My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 122: Destroy The Five Senses! Echizen Ryoma Is Deprived Of His Senses! (Please Subscribe!)

Although no one believes that Echizen Ryoma can fulfill the big words he just said, but.

Still he couldn't help but start following his racquet and start counting.




Two goals!


Three goals!


Four goals, five goals!

Sure enough, on the fifth goal, the two people had already ended the score!

And obviously, it was Echizen Ryoma who won this point!

The game just now was actually very anxious, but everything was under Echizen Ryoma's calculations. This surprised everyone, and many people asked:

"What the hell is going on? Why can he predict how many balls will end the game?"

"This is really amazing!"

"Yeah, I've basically never seen this kind of thing... Oh, no, no, I discovered that Chitose Senri in Kansai Middle-School seems to be able to do this! It seems to be called What is the limit of brilliance!"

Some knowledgeable people have introduced it:

"Yes, what Echizen Ryoma has shown now is indeed the limit of his talent!"

And this proper noun once again confused everyone.

257 I didn’t expect that watching a game requires so much knowledge.

But my understanding brother will take the trouble to introduce it to you:

"The so-called limit of talent is to activate the operation of the brain through the rapid operation of the brain, simulate the content of the game in an instant, and accurately predict the number of balls required for the round!"

"Obviously, Echizen Ryoma has now started such a state!"

Everyone exclaimed!

"It's really magical!"

Unexpectedly, this boy who is in the first grade of the country has such a high talent. He not only opened the Selfless State, but also opened two doors to my realm!

The ultimate limit of hard work and...

The limit of talent!!

On the field, everyone started cheering for Echizen Ryoma!

After all, it is incredible to achieve such achievements and achieve such effects at such an age!


Seiichi Yukimura was not panicked.

Continue to handle the game calmly.

Ren said worriedly:

"This Echizen Ryoma is really difficult to deal with... Yukimura..."

Bei Yuanxiu shook his head and said:

(acag) "Just watch the game."

After a few minutes passed.

Ryoma successfully won a round against Yukimura.

But... the situation of the battle soon took a turn for the better!

Because, Echizen Ryoma gradually began to make medical errors!

The tennis ball that was supposed to be a sure hit actually flew straight away...

Everyone looked at Echizen Ryoma strangely, but Seiichi Yukimura walked to the net like a god, his eyes quietly passing over Echizen Ryoma's body.

At the same time, memories from a few months ago also appeared in my mind.

He always faints for inexplicable reasons. If Kitahara Osamu hadn't told him that he had a physical illness, he might not be able to stand on the field now!

When he learned in the hospital that he had been diagnosed with the disease, he collapsed.

Because this means that he may never be able to play tennis again!

Tennis is the only thing he trusts in life!

At that time, Kitahara Shu shone like a beam of light in his life. ,

Without him leading the team, Kitahara Osamu led Rikkai University to victory in the Kanto Conference and successfully advanced Rikkai University to the national finals!

Now that he has fully recovered, although he has been relegated to second place, it is necessary for him to score this point for Rikkai University. He must make his own efforts for Rikkai University!

At the same time, he will definitely help Kitahara Osamu to create Rikkai's third consecutive championship!!

The memory ends.

Seiichi Yukimura looked at Echizen Ryoma coldly and said:

"Did you think you were the only one who wanted to win?"

"Do you think you are the only one who likes to play tennis?"

"You think too much. I have experienced nightmares that are much more terrifying than yours, so now that I can return to the competition, I must try my best!"

These words fell into Echizen Ryoma's ears, hitting his nerves like Hong Zhong Da Lu.

What surprised him was not because of these words, but because he found that his sense of touch began to disappear faintly!

Of course, this was all what Seiichi Yukimura expected.

Seiichi Yukimura looked at Echizen Ryoma quietly, looked at his somewhat stiff arms and said:

"Have you started to lose your sense of touch?"

Even the surrounding Seigaku team members began to make worried sounds:

"Hey little one, what's going on with you!"

"Echizen, do you have a question?"

Echizen Ryoma didn't know why, but his body became stiffer and stiffer, and for the next few balls, he was almost unable to hit back normally.

"Damn it..."

Kenichiro Sanada knew that Seiichi Yukimura finally started to take action, and said:

"Yukimura started."

In the court, Echizen Ryoma, who barely stood up, had a bloody nose and some blood flowing out of his chest.

Looking at Seiichi Yukimura's eyes as if he was targeting prey, some people immediately saw the clues and said:

"Seiichi Yukimura's tennis is very scary. Have you forgotten that in the finals of the previous national competitions, all his opponents seemed to have turned into puppets, allowing him to attack?"

"Yes, yes, I've heard of it, but... what's the principle?"

"Idiot, destroy all five senses!! This is Seiichi Yukimura's best tennis!"

"The so-called annihilation sense is to shock the opponent with one's own powerful power, and in the process of the opponent's subtle influence, it makes the opponent feel afraid, thus losing all feelings. Now it is obvious that Echizen Ryoma has lost his sense of touch!"

"Losing touch?? So scary!!!"

In the midst of everyone's discussion.

Echizen Ryoma raised his arms.

But he found that he really couldn't feel the existence of his arm.


He felt that the voices of the people around him began to decrease!!


He's not stupid.

I know it is impossible for the buzz to suddenly decrease.

This is probably because...

My hearing has disappeared!

On stage.

Kitahara Shu looked at Seiichi Yukimura's back, with some appreciation in his eyes.

In the original work, he admired the character of Yukimura very much, and felt that Ryoma's ability to defeat this big boss was simply a forced plot kill.

Today, he wanted to witness with his own eyes that Echizen Ryoma was beheaded by Seiichi Yukimura!

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