My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 150 Beichen Defeats Bismarck! (Please Subscribe!)

On court.

After Bismarck realized the power of that reserved light, within a short period of time, he did recover the situation a little bit, and occasionally was able to score a point.

However, the situation is getting worse.

Because every time he scores a point, the time is getting longer and longer.

At the beginning, it may be three rounds to score one point.

Later, I was able to score one point in ten rounds, but in the end, it was almost a stalemate with dozens of balls, and I couldn't score any points!

This made Bismarck's mood worse and worse, and his face became more and more ugly.

After all, this situation looks very wrong!

It feels like the longer it takes, the greater his disadvantage!

He also discovered at the same time that although he had just experienced the power of the light of reserve to offset Kitahara Osamu's weakening of his tennis skills, after these few balls passed, he found that there seemed to be no way to stop this weakening trend!

Therefore, the game must be decided quickly!

Before you are weakened to a certain level, end the game quickly!

Think of this.

He immediately added 02 to speed up the attacking rhythm!

It can be seen that the speed of tennis becomes faster and the confrontation between two people becomes more intense!

Many people watching the game outside the stadium couldn’t understand and said:

"This is really a strange phenomenon, because Bismarck has never been a player who likes to win games quickly. Like Seyfried, he is a player who likes to drag the game into a protracted battle. Their playing style tends to be conservative. , why now......"

"I don't understand either. Did you know that Bismarck's winning rate in tiebreak battles is 100%! He is recognized as Mr. Tiebreak!!"

"That is to say, as long as he drags the game into the game, he will definitely win. But his current behavior is completely inconsistent with his style. Is there something wrong with this?"

"This is definitely true. If you think about it, he is definitely not a fool. On the contrary, he is a very smart person. Since he has voluntarily given up his advantages and put his main strength on offense, it means there must be a problem. Got it!"

Everyone was talking about it.

What these people were talking about was actually very reasonable. Retru and his perfect quality on the sidelines, Polk and others all nodded.

Kitahara Osamu's devouring ability is really abnormal.

They have only heard of a man named Echizen Ryoga in the United States possessing this ability!

His talent is the ability to constantly devour the opponent's skills, and even make the opponent lose the ability to play tennis forever. It is a very abnormal and terrifying skill.

"Bis must be aware of the loss of his body's strength, so he wants to attack quickly!"

Polk nodded and said in a deep voice:

"His strategy is correct, but it is not easy to win Kithara Osamu quickly.

Coach Retru also sighed and said:

"No matter how hard he works, he can't resist this gap in strength. It's already good that he can show up to this point. How can he easily and quickly attack an opponent that even the ultimate quality QP can't defeat? Winning..."

Everyone's comments reached Bismarck's ears one after another, and Bismarck's mood became increasingly offline.

In his anxious state of mind, he lost points faster, and soon the score reached 5:0.

In the sixth game, they also conceded three goals in a row and were about to lose a clean sheet.

Kirihara Akaya laughed.

"I just said that the minister must be the most powerful, hahaha!"

Seyfried on the side said nothing. After all, he had already expected this outcome.

Kitahara Shu said calmly:

"I know you want to take the game to a tiebreak and that's your advantage."

"But all your thoughts have been penetrated by me a long time ago. I will not give you such a chance."

"So... let's face this failure with dignity."

As he spoke, his attack speed increased crazily, and a tennis ball shining with a very strong light immediately fell down!

This is clearly his...

Light ball and collapse.

The pressure of this tennis ball was so strong that everyone felt unable to lift their heads, as if a small sun appeared in the sky!

Even Bismarck couldn't help but want to avoid it!

But his dignity as the vice-captain of the German team made it impossible for him to escape, so he hit him with a racquet.

The racquet and the tennis ball collided violently, making a violent noise.

And a cloud of smoke and dust erupted in the sky!

After several seconds, the smoke and dust cloud was completely gone.

Everyone only saw that Bismarck's racquet had been destroyed, and there was a huge hole in the field behind him.

The cave was now torn apart and scattered with a lot of stones, as one can imagine.

That ball just now was so powerful!

That is, it is accompanied by this small ball.

The last point of the game finally came to an end, and the competition between Bismarck and Osamu Kitahara ended in a hasty but reasonable manner.

Bismarck showed a few wry smiles.

After all, before the game, although he never thought he would win, he never thought he would lose so miserably!

He thought he could win at least one or two games, but he didn't expect it.

Ling Feng was actually blocked and was completely 123!

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

A genius is indeed a genius!

It's different from them!

The high school students in the German team all have big mouths, like they have an egg stuffed inside them, and they can't close their mouths at all.

After all, before the game, they thought it was impossible for Osamu Kitahara to win, thinking that he was just an ordinary junior high school student, but.

He actually won the competition with Bismarck, and he won by such a big score...

At this time, they finally understood that Osamu Kitahara was not a relative, but a strong man who entered the training camp through strength!

There is no doubt about his strength!

Leitelu said to the people around him:

"You have always doubted Beihara Xiu's strength before. Now you have seen that if anyone is dissatisfied, he can stand up and challenge him. Is there anyone who is dissatisfied?"

Leitru said these words with a smile. None of the high school students or high school students behind him dared to stand up. They all lowered their heads, feeling ashamed of their previous words!

As the saying goes, people cannot be judged by appearance, and sea water cannot be measured. This is what we are talking about now.

Finally, Retru officially announced:

"Kitahara Osamu has officially become a regular member of the national team, and Kirihara Akaya serves as a substitute for junior high school students, participating in training and regular qualifying matches as normal!"

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