My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 105 The Limit Of Talent! (Please Subscribe!)

Yanagi Renji, who was the referee, just opened his eyes!


Selfless State!

He likes data tennis and naturally likes to collect various skills.

Also have a certain understanding of Selfless State!

Judging from Chitose Senri's performance, it seems that he has also explored a certain door, which surprised him very much!

Kitahara Osamu nodded with satisfaction:

"You can appreciate the 'Selfless State' Chitose. It seems that you really like tennis."

"No... Selfless State?"

The competition between the two people was so dazzling and exciting that it actually attracted the attention of many passers-by.

When everyone hears this term, they feel familiar, but for a moment they forget what it is.


One of the audience members suddenly said excitedly:

"I know, I know! Selfless State, isn't that the realm that Echizen Nanjiro has opened in rumors!"

When it comes to Selfless State, you may not know it, but when it comes to Echizen Nanjiro, it’s like thunder!

Tennis myth!

Is it okay to have a realm opened by such a character?

"Unexpectedly, 02, you already know that I know Selfless State!"

Chitose Senri was also a little surprised.

According to Chitose Senri, the number of junior high school students who can open the Selfless State can be counted on one hand, but Kitahara Osamu was able to explain it in one sentence, which surprised him.

“Just let me feel the power of Selfless State.

Chitose Senri heard this and said:

"Then Beiyuan, if you want it, keep an eye on it!"

The words fell.

Chitose Senri threw the tennis ball, jumped up, and fell hard!

This blow was like a cannonball being fired from the air!


“It’s actually Higa Kunita Hitoshi’s serve skill ‘Big Bang’?”

Yanagi Renji was horrified.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Kitahara Osamu caught the ball without any danger, while Chitose Senri had already come to the net. Racquet touched it lightly, and the tennis ball actually rolled gently along the white fabric line of the tennis ball. .

All Rikkai's team members looked at Marui Bunta.

Including Marui Bunta himself, everyone was stunned.

"Marui Bunta, tightrope walker!"

Immediately afterwards.

“Fuji’s Swallow Return!”

“Ishida Gin’s 108-style wave ball!”

The more Marui Bunta looks at it, the more surprised she becomes!

I saw.

Chitose Senri jumped into the air and swung down.

Immediately, the tennis ball tore into pieces and turned into dozens of phantoms that all flew towards Kitahara Shu!

"Fudomine Chief Tachibana Yoshihei's violent ball dance??"

The audience was completely dumbfounded. Chitose Senri, who activated Selfless State, could actually copy the tricks of other players. Is this the horror of Selfless State!

Shitenhouji's Ishida Gin, on the other hand, looked a little serious, because Chitose Senri had never shown his strength so vividly before this game.

It can be said that Chitose is now qualified to compete in national competitions!

Many people saw Chitose Senri using these methods and opened their mouths in disbelief.

"Why did Chitose suddenly master so many skills?"

Someone raised their own questions.

The audience member who first mentioned ‘Selfless State’ explained it to everyone.

"I heard that after the Selfless State is turned on, it does not take action after thinking, but relies on the actual experience of the body to fight back unconsciously, and can use the tricks of other athletes that it has seen. Only those who have surpassed their own limits can Reach this level!"

After saying this, everyone understood.

It turns out that Selfless State has such a perverted effect!

However, what also surprised everyone was Kitahara Osamu.

Because Chitose had just used Higa Middle-School Hitoshi Tian’s big bang serve, Seigaku genius Fuji Syusuke’s Swallow Return, Rikkai Dai Marui Bunta’s secret skill of tightrope walking, but

All of them were easily resolved by Beitahara Osamu.

And this time.

Chitose Senri performed "Ball Ball Dance", and the shadows of the balls flew, all falling towards Kitahara Shu.

This move is Tachibana Yoshihei's signature skill. Among so many ball shadows, only one is a physical tennis ball. If you make a mistake in judgment, you will lose points!

Can Osamu Kitahara still be able to catch it?

I saw that Bei Yuanxiu was still calm and calm.

Because he can even use the ten-ball shot with ease, and a mere wild ball is just a child's play in front of him.

Since there is truth and falsehood, let’s fight them all back!

in a blink.

Kitahara stood up and waved the racquet.

As if it had been accelerated, the racquet drew several beautiful arcs in the air, and the ball's shadow immediately decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Twenty, fifteen, ten, five



There was a crisp sound of hitting the ball, and Osamu Kitahara hit the tennis ball solidly!

The tennis ball drew a long trajectory in the air.

"Holy shit!!"

"The minister is really...too strong."

"How did he do it just now? Did anyone see clearly??"

Everyone was talking about it.

Qianli Chitose watched the tennis ball fall, but had no strength to save it.

Although Selfless State is powerful, it also consumes a lot of physical energy.

He had just used too many skills in a short period of time and exhausted a lot of energy.

I thought I could get back a win with this explosion, but unfortunately I couldn't realize this wish.


Yanagi Renji duly announced the score.

"It's really...surprising..."

Chitose murmured.


Although the series of 730 bombings just now did not achieve any good results, but.

As a strong man, he certainly won't give up casually.

Another layer of radiance seemed to fall on his body. He looked at Kitahara Shu, with a smile on his lips, and said:

"Kitahara Shu, I have to say that you are too powerful, much stronger than I imagined, but..."

"I've just played so many balls with you, and I've basically figured out your game, so..."

"Next, I want to score this point within 43 balls!"


Hearing this sentence, everyone was confused.

Chitose Senri What does this mean?

What does it mean to directly predict how many balls will lead to a score?

Isn’t this a little too outrageous?


This is what Chitose Senri opened, the second door of Selfless State!

The limit of talent!

Different from the limit of understanding through hard work, by using the brain power to rotate rapidly, activate the operation of the mind, rely on the existing data to simulate the game process in an instant, and analyze which ball you can score the fastest, and make an absolute prediction—— ——Predict the number of balls needed for the round.

Of course, this move also has obvious shortcomings. The disadvantage is that the prediction will be invalid once a situation beyond the data occurs, such as one's own five senses being deprived, the opponent hiding his strength, temporarily changing the style of play, using the eye of the heart, it is difficult to know Such as Yin and so on, crack it from the root. .

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