My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 77 Destruction! Four People Destroyed A Country, Hussein Collapsed And Went Crazy (Please Su

Hussein couldn't believe it when he said the words "dark realm".

Such a thing as a domain is not something that ordinary people can have!

You must know that anyone who can create his own field has extremely high attainments in a certain direction of tennis.

For example, the Tezuka Realm created by Tezuka Kunimitsu, and the 'Supreme Realm' formed by combining the Tezuka Realm with the Tezuka Phantom.


Even though Tezuka's supreme realm is amazing, it can only create realms around himself.

However, the field that Osamu Kitahara has shown now is that he can directly drag his opponent into the field. This is completely incomparable!

"Serve me!"

Beihara Xiu looked at the panicked Hussein and gave a light drink.

Hussein gritted his teeth. After being dragged into this field, he felt that his whole body began to feel weak and weak, as if every time he took a breath, his nerves would be paralyzed.

He reluctantly took out a tennis ball and wanted to serve Beitahara.



The tennis ball that is sent out is weak and weak, where is the momentum from before?

"My strength has been weakened so much?!"

Waves of surprise shook Hussein's heart.

And his tennis ball was easily picked up by Kitahara Osamu without any doubt.

"In my domain, I am the master, and you are the prey waiting to be slaughtered!"

On the last ball, a ray of light flashed.

Kitahara Osamu directly bombarded Hussein!

Hussein was unconscious and felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and the smell of blood spread in his mouth.

And at this time.

Off the field.

The moment Kitahara Shu opened the dark realm.

The court suddenly became empty, and the figures of Kitahara Osamu and Hussein also disappeared from their original positions!

Instead, there are two black holes!

It was as if the space originally occupied by the two people had been poached directly!


The tennis ball can actually be observed normally.

The tennis ball sent from Hussein's side either could not pass the net directly, or it was hit back by a magical force as soon as it passed, and then directly lost points.

This bizarre and shocking scene shocked both Ryoga and OP.

"What the hell is going on here? Where are they?"

Ryoga expressed surprise.

A good person would actually disappear from the venue.


If you don't see this with your own eyes, you will definitely be laughed at by others if you tell it.

QP is the ace player at the German Tennis Elite Training Camp, so after hearing Coach Retru say something about fantasy tennis, he said:

"667In fact, according to the classification of tennis in our training camp, tennis skills can be roughly divided into the following three stages."

"The first stage is called [Elementary Physics Tennis]. Tennis at this stage can be explained by physical motion trajectories."

"When tennis skills become more and more sophisticated and you can perform some extraordinary skills, this is the second stage. We call it [Medium Magic Tennis], that is, there is a mental attack tennis similar to magic."

"When tennis skills reach a certain level, where you can do whatever you want without breaking the rules, it is called [Advanced Fantasy Tennis]. Tennis skills at this stage can no longer be explained by principles, and have completely entered the realm of fantasy, which is beyond The limits of the human body!”

Echizen Ryoga and Tezuka Kunimitsu listened with rapt attention.

I didn't expect that the tennis theory would be so detailed. It is worthy of being a German elite training camp.

Ryoga said tentatively:

"So, Kitahara Osamu is... now in a fantasy tennis situation?"

QP nodded and said:

"If you guessed correctly, this should be some kind of field belonging to Kitahara Shu. This field is the same as the light of reserve. Opponents entering the field will have their own abilities greatly weakened, while Kitahara Shu's abilities will be greatly weakened. The ground strengthened.

The words just fell.

The two spaces that turned into nothingness suddenly recovered again.

Hussein also fell to the ground, panting.

Kitahara Osamu looked at Hussein like a dead dog and said:

"The number one master of Alamenoma has this kind of virtue?"

I have to say that Osamu Beihara didn't find it interesting.

He was disappointed by Hussein's strength.

Hussein got up from the ground, and a pair of cold eyes like poisonous snakes emerged from the eye holes of the mask, revealing a malicious light.


He suddenly took off his mask!

And his true face was completely exposed to everyone.

What kind of face is this?

The face is shriveled, as dry as a skull, with bloodless skin sticking to the skull, the eye sockets are deeply sunken, and the eye circles and lips are dark!

