runqi followed Ma Tian's instructions and stood in front of the camera.

"Welcome, Ms. Li Runqi!"

An electronic female voice announced, and then Li Runqi saw the glass door open by itself.

"Hey, that's interesting!" Li Runqi's eyes couldn't help but light up, and she walked into the company, and then the glass door closed by itself at a constant speed.

"The recognition machine behind the door is here, you try again!" Ma Tian, ​​who followed Li Runqi in, pointed to an electronic instrument next to the door and said.

"Okay, let me try!"

"Ms. Li Runqi, it's 2:45 in the afternoon. I wish you a pleasant outing!" The electronic female voice sounded in real time, and the glass door opened by itself.

The ladies at the front desk were also surprised when they looked at the new gadgets produced by their company. They suddenly felt that their company was a bit high-end and wanted to take out their mobile phones to take a photo and post it on Weibo.

But Ma Tian was rubbing his face, because he didn't know whether the system influence value had been increased or not. After all, the little blue car has been contributing influence value in the background, and it was beating in the 10s or 20s every time. The gate had just been added. He really doesn’t know if I haven’t added him.

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