My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 155: Prons Was Immediately Confused! Zero Serve And Zero Return! (Please Subscribe!)

After the two people stood on the field, everyone became a little more serious.

After all, this is not an ordinary game, it is a game between junior high school students and junior high school students!

On one side is the No. 1 French junior high school student.

On one side is the European Championship champion and the man who broke the record!

Camus looked at Kitahara Osamu on the playing field, with some appreciation in his eyes, and then said:

"Do you know anything about Kitahara Osamu?"

Dimodidi Moro said:

"The European Championship champion, I've seen it in the newspaper before."

Camus added:

"The more detailed content is that he was very popular at the time."

"After the European Championship, he won the championship and broke many records. Teams across Europe wanted to recruit him, but no one knew where his position was. Later, I accidentally heard that he was in In Japan, we also sent some people to check, but in the end they returned without success."

"Later, no one could be found, and many people, including those in our country, gradually gave up looking for him. Unexpectedly, he appeared in Germany!"

"What happened during this period? I can't judge, but we can judge that the German team must have spent a lot of effort to bring him in!"

"I'm very curious now. What kind of abilities does this genius who surprised the whole of Europe have? Can he compete with Plans? If he doesn't even have the strength to overpower Plans, then he We were wasting our time before!"

What everyone is talking about is the truth.

It was Kitahara Osamu who got the right to serve.

Kitahara Osamu did not serve in a hurry, but threw the tennis ball into the sky a few times. His movements were very leisurely, as if he was having fun, and it did not look like a game at all.

This action made Prons very unhappy!

In addition, he already had a problem with Kitahara Osamu, but now he felt that Kitahara Osamu's expression was so contemptuous, so he just shouted:

"You guy, do you think you can beat me? I hope you can prepare tissues, otherwise you won't even know how to cry later!"

Kitahara Shu smiled.

He said to Pronce:

"I'm really looking forward to your next performance. How strong are your methods to have such confidence to speak?"


Under the watchful eye of Plance.

He raised the tennis ball.


There was a 'bang' sound.

With Kitahara Osamu's racquet swing, the tennis ball rushed out like a bullet!

Then Pronce on the opposite side also reacted very quickly. He quickly predicted the landing point of the tennis ball, and said with a faint smile on his lips:

"Stop pretending to be this fast in front of me, okay?!"


His racquet was swung out, and the moment he went out to shoot, he couldn't feel any impact!

He lowered his head.

The scene he saw made him completely confused.

Because the tennis ball actually rolled slowly on the ground and did not bounce up!

This, this, this...

Pronce was really confused.

He has never seen or heard of this kind of serve!


It’s not another serve, it’s the Zero serve!!

Although Plance didn't know it, Camus certainly saw it clearly.

After they saw it, they all showed surprised expressions!

Moro exclaimed directly:

"Did I read that correctly? This actually...Zero...serve??"

Type Zero serve, the ball will not bounce after landing!

This ball requires very high rotation and requires very high tennis skills. Most people cannot serve it. Even professional players find it difficult to serve this ball!


Osamu Kitahara actually scored the first goal in the first round.

This is the technology used!

It really makes them feel incredible!

Without too much surprise, the referee had already announced the score:

"0:15. Osamu Kitahara scores!"

Kitahara Shu scored, and when he saw this little prince, he was stunned and said with a smile:

"Why don't you catch the ball?"

Plance swallowed.

He couldn't believe that he actually had such skills. It wasn't that he didn't catch the ball, but that he had no way to fight back!

The French team members were discussing silently behind the scenes;

"This Kitahara Osamu really has something, he can even hit the Zero Serve! Just from this ball, you can already see that he has extraordinary strength!"

My German team started laughing.

They knew that Xiu Beihara had never paid attention to Plance from the beginning to the end.

I just wanted to have some fun, but I didn’t expect that I gave the opponent a blow at the beginning and let the opponent take the opportunity, which was a refutation of his face!

"How abominable!"

Prince Pronce cursed harshly.

There was really no way to defend this kind of serve. In the end, Kitahara Osamu sent several Zero-type serves in succession and successfully won the first game.

After losing the first game.

Pronce was silent.

He didn't expect that he would lose the first game so quickly!

But he also has some strength. It can be seen that this ball requires very high demands on the wrist and cannot be served many times, so I said:

"Huh! You served so many tennis balls like this in the first game. Don't you want to keep playing at your best next time? That kind of skill should be very demanding, right?"

Hearing this, Beihara Xiu just nodded. road:

"You are really powerful, Prince Prongs, you actually know that this person can use tricks! It seems that you do have some strength."

After hearing these words, Plance thought that Kitahara Osamu was really complimenting him, and actually said proudly:

"Huh! You're not blind yet!"

Hearing this sentence, Kirihara Akaya almost couldn't help laughing.

Others don't know it, Kirihara Akaya doesn't know it yet, but Kitahara's training is in the irony city (Nuo Zhaohao).

Plance’s understanding of Kitahara Osamu is absolutely zero!


Arrived at Plance's serve station.

Prance was slightly relieved.

Because if it's your turn to serve, there won't be that kind of tennis situation where you can't fight back!

He quickly threw the tennis ball up, and then, after reaching the highest point on the tennis ball and reaching the desired height, he swung out the racquet!


The tennis ball flew out.

But, soon, something unexpected happened.

He found that the tennis ball he took out, Kitahara Shu actually came back lightly.

That’s all.

However, something even more amazing happened to him. After being picked up by Kitahara Osamu, the tennis ball fell to the ground. He continued to subconsciously want to catch it, but he found that the tennis ball was missing.

It actually rolled on the ground!!!

"What the hell is going on?!"

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