His expression revealed raging anger, as if he wanted to eat Kitahara Shusheng alive.

This weird face, coupled with this expression, really looks like an evil spirit coming out of the area!

"Do you really want to see hell?"


Hussein opened his mouth and let out a neigh!


Behind him, a ghost with disheveled hair appeared!

It is spewing black mist all over its body, its face is hideous and terrifying, its eyes are bleeding, and just looking at it can make you suffocate!


Echizen Ryoga saw this and said:

"Another dimension?"

QP said:

"Yes...this is Hussein's other dimension."

Tezuka saw how disgusting Hussein's other dimension was and sighed:

"No wonder everyone who has competed with Hussein has gone crazy. Fighting against this kind of different dimension would have to be crazy..."

QP's observation skills are the most sensitive. When he saw this scene, he said:

"Those who go crazy are not necessarily scared by this weird dimension."

"You're not scared? Then..."

Just when Ryoga felt that he couldn't figure it out.

Hussein raised his hands again and neighed at Beitahara Shu!


At the same time, the weird-dimensional ghost also opened its mouth and screamed!

And with this sound, even QP and others who were more than ten meters apart, their brains felt as if they were about to burst!

"Cover your ears!"

QP quickly reminded, and the three people immediately danced their ears tightly.

Everyone knows that Alamenoma likes to use weird chants to attack the opponent's spirit.

In these few games, no one has ever used this trick.

Unexpectedly, Hussein had always reserved this move and only used it at this juncture.

I have to say that Hussein's mental blow was much more severe than those of ordinary minions!

It was just a scream, and the scream was like a scalpel, piercing directly into his head, causing him to almost faint from the pain.


Something even more shocking happened to QP and others.

They found out.

Cover your ears......

It’s useless!

Yes, it’s just useless!

They thought that by covering their ears, they could avoid the stimulation of sound waves, but after they covered their ears, the stimulation of their brains showed no tendency to slow down!

"Not sonic!"

QP made a judgment immediately.

At this time, Kitahara Osamu's voice came to my ears:

"Hurry up and run away now. This guy is indeed not attacking with sound waves, but...brain waves!

QP and others received the reminder and quickly ran towards the distance.

Sure enough, as the distance became farther, the pain in the brain became less and less.

They didn't stop until they reached a point where the pain was acceptable.

At this time, looking back, Kitahara Osamu and Hussein had turned into two small black spots.

"How is this ability... achieved?"

Ryoga expressed confusion.

Hussein is indeed the number one master of Alamenoma. His singing method is different from everyone else's, and his attack method is also fundamentally different from everyone else's.

In the case of sound waves, Kitahara Shu can extinguish the five senses and directly swallow his own hearing, so that the sound waves cannot affect him.

But as for brain waves...

Then there is no way to prevent reception!

"Do you remember that I said before that Hussein never left Alamenoma? There are also rumors that this land can provide Hussein with strength."

QP came up with a bold conjecture.

"This is a desert area, and the magnetic field is very chaotic. It may be that Hussein has some talent that resonates with the magnetic field and strengthens his brain waves, so he can release such weird skills.

Ryoga patted his chest and said:

"It's no wonder (acch), it's the magnetic field of this land that gives him strength and gives him world-class abilities. Otherwise, if he was really that strong, he would have gone to compete in the world arena long ago instead of He should be hiding in such a ghostly place.


Tezuka looked at the court in the distance.

The competition is still going on, can Kitahara Osamu...can handle it?

On the field.

Hussein uses all his tricks!

This move, 'Ghost Scream', defeated several world-class masters, and even shocked them into insanity!

He didn't believe that Beihara Xiu could still withstand it!

Since he first felt the magnetic field of this land, he has been constantly trying to communicate with it, and his attempts have been responded to.

His brain waves are continuously strengthened in the process of communicating with the magnetic field, so powerful that he can use the magnetic field to strengthen his brain waves dozens of times!

Under such a powerful radio wave attack, no matter how powerful the opponent is, his spirit will be completely destroyed!

This is why Hussein is so powerful!


