My Third Gentleman

Chapter 813: Biological father (3)

Chapter 813 The biological father (3)

Hearing this, Mu Jinchen gritted his teeth, tightened his fist, and said nothing.

Mu Zhilan adjusted his emotions. He didn't know what he thought of and became more sad. After a long time, he continued, "Who knows that my mother is suddenly critically ill. In fact, it is not a sudden. She has been ill for a long time. When you are sad, there are signs of premature birth. Your mother died as soon as you were born, and my wedding with Xiao Zhiyuan has not been held yet. I am the only child in the family. My father does not want your birth to be stained or my reputation. So, simply claim that your mother died because of a dystocia, and you became my brother instead of a son."

Having said this, the tears that Mu Zhilan had endured for a long time finally shed.

It's sadness and relief.

Something buried deep in my heart suddenly hollowed out, somewhat relieved.

Mu Jinchen listened to these past events like other people's stories, and slowly adjusted his breathing.

He gritted his teeth, squinted his deep eyes, and his pupils shrank slightly. Zhao Zhiliang told him how dangerous he was when he was born, but the great mother before him only said lightly, "I This sadness shows signs of premature birth."

How can his heart be calm?

"At that time, my mother was in her early forties. She was still so young. Chener, you don’t know how sad your grandpa was. The old man is superstitious and thinks that you killed my mother when you were born. How do you like you. Alas, it is the blood of my Mu family. The longer you are, the more handsome you are, the smarter and smarter, and the more you look at the descendants of the Mu family. Only then did he slowly change. Chener, don’t blame your father, we Mu Jinchen’s boy has a long love. He loves my mother so much that he has such prejudice for a while."

"Our Mu family man marries everyone with one heart and one mind. Don't look at Hao'er now. Which girl you are with in the end must be one heart and one mind."

After listening to this, Mu Jinchen also knew about his own life experience. The biggest difference from what he expected was that even Mu Zhilan didn't know who his father was. He thought she should at least know that he had never met before. The background of his biological father was unexpected.

He clung to Mu Zhilan and asked the question he most wanted to ask, "Why does Cheng Lang know this? Why do you say that he may know more than you?"

Mu Zhilan trembled slightly, and then said again after a long time, "Chen'er, you may not know that he and I are also classmates of X, maybe two years higher than me. He was poor at home and studied quite hard. Studying is also a resounding character. He probably means something to me, and he pays attention to my every move. As for how he knows, I don’t know, but it is certain that he knows your biological father."

Mu Zhilan paused, and then tried to recall, "I saw them talking from a distance back then. Jin Bei is always indifferent to outsiders, but I can see that his friendship with Cheng Lang is pretty good. Cheng Lang is narrow-minded. , I don’t know how many things are hidden from us. You may not remember very much. When you were very young, he came to our house. Then I had finished the wedding with your brother-in-law, and he had already passed the exam. A graduate student, in the name of the school’s student union, came to condolences me when I could return to school, and then took an opportunity to ask me why I got married so suddenly."

(End of this chapter)

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