My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1892: Thanks and sorry

Chapter 1892 Thank you and sorry

"Xu Molian, if you dare to move me halfway, you will definitely not die, and my sister will look for you too!"

Ling Rou'er seemed to have forgotten that she herself urged Ling Xi'er to commit suicide by jumping off the building, regardless of her sister. Xu Molian wanted to settle this account with her.

He didn't waste his whole life, and it was good to change the algorithm. He has a family and a wife, so there is nothing dissatisfied with.

"Take it with you. She remembers to add chondroitin to her daily meals. If she goes on a hunger strike, she hangs on the nutrient solution, but we must make her live a hundred years old. Watch how we grow old together with you young grandmother, and beloved. "

"Xu Molian! Do you dare to do this to me! I won't let you go!"

Xu Molian nodded, "Thinking about it, Xu Molian actually fell in love with a grassroots girl who is nothing and nothing, and I don't love you, the daughter of the bank leader. You should be angry, and women who are as poisonous as snakes and scorpions are also worthy. Xiao missed me Xu Molian, disgusting! Take it with you!"

Xu Molian hadn't said such a long sentence for a long time, and had never been so innocent to ladies. Ling Rou'er was so disgusting to him that he didn't even notice that he said he fell in love with Zhang Xiaowei.

He didn't know if Ling Rou'er was like this before, or maybe he had never walked his mind.

It was too cruel, Ling Rouer never knew that the man in front of her could be so cruel.

She used to love him so much, but now she hates him so much. Instead of being tortured by him, she should die clean. Even if she is not dead now, even if Xu Molian does not torture her, her dear father will still marry her after he is released. Seven old men in exchange for benefits.

She was wrong. She shouldn't have fantasized about love. She was born in such a family. If she was not as lucky as Ling Xier, she would have met the right man at the beginning of her love, and she must be ready to be a pawn.

It's a pity, Ling Xier doesn't cherish it.

But what about her? I want to cherish, but others don't give her this opportunity.

Ling Rou'er smiled bleakly, with tears in her smile, she turned her mind and bit her tongue hard.

She was worried that Xu Molian would give her medicine and would not even have the courage to bite her tongue and kill herself.

When Wu Tou found out, the corners of Lin Rou'er's mouth had already overflowed with blood, he quickly blocked the dirty cloth back, and ordered someone to take her down.

"Take her to treatment, and then throw it away at Huiling's house. She won't be any better with Ling Yingtian."

Xu Molian knows Ling Yingtian's character very well. A daughter who can't get any benefits is equivalent to a waste of chess. Tiger poison does not eat pieces, but Ling Yingtian doesn't have this rule.

Such a woman is not worth his trouble.

"Arrange a few bodyguards to secretly protect the young grandma. Such things will be allowed to happen again in the future."

"Yes, boss!"


When Xu Molian returned to the hospital, Zhang Xiaowei had already been sent to the general ward, and she had already woken up.

Although weak to the point that it is inconvenient to speak, Mu Jinchen's team has already consulted and is completely out of danger.

When he entered, Aunt Hua was feeding her soup and turned her back to him, so she didn't see him come in.

"My grandmother, I have heard Xiaodie's words, and she asked me to tell you thank you and sorry."

Zhang Xiaowei blinked and shook his head.

She herself couldn't tell why, but her first reaction was to do so.

In fact, she was very happy that she had such a first reaction, which proved that she was not completely bad.

(End of this chapter)

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