After Hussein commanded the ghosts and gods to scream, even the few people watching the battle were so frightened that they ran away. Kitahara Shu in the radio center

Why are you still standing there like nothing happened?

Is it because the intensity is not enough?

The ghost from another dimension let out a scream again.

The interweaving of radio waves and sound waves is far better than that time just now!


Still okay??

Hussein looked at the relaxed and understated Kitahara Osamu opposite him, took a step back as if he had seen a ghost, and said:

" are a human or a ghost!"

Kitahara Osamu shook his head, looked at Hussein's ugly face, and said:

"Shouldn't I ask you this question..."

"The talent of being able to communicate with the magnetic field is indeed good... However, you abused this power too much and suffered backlash. Your voice and face all changed, and you became this person who is neither human nor ghost, just for the sake of gaining A little strength....

"Do you's worth it?"

This sentence seemed to hit Hussein's pain point. Hussein said with a gloomy face:

"This has nothing to do with you. I'm just curious now, how are you immune to my brain waves?"

Beitahara Xiu clasped his fingers and said lightly:

"I am not very talented, but I can also communicate with the magnetic field a little bit, so

...Your brain waves can't hurt me.

Finished this sentence.

Hussein shouted:

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I am the only one in the world who possesses this ability!"

Kitahara Shu raised his eyebrows:

"Do not believe?"

He had a thought in his mind.

A brainwave hit Hussein's brain!

A twinge of pain came.

Hussein covered his head.

Of course, this pain only existed for a moment, and it was a sign of Kithara Shu proving his ability.


It was this small move that convinced Hussein that Kitahara Osamu had indeed mastered this ability.

"Tell did you master this ability...!"

Kitahara Shu replied without saltiness:

"I just played a few balls with you, and I just realized it."

Yes, as a tennis player, Osamu Kitahara can copy his opponent's physical talent.

There is something about Hussein's brain structure that is different from normal people, so he has the ability to communicate with magnetic fields. This is a physical talent.

Therefore, Beitahara Shu could easily copy this ability.

Through the influence of the magnetic field, his brain waves can become equally strong, so he can resist Hussein's ability.

Hussein heard this.

A face suddenly turned pale.

The racquet fell from his hand, and his eyes immediately collapsed!

"No... no... impossible..."

You know, in order to control this power, he stayed in this desolate place for many years, almost wiping out his humanity.

Moreover, after long-term communication and training with the magnetic field, he also suffered the backlash of the magnetic field, so his physical and emotional health was very poor.

The mental state is also on the verge of abnormality!

But what about Kitahara Osamu.

After just playing a few balls, I have mastered this power, and it has reached the point where I can compete with myself, or even surpass myself...

This made Hussein’s mentality explode!!

Doubt life!!

Doubt everything in this world!!



"You also mastered this power... You mastered this power in just a few balls, hahahaha!!"


Hussein laughed like crazy and danced.

Unconsciously, QP, Tezuka, and Ryoga all came closer.

Seeing Hussein's appearance, QP shook his head and said:

"He's gone crazy."

Ryoga began to feel relieved when he saw Hussein, the actual leader of U17 and the leader of attacks around the world, completely transformed into a mentally disturbed patient.

After all, the attack on his good friend Medanore was finally avenged.

Ryoga asked:

"Are you sure you want to compete with him and decide whether to live or die?"

Kitahara Osamu looked at Hussein contemptuously and said:

"His physical and mental condition means he won't be able to survive much longer. Getting rid of him will only make my hands dirty."

After saying that, he threw away the racquet and turned around to leave.

Ryoga and others immediately left the training camp.

The wind is strong and the dust is strong.

The four slender figures looked like generals who had won the war.

No one would believe that just these four young people actually directly destroyed Alamenoma's lair.

He even defeated three world-class players, Kam, Rahman, and Hussain, in succession. It can be said that four people destroyed a country and completely eliminated a cancer in the world of tennis!

at this time.

other end.

Berlin, Germany.

Coach Letru was getting more and more worried. How come Osamu Kitahara and the other four people had no news at all until now? Is there going to be an accident?

Thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and dialed QP's number. .

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