My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 158: Fierce Horse? ! Tame! Fighting! ! (Please Subscribe!)

Since Kitahara Osamu agreed to compete with him on horseback, it was hard for others to say anything more. After all, this was Kitahara Osamu's right.

Moreover, they actually believed in Beitahara Shu's strength, but they were just worried that he would make a mistake and get hurt.

But since he has the courage to ride a horse and compete, it means that he also has a certain confidence.

Otherwise, how could a normal person agree to such a competition so easily?

Plance couldn't wait to torture Beitahara Shu, so he said:

"Hurry up and choose a horse. There are so many horses here, you can choose whatever you want!"

Kitahara Osamu took one last brief glance at the horses around him.

I saw a black horse that was eating grass and seemed quite docile, so I pointed to the black horse and said:

"Then I'll ride that horse!"

When Pronce saw the horse, he immediately smiled, and laughed out loud.

Because that horse is none other than the most powerful horse in the entire manor!

This horse has never obeyed discipline, so it was left alone to graze. Although it looks docile, it actually has a stubborn donkey-like character!

No matter how the animal trainer controls it, 02 cannot make it surrender.

Kitahara Osamu unexpectedly adjusted this one by chance. Isn't this asking for death?

He will fall without even having to do it himself!

So he said:

"Come here, pull that horse out for me!"

Then, several animal trainers opened the door. As soon as the door was opened, the horse immediately became restless and jumped crazily!

This scene really shocked the people around it, because it didn't look like a rideable horse, it was obviously a wild horse!

Kitahara Osamu was also slightly surprised, but he was not worried.

After being led out immediately, Kithara Xiu glanced at it, and then took the rope from the trainer's hand.

The animal trainer reminded:

"Don't get hurt, there's something wrong with this horse's character!"

Kitahara Shu shook his head and said:

"Your actions are too rough, so the horse feels uncomfortable.

He gently touched the horse's head, and something surprising happened.

This horse suddenly stopped jumping!

Instead, it’s like he suddenly became docile!

This completely different contrast shocked everyone!

"What...what's going on? Why does this horse seem to be so docile all of a sudden?"

"Can anyone explain to me why this is?"

"I don't know! It's really amazing!!"

Some people even doubted whether Beitahara Osamu and these four horses knew each other from the beginning.

Otherwise, how could you have just obeyed the orders and behaved as soon as you saw him? This is really outrageous!

But everyone knows that this is impossible.

There's no way they've known each other before!

Prons had raised this horse since he was a child, and Kitahara was only on his first day in France...

So why is this?

Camus of the French team shook his head and said:

"How could something like this still happen..."

Everyone in the German team also didn't understand. Kirihara Akaya couldn't understand it at all. He had never seen any connection between Osamu Kitahara and the horse.

Coach Retru has his own understanding.

QP asked:

"Why did that fierce horse stop after seeing Beitahara Shu?"

Retru said:

"This...maybe it's because of the momentum!"

"A person's momentum determines a person's status. Humans are actually also animals, and there is a hierarchy gap between animals!"

"Just like a mouse will immediately freeze or run away when it encounters a cat, a rabbit will immediately surrender when it encounters a tiger, and when the horse meets Kitahara Osamu, it will be like seeing a boss, so Only then will you choose to obey."

After such an explanation, everyone felt that it was indeed reasonable.

After all, if this were not the case, then it would be impossible for this horse to surrender to Kitahara Shu!

Not only were the people around him shocked, but Prons was also extremely different!

It’s not that he didn’t try to tame that horse, he tried at least ten times, but failed every time!

I even fell off the horse once and almost got injured!

That is to say, he never tried it again after that time.

He once thought that it was absolutely impossible for this horse to be controlled by anyone, but.

Why did Osamu Kitahara control it in an instant? It was so outrageous!

Could it be that this guy has any special abilities?!

Thinking of this, he shook his head in disbelief.

Then Beihara Xiu jumped up and jumped on the back of the black horse.

Finally, I waved the racquet around and thought it was OK, so the two of them led the horse to the court.

This weird scene quickly attracted the attention of people around!

Passers-by all around saw that there were actually two people riding horses and standing on the court!

They said in surprise:

"What are they doing? They are riding a horse and holding a racquet. Are they playing tennis?"

"How is that possible? How can you play tennis while riding a horse?"

"Then why are they standing on the court and giving him back his racquet? If it's not to play tennis, then what on earth does he want to do?"

"If we are not playing tennis, why are we playing games?"

This scene is really surprising.

No one ever thought that someone could play tennis on a horse!

What Prons said to Kitahara Osamu:

"Kitahara Osamu, I will give you one last chance to regret it. I will not be merciful next time. If you give in now, then we can cancel the game!"

Beihara Xiu smiled and said:

"Stop talking nonsense. What I'm worried about now is that you won't make demands after losing this time, right?"


Pronce snorted coldly, and then said:

"Don't worry, if I still lose to you this time, I won't say any more nonsense!"

This time.

It can be said that everyone is witnessing it.

There can be no regrets.

The competition is about to begin.

After guessing first.

It was Prons who took the lead in serving!

Pronce threw the tennis ball up, and the tennis ball flew into the sky. After reaching the highest point, it slowly fell.

When he reached his desired height, Plance directly swung the racquet!


This shot was pretty good.

Riding on horseback is as smooth as if you were riding on flat ground!

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