My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 124 Seiichi Yukimura Wins! Lonely Glory Version Seiichi Yukimura! (Please Subscribe!)

Inui Sadaharu continues to educate everyone:

"This may be that the power of selflessness is stored deep in the body, and it is released and exploded in some form without waste and in the right amount. It may also be some kind of unexplainable power!"

"While erupting seamlessly, it uses the seamless brilliance to devour the opponent, causing its power to be weakened by the influence and unable to exert its original strength."

"This move has no obvious shortcomings and is one of the three ultimate gates to selflessness!"

Seigaku was not the only one who was shocked.

Everyone present would be surprised to see Echizen Ryoma use this move!

Because this realm, it can be said that no one has opened it in the past few years, or even in the past ten years. It is really too powerful!

At this time, I don’t know who said something.

"This man's name is Echizen Ryoma. He seems to have a father-son relationship with Echizen Nanjiro, the samurai in the legend of "860"! It's true that a tiger father has no dog son!"

"Holy crap, this technology is just like a plug-in. It seems Seiichi Yukimura is helpless."

After such a person said it, more and more people knew that he was the son of Echizen Nanjiro!

No wonder you have such a talent!

And on the field.

Echizen Ryoma, who has opened the limit of seamlessness, has become energetic!

He looked at Seiichi Yukimura, raised his mouth slightly, and said:

"It's really fun to play tennis!"

Seiichi Yukimura was speechless. Could it be said that just because he felt the joy of tennis, he could open this realm?

He could clearly feel that after the other party entered this realm, his strength had improved in all aspects.

And himself who was illuminated by this light was directly weakened!

And other Middle-School people in the stands commented on this phenomenon!

Among them, Fu Jiping from Fudolu Middle-School said:

"I didn't expect that he would actually open up to this realm. He really likes tennis and loves the sport of tennis!"

Atobe Keigo of Hyotei Gakuen said very unhappy:

"I didn't expect that this kid would actually unlock the limit of seamlessness. I haven't unlocked it yet, how could I let him unlock it? Didn't he steal all the limelight from me? It's really abominable!"

Even Rikkai's other main picks don't think Seiichi Yukimura can win Bihei.

And that's exactly what happened.

After unlocking the limit of seamlessness, Echizen Ryoma's ball was too fast, too fast!


So much so that...even the referee can't see clearly whether the tennis ball has landed!

Finally, after repeatedly observing the video through a high-speed camera, I discovered that the tennis ball was really fast and hit the sideline corner of Seiichi Yukimura directly!

The score was scored before anyone could react!

The referee announced the score tremblingly!


Echizen Ryoma, who had tasted the sweetness, was not in a hurry to win the game and slowed down the offensive rhythm a little.

But even so, Seiichi Yukimura still couldn't resist, and the score began to change in the blink of an eye!





Directly catching up to 5.5!

Echizen Nanjiro on the stage watched the game with a smile and said to the people around him:

"Actually, everyone can reach this state. It's just that in the process of growing up, most people choose a boring and conservative style of play in order to win."

Genichiro Sanada guessed that this trick can only be activated if you really like playing tennis, and he felt pain for Seiichi Yukimura in his heart!

After all, Seiichi Yukimura has been pursuing victory all his life, but he ended up like this, which is really disappointing!

However, although others did not believe that Yukimura could turn defeat into victory, Kitahara Shu felt that the competition was not over yet!

"Don't you think Yukimura, who is pursuing victory, is enjoying tennis? Don't you think Yukimura is truly happy? Why does this kind of happiness need to be defined by others?"

Kitahara Osamu said seriously:

"I think Yukimura has a chance to win!"

On the field.

After being tied by Echizen Ryoma consecutively.

And Echizen Ryoma is still provocative:

"Are you feeling happy, Yukimura?"

This sentence is truly the most arrogant!

Unexpectedly, Seiichi Yukimura lowered his head and said calmly:

"Of course, I feel happy..."

"You feel happy??"

Echizen Ryoma frowned..

Seiichi Yukimura continued:

"I feel my desire to win..."

"I also felt the peak of my strength. At the same time, I felt the loneliness after my strength was crushed..."

"So I won't lose this round!"

Every time he said a word, his momentum increased by one point!

After speaking to the end!

The whole person also exudes a very powerful light!

And this kind of light actually rivals the light of Echizen Ryoma, almost without giving in!

This makes everyone’s eyes widen!!

"What the hell is going on here? Why is there such a powerful light coming from his body??!"

"Oh my God, could it be that he...has also opened the limit of seamlessness???"

"No, no, no! You see, although Seiichi Yukimura's light is the same intensity, the color is completely different. There must be a difference!"

"Anyway, this is a force that can compete with Tianyi Seamless!!"

For a while, the audience was chattering and the crowd was full of voices!

The house almost collapsed!

Echizen Ryoma was also confused. He had already forced himself to cheat. He originally thought he would win the game directly, defeat the Son of God, and at the same time prove his strength in front of Kitahara Osamu.


Why has Seiichi Yukimura changed too??

2.8"This seems to be..."

Yanagi Renji noticed the light on Seiichi Yukimura and thought of the light emitted by QP back then.

"This is... lonely glory..."

Kitahara Shu nodded, agreeing with Yanagi Renji's statement.


Seiichi Yukimura was under Echizen Ryoma's seamless and continuous counterattacks. He experienced the pinnacle of his strength, and the loneliness he felt after being crushed after becoming strong!

this moment.

He was covered with the light of his own reserve——the glory of loneliness!

The so-called limit of seamlessness, that is, the radiance of love in the light of reserve, is no different in level from the radiance of loneliness!

Kitahara Shu looked at the radiant Seiichi Yukimura and said:

"Victory, defeat Echizen Ryoma, and get what is rightfully yours, victory!".

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