My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 139 The Chosen One Vs The Legendary Samurai Nanjiro! (Please Subscribe!)

Everyone's doubts were not explained by Kitahara Shu, and Kitahara Shu didn't bother to tell them that this was the legendary samurai, Echizen Nanjiro.

What’s more, his slovenly and confused look doesn’t look like the legendary samurai to anyone looking at him!

Faced with Echizen Nanjiro's invitation to fight, Kitahara Osamu acted very calmly.

He knows that as the Chosen One, he can be said to be a bug in this world.

And Echizen Nanjiro is the most invincible existence in this world.

It is equivalent to a bug set by the author!

As for the two bugs in this world, which one is more powerful still needs to be touched to find out.

What he said just now meant that he wanted to discuss with himself.

Since he invited the fight, there was no need for him to avoid "April 13".

It is not impossible to play this game.

Just like that, Beitahara Xiu said to the others:

"You win the game, you go back first. I have some things to take care of. I will go over and have a drink with you in the evening!"

Although everyone didn't know why Osamu Kitahara suddenly made an excuse to have something to do, but after seeing the words and deeds of him and Echizen Nanjiro, they vaguely guessed something.

But they didn't want to delve into it.

After all, this is Kitahara Osamu's private matter.

And now that we have won the national competition, we can just have fun and have fun. There is no point in worrying so much.

Just like that, everyone left quickly.

People from other schools also slowly dispersed. There were not many people left in the entire venue, but two people still stayed, and that was...

Tezuka Kunimitsu and Echizen Ryoma!

The reason these two stay is simple.

First of all, Ryoma is the son of Echizen Nanjiro, so he naturally knows his father's strength.

Since childhood, he has always grown up in the shadow of his father.

It was his father who taught him how to play tennis, and it was his father who led him step by step to where he is today.

Although he did not become the national champion in the end, nor did he become the number one single in the country, he did.

His achievements are obvious to all. After all, being able to reach such a point in the first grade of junior high school is really the envy of many people!

But beneath his glamorous appearance, he hid the heartache and pain of being 'completely abused' by his father since he was a child.

Ryoma can honestly say that he is talented.

But every time I faced my father, it felt like I was facing a bottomless abyss.

No matter how hard he works, no matter how hard he studies, every time he makes a little progress and provokes his father, he will find that the opponent's strength has also improved accordingly.

Over time, he also gave up challenging his father.

But unexpectedly, after the game, his father ignored him and sneaked over to the field to communicate with Kitahara Osamu.

As for the content of the communication, you don’t need to think about it. You must be interested in his tennis skills!

At this moment, Ryoma felt a trace of jealousy in her heart, but it was just a trace.

He also knew that Bei Yuanxiu was very strong, and there was nothing he could do about it no matter how jealous he was.

However, he wanted to stay and see what happened. He wanted to see how his father, who had never been defeated, would play a game with Kitahara Osamu.

The reason for Tezuka Kunimitsu is even simpler.

He and Kitahara Osamu are brothers. Since they are brothers, they must pay attention to their brothers' performances.

Moreover, he is also well-known for the tennis legend Echizen Nanjiro, a master who is invincible in the world when he does not take any shots.

In his opinion, Kitahara Osamu is also a very powerful being. He wants to see what kind of sparks there will be after these two people collide.

I only saw Kitahara Osamu and Echizen Nanjiro walking towards a remote woods, and there was an abandoned court in the woods.

They didn't know why they had to run into the woods instead of playing with the good-looking net. Is there any hidden secret?

that's all.

The two followed the two men to the woods.

In fact, Echizen Nanjiro and Kitahara Osamu had noticed someone coming from behind, but they just smiled casually and didn't care at all.

These two people are not outsiders, it doesn't matter even if they meet.

The two people walked into the grove and stood opposite each other.

Osamu Kitahara looked at Echizen Nanjiro, and Echizen Nanjiro looked at Osamu Kitahara. The two of them actually felt a hint of sympathy for each other.

Echizen Nanjiro said to Kitahara Osamu:

"I have to say, you are the most potential opponent I have seen in these years [I have been in professional tennis for so many years and I have never met someone who interests me so much.

Kitahara Shuya had enough of giving Echizen Nanjiro face and said:

"Mr. Nanjiro is a tennis legend. It is fate for both of us that we can compete."

The two people just said a few words and then stood on both sides of the court.

Kitahara Shu asked:

"How should we compete?"

Echizen Nanjiro looked at the surrounding environment and said with a smile:

"How about... let's use this thing to compete."

As he said that, he picked up a branch from the ground.

When Kithara Osamu saw it, he immediately laughed.

"Want to play with branches?"

Echizen Nanjiro said leisurely:

"As long as you have tennis in your heart, you can play with anything."

This kind of free and easy character is quite popular with Kitahara Osamu. When he saw him taking a branch, Kitahara Osamu also picked up a branch from the ground.

The two of them planned to play a different kind of tennis match using tree branches as racquets.

And at this time.

Ryoma and Tezuka Kunimitsu, who were standing on the sidelines looking at the two of them, were a little confused at 3.7!

They didn't know why the two men picked up branches while talking. Could it be that they were going to fight?

Obviously, they were just guessing about the fight. How could it be possible? After all, the atmosphere between the two of them was quite good at this time. They looked like old friends they hadn't seen for many years, and they were chatting and laughing.

A bold idea came up in their hearts, that is...

Do they want to use this thing to play tennis?

This is too nonsense!

Things like twigs have uneven surfaces and no nets to bounce them off of, making it impossible to play tennis with!

Amidst the speculations of these two people, Osamu Kitahara and Echizen Nanjiro on the field were already moving and ready to start the game!

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