My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 152 Friendly Match Between Germany And France! Camus' Purpose! (Please Subscribe!)

Leopold Camus.

Representative of the French U-17 World Cup team and the team's leader!

A revolutionary who can listen to the voice of tennis and swear his love for tennis, holding high the revolutionary banner!

He also has the leadership ability to lead the French team with a distinctive personality. In the story-telling game, he showed a different dimension of intensity than the seamless one.

Some people say that his appearance will change the tennis world in the future, and his original tactics have attracted world attention!

It can be said.

He subtly changed tennis and created a new future at the forefront of the tennis world!

inside the house.

He's still wiping down his racquet in the training room.

at this time.


The door was pushed open.

"who is it?"

Camus turned his head and saw the person coming, and his original anger disappeared.

For no other reason than that, the visitor is a French prince and aristocrat——Prance!

"Prince Pronce...."

Camus said softly:

"I don't know what you want to do when you come here today, prince?"

Prince Pronce put his hands in his pockets and said with a smile on his face:

"Captain Camus, I heard that you have made an appointment for a friendly match with the German team. Is this true?"

Camus was a little surprised.

I just made an appointment with Germany for a training match this morning, and Plann actually knew about it.

So, 530 nodded and said:

"There is such a thing.

"Very good! What I want to say is that this prince also wants to participate in this friendship!

Pronce said "this prince" in his mouth, which showed that he was very impressive.

Although Camus had some objections to his character, in general, he could only endure it.

After all, the other party is indeed a prince of the royal family, so it makes sense that he has these intolerable points in his character.

But he didn't expect that the other party actually wanted to participate in the competition.

But...based on his strength.

It's indeed okay.

After all, he has been able to learn equestrian skills since he was a child. Through training on horseback, he obtained an extremely powerful balance pole, so his tennis skills are also very strong.

Moreover, as a member of the royal family, he has had many tennis teachers teach him since he was a child, so his ability is second to none among his peers.

Even some high school students are no match for him!

Currently, the World Cup rules are being reformed. Not long ago, he took the initiative to join the French U17!

Although I don't like his personality very much, (acdh) his strength does qualify him to enter this training camp.

The reason why I didn't tell him about the training match with Germany was because I didn't want junior high school students to participate in this training match.

Whether junior high school students will ultimately be required to participate is still under discussion.

However, now that he has taken the initiative to make the request, it seems that junior high school students must also be included.

Then, Ruxian opened his mouth and said:

"If you want to participate in a friendly match, I can discuss it with them. However, in the tennis court, tennis has no eyesight. It will be bad if you get injured. Prince, you have to think carefully.

The meaning of this sentence is to remind Plance.

Don't be lawless in court just because you are a prince.

Otherwise, he will have to ask for trouble in the end.

Pronce laughed heartily!

Then he said:

"Isn't it just playing tennis? There's nothing to be afraid of, and I'm ready to show off my skills in world tennis!"

Camus nodded and then said:

"That's good, Prince, there is one more thing that needs to be reminded... that is the final competition format, which may be four high school students and three junior high school students. Your specific position must be obeyed by the security guards. w

Prons waved his hand and said:

"Anyway, let's go about the competition. I will definitely participate in the competition on time. No matter which position I am in, I can do it!"

After saying that, he left

Camus shook his head.

Although he is somewhat dissatisfied with Plance's character, France is indeed lacking a successor!

Especially when he enters the professional arena in the future, he will not be able to take care of the training camp. It is best to train a successor to handle future matters [Master Langs] This is a suitable candidate.

After Plance left, Camus carefully put away the racquet, as if he was afraid of hurting the racquet.


He walked to the phone and made an international call.

The person who answered the phone was no one else.

It’s Retru from the German team!

"Hello? Is this Coach Letru? I think... we should finalize the final plan and let the middle school students also participate in the competition!"

This end.

Coach Retru was a little confused and asked:

"Letting junior high school students participate...isn't it consistent with our previous plan? What's the reason?"

To know.

Under normal circumstances, the rules of competition between national teams will not change after they are set.

Moreover, the reason why we don’t want junior high school students to participate in the competition is because they are afraid that the strength of high school students from various countries will be exposed before the official competition!

But now that the other party's attitude is so firm, there must be some problem.

So, Camus told the story about Prince Pronce. ,

Coach Retru also expressed his understanding.

After all, Prince Pronce, as a member of the royal family, no one dares to disobey what he says, and disobeying him will not do Camus any good.

And for this game, it doesn’t matter even if the junior high school students are moved out. After all, almost everyone in Europe now knows that Osamu Kitahara has joined the German team!

The two went to discuss it for a while, and the group finally ended the call.

In this way, the game between France and Germany is completely decided!

After Camus hung up the phone, there was a hint of fighting intent in his eyes.

"Germany team... Let me start with this friendly match and let you see our France's... progress..."

Yes, this friendly match was proposed by Camus!

His purpose is simple.

It is through defeating Germany that we can prove it to Germany, the overlord, and even to the entire world.

French team.

We are bound to win this U17 World Cup in Australia!

other end.


After hanging up the phone, Retru called all the regular players over and said:

"Camus of the French team is going to play a friendly match with us...How could I not know this guy's thoughts? He wants to use us Germany as a stepping stone, but he doesn't know that we are just using him for training."

"Everything is ready. In a few days, we will fly to France to participate in the competition!"


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