My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 127 Battle Of Brothers! Osamu Kitahara Vs Tezuka Kunimitsu! (Please Subscribe!)

In fact, Nioh and Yagyu were not surprised that Kikumaru and Oishi started synchronization. After all, they had already demonstrated their strength in this area during the Kanto Conference.

But what surprised them was that they actually mastered how to activate synchronization independently!

If synchronization is a bug, then synchronization that can be turned on independently... is simply a bug among bugs!

There is no way to crack this!

This is because two people who have synchrony enabled share the court's vision and each other's thoughts. They know each other's inner thoughts without saying a word.

Playing like this is tantamount to having the effect of 1+1 being greater than 2!

Looking at the opponent on the field with golden pupils, the duo of Nioh and Yagyu felt a little exhausted.

No matter what.

The game must continue.

With the help of synchronization, Kikumaru and Oishi quickly won several small rounds, and now the score has reached 3:0!

Seeing that the situation on the field was getting worse and worse, Nioh and Yagyu had almost exhausted their energy.

After all, if it is uncontrollable synchronization, then they can delay time, or engage in a war of attrition to consume their physical strength and make them collapse from exhaustion.

Just like at the Kanto Conference.


Now Kikumaru and Oishi have been working together for a long time, and in the past few months, they have carried out targeted training on physical endurance, so!

Even if they use Synchro to play the entire game, they will not pause the game due to exhaustion!

Niou Masaharu still can't help it!

Waving his arms in front of his face!

In an instant, he had transformed into Kitahara Osamu!

He transformed into the strongest person in the team, just hoping to break through at a single point!

When everyone saw that Niou Masaharu could actually transform, they all began to marvel:

"Wow, why do I see that he suddenly changed into a different person? How did he do it? Is it magic?"

"Oh, you are such ignorant people. Haven't you ever watched the games in Kanto? Nioh can change into the appearance of other people, and he can also use other people's unique skills!"

"Nioh is a being who is called doubles! Even though he cannot display 100% of his true strength after changing into this form, it is enough!"

The audience was talking a lot!

The situation on the field was slowly brought back due to the participation of 'Kitahara Osamu'.


After two rounds!

Niou finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Maintaining this disguise all the time is very exhausting, and playing the role of Osamu Kitahara is even more exhausting!

So, after only persisting for two small rounds, it returned to its original appearance!

Without the help of "Kitahara Osamu", their rhythm was interrupted again and again. Everyone at the scene felt that... Seigaku must win!

Including the main candidates on the Youth Academy stage, they all showed confident eyes.

At this time, the eyes of Kitahara Osamu and Tezuka Kunimitsu just passed through the crowds and met through the court.

The two brothers were smiling and seemed to have anticipated the outcome of the game.

The audience is thinking.

Anyway, there is still a final, and after five games, Hacha is what the audience wants to see.

Because for the sake of not being too entertaining, no one wants the three games to end directly.

Moreover, Osamu Kitahara and Tezuka Kunimitsu are two star players, so it doesn't matter who wins or loses in this doubles match.

The rhythm of the competition is carried along by the young students.

The situation will be over soon!


The referee announced:

"The final winner...Youth Academy!"

The audience burst into cheers!

The audience is happy for the efforts of Kikumaru and Oishi, because they represent the highest level of doubles in the country, and these two people are sincere, so they are very popular with the audience.

Nioh and Yagyu, on the other hand, returned to the preparation table with some dejection and said to everyone:

"Sorry, we lost the game!"

However, the family did not blame them.

(acaa) Looking at the whole country, there is probably no one who can win doubles in front of Kikumaru and Oishi!

After all, synchronization is bug's skill!

Kitahara Osamu said:

"It's just that I lost a game. It's nothing. In fact, I still thank you. If you hadn't lost, I wouldn't have had the chance to play an upright game with Tezuka Kunimitsu in a formal game. Leave the rest to me. 11

This sounds...a little weird!


Everyone is relieved!

Everyone in Seigaku welcomed the return of the two doubles. Everyone picked them up and threw them into the sky in celebration:

"Oh! Oh! Win, win, we win!"

Tezuka Kunimitsu is usually calm, but now he was a little excited.

After all, he and Kitahara Shuuqing have a very good relationship with each other as brothers, and they will have discussions in private, but they have never been in contact with each other in a formal competition!

He knows that Beitahara Osamu is very powerful and it should be impossible for him to defeat him, but!

His persistence in tennis is to try his best to defeat his opponent!

You must achieve your own goals!

And his lifelong goal is actually to defeat Kitahara Osamu!

Therefore, no matter what the outcome of this game is, he will try his best to give it a try!

With this belief in mind, he stepped onto the stage.

Not far away from the opposite side, Bei Yuanxiu also slowly stepped onto the court.

Everyone who is paying attention to this game is worried because.

They have been looking forward to this game for a long time. Whoever can win this game will help the team win the championship trophy!

Tachibana Yoshihei from Fudomine in the audience said:

"This game must be a battle between dragons and tigers!"

"I know the strength of these two people. Tezuka Kunimitsu has far exceeded the national level. I heard that he has also pioneered a new technology!"

"Kitahara Osamu is recognized as the number one student in the country. He even surpassed Seiichi Yukimura. I don't know what kind of sparks will come out between these two people!"

Hyotei's Atobe Keigo squinted his eyes and looked at the two people on the stage carefully, as if he wanted to see through them.

He did not achieve good results in the national competition, but it had nothing to do with him. He always felt that his ability could rank among the top in the country!

And Osamu Kitahara and Tezuka Kunimitsu are the people he wants to defeat, so...

He must watch this game carefully!

There was another look, coming from Echizen Nanjiro.

His purpose for coming to this game was determined from the beginning, that is... to observe Kitahara Osamu!

He wanted to see what kind of strength Beihara Xiu had, and if there was anything that could touch him...

Maybe, two people can have ten simple competitions!

He hasn't had this feeling for many years, but when he saw Kitahara Osamu, this feeling came back!

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