My Third Gentleman

Chapter 485: Heart to Heart (1)

Chapter 485 Heart to Heart (1)

Pikes Peak drove quickly into Lin Feng Avenue, the evening wind was very gentle, Wushuang could even hear the collision between the rows of eucalyptus leaves falling backwards on the road, and the setting sun gradually sank on the edge of the mountain, and the sky was full of crimson. The luscious Luo Xia Sa is beautiful, and the coolness hit, Wu Shuang pulled the shawl on his body and closed the car window.

After a while, she felt that the atmosphere in the carriage seemed a little depressed, she was taken aback, turned her head to look at the man's quiet handsome face, and looked back at the awful things. She put one hand on the edge of the car window, pale His little hand touched his forehead, and after rubbing it, he slowly said, "Still thinking about things just now?"

After a long time, the man’s mellow voice sounded in the carriage, "Wu Shuang, I like this period of time since we got married. It is simple and warm, plain and true. I really hope that this will continue. I should have promised you such a peaceful and peaceful life. It’s a pity that the next days may not be so calm. I have just been wondering whether this is a little impulsive. Today may not only be the launch ceremony of Chenyu Studios, but also Cheng Lang’s The initiation ceremony of a time bomb. But if it is not broken, there are some things that can't be passive forever. Such a time bomb will always be detonated."

The man's deep but gorgeous voice was very low and faint, with a sense of depression that was strange and strange to Wushuang. Suddenly, a faint heartache arose in Wushuang's heart.

"I firmly believe that no matter what happens in the future, my Mrs. Mu will definitely be in the same boat with me, and I will do my best to shield you from the wind and rain, but I still don't want these old things in the Mu family to affect your peaceful life. Wushuang, I'm sorry."

It’s his duty for Xu Wushuang to have a well-justified, stable and peaceful home. Those bad old past events will affect the peace of the Mu family. Wushuang is a member of this family and will inevitably affect her. This is not what he wants to see. of.

"Mu Jinchen, are you saying that you intend to exclude me?"

Mu Jinchen frowned his handsome eyebrows and shook his head, "Of course not."

"Since it is not, why do you want to say something like this? Since I am married to you, I am originally a member of the Mu family. When we got married, we said we were in the same boat. There will be complaints, will you not want to go down with you? Mu Jinchen, don't always think of me as a little flower in the greenhouse. I haven't experienced too much wind and rain, but I have experienced changes in my parents. In the twenty years of life, Xia Ziwei has been constantly tested, and my mind has been very strong. I have the strength to walk side by side with you. I believe in your heart that wants to protect me. Therefore, you You don’t have to worry about me about what you do, as long as everything you do is helpful to the whole incident."

Mu Jinchen sighed secretly when the voice of the little woman turned her ears softly, and she sighed secretly. He really has no regrets in this life.

Thank you, Wushuang.

These five words can’t be said. They can’t simply be covered by the word love. This kind of relationship between husband and wife may be more profound than love. The word thank you is too shallow, and it will despise Wushuang’s mind and blaspheme. To this kind of sentiment.

I silently pulled the little woman's hand, wrapped it in my own big hand, and said nothing. Their future path must be like this fast-moving electric car, guarding and following each other on the road ahead, fearless in wind and rain. ...

(End of this chapter)

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