My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1655: The beginning of a happy life (2)

Chapter 1655 The beginning of a happy life (2)

But the black wolf eats fast, there is still something in his mouth, the little guy is terrified, and quickly said to Wushuang, "What to do, wolf wolf eats the chocolate cake in his stomach."

Yuanyuan baby was almost crying in a hurry.

Wushuang came over and rubbed the black wolf's head, and pulled Yuan Yuan's little meat over to help him wipe it.

"It's okay to eat so little, but don't feed it randomly. Didn't you see that Wu Ma cooks all the meat he eats separately?"

At this time, Wushuang brought two pieces of black wolf food over and said kindly, "Master Yuan Yuan, the black wolf has a lot of things to eat, so don't feed it anymore."

"Hmm... Ma Ma, will the wolf and wolf really be okay?" The little guy heard that the black wolf is okay, and quickly nodded his head like a chicken pecking at the rice, but he still confirmed it again.

"It's okay..."

"Duo..." Xiao Tianci, who was still wrapped in gauze, saw his brother and the black wolf obviously happy.

Yuan Yuanwu's eyes lit up, and his small face bloomed with joy, "Xiaotian gave me a gift."

Xia Ziwei put Xiao Tianci on the ground and let him walk by himself.

Xiao Tianci's walking is not particularly stable, but it is considered good for his age. There is a carpet on the floor, and he is not afraid of him falling, so Xia Ziwei let him go.

"Have you got the certificate?" Wushuang let the two little guys play together, and went to sit down on the sofa with Xia Ziwei.

Xia Ziwei nodded, the joy that couldn't be concealed on her face, "I took it."

"Congratulations, you guys are finally open." Wushuang congratulated her sincerely.

"Thank you, even Madam Tang still has some criticisms."

Wushuang was stunned, "Have you not obtained her consent?"

Xia Ziwei shook her head, "Grandpa and Mu Bai's father agreed, and they can be regarded as representatives of both parents. Let others take it easy. I have nothing to think about now. I just hope Godsend can grow up in a complete family. "

Wushuang also understood her situation and nodded, "Yes, life is yours, like people knowing that they drink water and warm water, the happiness of your family of three is the most important thing."

Xia Ziwei raised her eyes to look at her son with a more tolerant face, and smiled knowingly, "It is true."

"No one told me on such a happy day, Shuangshuang, you are too partial." The voice that was so clean and clear as the oriole came from Su Ran.

She is still pushing a stroller in her hand.

Wushuang quickly stepped forward to help, "Tongtong is here too? Today is really lively."

"I just came back from shopping and saw your car outside and the door was open, so I came in and took a look. I didn't expect it to be so lively."

"The cousin has a white-collar certificate with Tang Mu today, and the family of three will be here in the future."

Su Ran blinked his eyes, recovered, and sincerely congratulated him, "Congratulations."

"Thank you."

"Shuangshuang, let's just move back with your family. How lively our three families live together."

Wushuang shook his head, "Grandpa and Mu Yuhao are definitely not happy..."

"Sister Tongtong..." Yuan Yuanbao ran over when she saw Tongtong coming, but after two steps, she turned around and walked slowly with Tianci.

"God, this is my Tongtong sister, isn't it very beautiful?" In Yuan Yuanbao's eyes, Tongtong is the most beautiful girl, and she hasn't hurriedly pulled the godsend gift.

Little Tianci doesn’t like to behave very much. When he heard his brother say this, he leaned on the side of the stroller and looked at the side of the stroller. When Tianci saw the beautiful little sister’s delicate face, the expression did not change much. Instead, he raised his eyes to look at his brother. Angrily said, "Duo Duo...beautiful..."

I recommend Jenny's new monthly article "Slowly Cold Emperor, addicted to eating!" ", no pollution, no charge!

(End of this chapter)

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