My Third Gentleman

Chapter 834: Happiness Ferris Wheel (14)

Chapter 834 Happiness Ferris Wheel (14)

It's been so long, why haven't you come yet?

As Wushuang was thinking about it, the phone rang, naturally it was Mu Jinchen, and his voice was unconsciously softened, "Where is it?"

"I will be there in five minutes. After you have lunch, you will wait for me at the door of the restaurant. The weather is hot. I will call you when I arrive."

"it is good."


Wushuang didn't listen to Mu Jinchen's words, but went straight to check out and went to the door to wait.

Just after standing for a while, I saw Mu Jinchen’s Pikes Peak approaching him. In fact, no motor vehicles are allowed in the movie studio. Only Mu Jinchen can drive in the area.

Wushuang couldn't wait to go on, Mu Jinchen had already opened the car door for her inside.

After getting in the car, she helped her pull the seat belt and fasten it before she left.

The car left the film and television city directly to Lin Feng Avenue, Wushuang looked out the window of the car, but was startled, "Where are we going? Didn't we go to see the Ferris wheel?"

She hasn't seen that Ferris wheel well yet.

Mu Jinchen glanced at the little woman in the rearview mirror, a flash of light flashed in his deep and secluded eyes.

"Do you know everything?"

Wushuang was startled, tilting his head and looking at the man's perfect profile, "What do you know?"

Mu Jinchen emptied a hand and rubbed the little woman's head. The magnificent voice in the quiet carriage sounded particularly nice, "I wanted to take you here for the first stop for wedding photos, and I will give you a surprise. I don’t want to be destroyed by Su Ran."

Now that it is said, Wushuang no longer pretends.

The small hand passed through the fingers of Mu Jinchen's big hand and tightened. The eyes of the star-filled eyes filled with happiness, "Thank you for thinking of this for me."

"Silly girl……"

Regarding the Ferris wheel, Wushuang did not want to ask too much at this moment. She had already destroyed the surprise Mu Jinchen had prepared for her, so let's wait for the answer to emerge automatically when it is announced.

At this moment, Wushuang allowed Mu Jinchen to show up in the movie theater box office in the square closest to the movie studio with an unbelievable face.

The outside of the movie theater was covered with various posters, and the red subtitles on the LCD screen marked the various scenes of each movie. All these made Wushuang very sure that he was in the movie theater at this moment.

"Mu Jinchen, are you taking me to the movies?"

"Wushuang, your overly frightened expression seems to be unsatisfied with our first official date, and I am very frustrated for my husband."


At this time, Wushuang was even more frightened. With his toes, the back of his green hands probed the man's forehead, "Mr. Mu, you don't have a fever."

Mu Jinchen pulled down her little hand and looked at the little woman with a smile. "Doesn’t the average couple start dating? We are special. We entered marriage soon after we met. You once said, We seem to have skipped the love stage of ordinary couples. In addition, there have been a lot of things that have happened since we met. On weekends, we spend all the time between Jingyuan, Xiayuan and Mu's house. It really belongs to the leisure time for the two of us. In fact, there are not many, so, taking advantage of the two of us now, try to compensate you."

The man's words were extremely moving. He was not a delicate and romantic person, but he has taken care of her feelings in every aspect since he got married.

The seven-colored lights in the ticket hall were scattered on the face of the man's stunning allure, fascinated, and gentle.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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