My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1354: The troubles of the young master (2)

Chapter 1354 The troubles of the young master (2)

Wushuang's picturesque brows flashed with a hint of curiosity. Looking at his expression, he felt that it must be funny. Jun Fei Fei and Mu Yuhao must be very interesting to collide with these two live treasures.

"Qi Dong, but you say it's okay." Even Mu Zhilan wanted to know what happened to his son and the little girl from the Jun family.

"Speak straight." Mu Jinchen took Wushuang's hand and rubbed it in his own big hand.

Wushuang nestled beside Mu Jinchen, with picturesque eyebrows as gentle as water.

Qi Dong looked embarrassed, then swallowed everyone's expressions, swallowed, and said hesitantly, "I saw Miss Fei Fei grabbing the young master's hand"

Qi Dong really couldn't speak, and swallowed again.

"Where are you going? Oh, Chen Tezhu, you are really anxious."

Qi Dong swept the expressions of the three from the inverted rear mirror. He simply turned his mind and said directly, “Miss Fei Fei grabbed the young master’s hand and touched her chest, and then shouted indecent assault and let the young master take responsibility.”


When Wushuang heard it, he couldn't help laughing with joy anymore. What the **** was this Jun Fei doing.

Mu Zhilan shook his head, and couldn't help being angry and funny.

Mu Jinchen hugged his little wife who was smiling tightly in his arms, and curled his lips.

"Is this girl Fei Fei falling in love with Yu Hao? You can even do this."

The atmosphere in the carriage was not embarrassing, on the contrary, it was a little joyful. Qi Dong secretly breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head before answering Wushuang’s words, “I didn’t know later. In short, Mr. Mu was petrified for a while, and then he was directly caught by Fei Fei. The young lady dragged out of the office, and after that time, the young master avoided her even more."

Mu Zhilan shook his head again, helpless and funny, "These two children..."

"Chen Special Assistant, what happened later?"

Wushuang wanted to continue to ask, even Su Ran couldn't do such a thing, Wushuang really didn't know that Jun Fei Fei was even worse than Su Ran.

"Mrs. Young, Mr. Mu hid in the past few days. What I need to do is to remotely control me by phone. Especially recently, the old man asked Mr. Mu to go on a blind date. He hides even more. Listen to Secretary Xiao’s meaning. President Mu seems to be afraid of coming into contact with women, but the old lady has a headache."

After Qi Dong said this, everyone understood what was going on.

Wushuang tilted his head and asked Mu Jinchen, "In fact, do you think Fei Fei and Yu Hao are a good match?"

Before Mu Jinchen could answer her words, Mu Zhilan smiled and said, "Shuangshuang, you don’t know anything about it. When Yuhao was a child, he went to the same kindergarten and elementary school with Fei Fei, but the two of them didn’t match each other since they were young. , If you take a closer look at Hao'er's face, you will find that there are traces of different shades, which were caught by Fei Fei's girl when she was a child, and Hao'er was scared for a long time because of this incident. "

Speaking of the children's childhood, Mu Zhilan's charming face is always filled with a touch of nostalgia, which adds a touch of gentleness.

"The kid Yu Hao had red lips and white teeth when he was a child, especially like a female doll. Faey always thought Haoer was just like her, a girl, and loved to pester him. Yu Hao kept avoiding her, Faey was not a little overlord. , But she just likes playing with Hao'er. Fei Fei has to go home with Hao'er several times, and she has to take a bath with Hao'er."

Mentioning these things, Mu Zhilan's eyes softened again

(End of this chapter)

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