My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 75 Hussein: "It's A Matter Of Life And Death! Beihara Xiu!" (Please Subscribe

With the blessing of the mad bull's breath.

Rahman obviously feels that he is qualified to compete with perfect quality.

However, QP obviously did not pay attention to this stupid big man.

after all.

This guy didn't pose a substantial threat to himself, and he just barely entered the world class. In official competitions, he might not even be qualified to stand with him.

Seeing that QP turned a deaf ear to his words, Rahman grabbed the tennis ball and said fiercely:

"Then go to hell!"


Rahman threw the tennis ball, and his swing was not like playing tennis, but more like throwing a shot put.


All the huge power was poured into the tennis ball, and the tennis ball really turned into a rampaging wild animal.

This ball is an order of magnitude stronger than all the balls launched by Rahman before!

Before the ball arrives, the wind arrives first.

A hint of wind blew QP's hair.

QP clenched the racquet tightly with five fingers, without showing any light.


When the tennis ball landed on QP's racquet, QP's arm retreated a few centimeters.

This ball did make QP feel a little bit more pressure, but only a little bit.

Rahman felt like he was facing an enemy.

He has such a majestic body and the ball he hits is so heavy, but he can't force even a reserved light from QP?

behind the screen.

Hussein, who had been watching the game, was a little angry.

He felt that it was okay for Cam to be useless.

Why is Rahman such a loser?

Is it possible that you really want Alamenoma to lose points?

Kitahara Osamu watched the game boredly.

He is very aware of QP's strength.

The reason why this kind of flawless tennis technique can be called "Flawless" is because his various indicators under normal conditions are extremely high.

Although it seems that there is a huge size difference between the two, in fact, in terms of strength, QP even beats Rahman.

This is also why QP can handle Rahman so easily.

The serve just now failed to achieve results, which directly made Rahman feel quite cold.

The next return was full of loopholes, and the serve game was quickly lost.

In the second game, it was QP's turn to serve.

QP is extremely fast and the angle of the tennis ball he plays is extremely tricky.

Rahman is best at strength, but weak in speed, so he was directly taken away by four aces.

At this point in the game, many of the Alamenoma players who were watching felt that something was wrong.

The overall game is already 2-1. If this game is also lost, the score will be rewritten to 3-1.

Alamenoma loses!

If Osamu Kitahara and the others had not forfeited one game, they would have been 3-0, which would have been embarrassing to their grandma's house.

At this moment!

Waves of cold breath came!

This aura was so cold that it seemed to be substantial, so that people around him could feel it and turn around to look.

A tall, slender man wearing a black and gold cloak walked slowly over.

When all the men in black robes saw him, they immediately lowered their heads, and the gap between their superiority and inferiority was immediately revealed.

Kitahara Osamu and others naturally noticed it.

Throughout the training camp, everyone was wearing pure black cloaks, but this guy was the only one wearing black and gold, and the people around him were so awe-inspiring towards him.

"Presumably, he is Hussein."

Bei Yuan practiced Taoism.

So many attacks that have occurred around the world were instigated by Kam, Rahman and Hussein.

These three people were headed by Hussein, that is to say.

Hussein is the worst of the worst, the best of bastards!

"His aura is really unusual."

Tezuka frowned slightly.

The cold aura emanating from Hussein's body made him feel a little uncomfortable all over.

Rahman, who was playing, also noticed Hussain coming out and knew that Hussain must not be satisfied with his performance.

However, the gap in hard power between him and QP is here, and it cannot change the outcome of the game no matter what.

The score slowly changed like this.





QP won five games without any pressure, while Rahman was sweating profusely, with sweat flowing from every pore on his body.

In the sixth game of the deciding game, QP scored consecutively again!





Just when he was about to score the last point of the game.


For some unknown reason, a sharp, ear-piercing, horrifying, and blood-curdling scream suddenly came from his brain!

This scream.

It's like a female ghost howling hysterically!

Like a wild beast neighing before it dies!

It's like all the suppressed emotions in the world are released in an instant!

In short, ordinary people will feel miserable even if they hear the slightest bit of it, and never want to experience this feeling again!

QP was shocked and lost the point without having time to catch the ball.


Echizen Ryoga saw that the game was going smoothly, and QP had just tended to seal the game directly. How could he suddenly make a stupid mistake that he shouldn't have made?

I saw that QP's eyes gradually shifted from Rahman to Hussein.

He had reason to suspect that a master had just used some kind of mental interference method, which affected his performance.

And in Ala Menoma, there is probably no one else who has the ability to do this except this mysterious Hussein.

Of course, Rahman could feel that Hussein was secretly helping him, and he immediately became energetic.

He feels that with Hussein's support, defeating QP is just a matter of time!


He just continues to serve!

Off the field.

Beitahara Xiu shook his head slightly.

It seems that there is no point in talking about rules with these garbage people who have no moral baseline.

Just when Rahman hit a ball, the weird scream began to sound in his mind again. QP suddenly discovered that the scream stopped abruptly just after it was sent out.

at the same time.

Hussein on the side seemed to realize something.

His eyes swept over the surrounding bodies one by one, and finally settled on Beitahara Xiu.

Beiyuan Xiuyan smiled and looked directly at Hussein.

From the perspective of Hussein and Kitahara Osamu, Hussein can't help but exude black sound waves, and the target of these sound waves is QP.

And this wave of sound was all blocked by a mottled light barrier, unable to get in at all.

Yes, that is Bei Yuanxiu's chosen god realm!

This field can block Hussein's little tricks.

not only that.

The light barrier suddenly glowed, its intensity increased more than ten times than before. The black sound wave was suddenly dispersed, and even backfired on Hussein!!

Hussein was shocked. He was knocked back two steps by this blow.

The spiritual attainments of these two people are also different.

Beiyuan hadn't finished practicing yet, and his spiritual thoughts moved slightly.

The ball hit by QP was projected by mental power and instantly turned into a ball of light wrapped in magma!

Rahman’s eyes moved greatly!

"What's this!"

Without any reaction, it concentrated directly on his chest!


Rahman screamed strangely.

He fell directly to the ground.

QP turned his head and glanced at Kitahara Osamu, knowing that Kitahara Osamu had used some means inside, and the ball was naturally just hit and swallowed.

Rahman was confused and wanted to stand up, but... found his strength...

All gone!

"how come……………"

His strength at this time could not even support his huge physique!

Echizen Ryoga saw this and said in surprise:

"You just...completely devoured that person's...physical gifts?!"

Kitahara Shu's five slender fingers were tapping regularly on the armrests of the seat. His calm and calm posture had already said everything.

Ryoga gasped!

Damn it!

This kind of devouring is too strong!

Although he also has the ability to devour, but!

Compared with Kitahara Osamu, there are two things that are completely incomparable.

First of all, one's own devouring can only devour the opponent's tennis abilities, such as tennis skills, ball control, etc...

As for Kitahara Osamu's swallowing, in addition to these, he can also swallow the opponent's physical talents!!

Second point.

One's own devouring must go through several devourings before quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, permanently depriving the opponent of his skills.

Where is Osamu Kitahara?

He can directly and permanently devour the opponent's ability in one go!

It can be said that his own devouring is really dwarfed by Bei Yuanxiu's devouring.

"why why!!!"

Rahman, who had lost his physical talent, shouted at the top of his lungs. However, his strength was no different from that of an ordinary person, and he could not even walk on his own!

Because his strength can no longer support his huge weight!

When Hussein saw this, there was a trace of deep fear in his eyes!

Kitahara Osamu stood up slowly, walked to QP leisurely, and said to Hussein:

"Looking at it this way... we have completely defeated Alamenoma..."

"Can I announce that Alamenoma's points have been reduced?"

"If nothing happens... Alamenoma, which is not ranked high, will miss this year's World Cup if it loses these three points..."

Hussein was furious at Kitahara Osamu's words.

Because, in just a few games, two of Alamenoma's three masters were eliminated!

In fact, three World Cup points were deducted!

It can be said that these four guys, single-handedly, almost completely destroyed Alamenoma’s tennis team!!

Among these four people, the one who caused the greatest harm to Alamenoma was undoubtedly Kitahara Osamu.

Therefore, Hussein, full of anger, decided to do nothing without stopping.

Today, we must completely destroy these four people, just like destroying other geniuses!

Hussein waved his hand.

The hundreds of players around 867 immediately understood what Hussein meant.

Instantly, these people started singing!

And the song that was being sung was the same song that attacked Kirihaya and the others that day!

These songs still sound so harsh and penetrating, making people feel depressed and painful from the bottom of their hearts!

Moreover, since hundreds of people are chanting at the same time, the power is doubled.

Tezuka, Ryoga, and OPE people stopped their ears at the same time!

Hussein seemed to feel that these people would definitely turn into idiots under the mental attack, so he turned around coldly and left:

"Enjoy the last half minute of being a normal human being."


He just took two steps.

There was an explosion right next to him. Hussein looked at it in horror. There seemed to be a crater on the spot.

Kitahara Osamu was still holding a few tennis balls in his hand, with a playful smile on his face, but in the next second he had thrown all the tennis balls.

The racquet waved, and seven or eight tennis balls came out.

Golden light shot out in all directions, hitting the surrounding areas.

At the same time, screams were heard.

Each tennis ball produced as much power as a grenade, and in the blink of an eye, all the minions were wiped out.

Some people fainted, while others still had some consciousness and kept moaning.

Coupled with the bombed and devastated ground...

All I can say is, shocking!

Hussein was in disbelief.

Faced with the spiritual curse song cast by so many people, how could Osamu Kitahara remain unharmed and still be able to fight back and knock everyone down?

Kitahara Osamu looked at Hussein who had become a loner with a smile, and said with interest:

"Hussein, I can give you two choices now."

“First, destroy yourself and promise never to organize your men to attack players from other countries again.

"Secondly, if you persist in your stubbornness and resist in any corner, I will personally take action and destroy you!"

Hussein was already at the end of his rope, since he had been forced to a dead end.

After all, two of the three masters are missing.

All the new players in the training camp were seriously injured. It can be said that Alamenoma's tennis has been broken!!!

"Then why don't I start this final battle with you!!"

Hussein raised his arms and roared, like an evil ghost who was always asking for his life!

"Kitahara Osamu! This battle is not only about superiority and inferiority, but also about life and death!"

A cold light flashed in Beitahara Xiu's eyes:

"Even if it's a matter of superiority or inferiority, it means life or death!".

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