My Third Gentleman

Chapter 915: Bring a wedding dress to travel (12)

Chapter 915 Take a wedding dress to travel (12)

Jun Xiang would only spoil her even more confidently, and would basically ignore Su Ran's complaint.

When she was a child, Su Ran filed a complaint. Mother Su would like to hit Junxiang a few times, and then she would burst into laughter, so her habit of complaining was also a product of history.

The group of photos of the sunset by the sea was almost taken. There was still a while before dark, and Mu Jinchen simply walked to the other side with Wushuang on his back.

This place is very blessed. Mu Jinchen took Wushuang to the other side of the cliff. The whole cliff was covered with small blue flowers, and occasionally there were a few other colors, layered on top of the reef. Emerging from the gap, we can see how tenacious its vitality is.

"Mu Jinchen, this place is really beautiful."

Wushuang praised sincerely.

"Like it?"


Wushuang was very excited when she let go. She couldn't help but print a kiss on Mu Jinchen's left cheek. She forgot that the makeup of her wedding dress was a bit heavy. The light-colored lip gloss printed the entire lip shape on Mu Jinchen's cheek.

Such a profiled face is so cute, she silently took a picture of her with her phone, and then began to giggle with a giggle.

"Why are you laughing, I'm so happy when you kiss me? Then kiss me a few more times!"

The man didn't know why, Wushuang's joyous laughter reached his ears, and he was very happy physically and mentally.

Wushuang tightened his neck and took pictures of himself to show Mu Jinchen, "Mr. Mu, you are so cute like this."

Mu Jinchen looked at the pink lip print on the photo. He frowned first, but soon he relaxed, and his voice was sensual and pleasant. "It doesn’t matter if you print a few more Madam. Others will know this is your love. My evidence."

Wushuang wanted to tease him, but he didn't expect him to say that, and said in a daze, "Mr. Mu, I don't think you have a thick skin."

The man chuckled a few times. Wushuang felt that the vibration from his back was very interesting. He put his ear on his back and said, "Mu Jinchen, do you laugh a few more times, or talk?"

"Huh?" Mu Jinchen felt Wushuang lying on his back, and soon thought of something.

"Wushuang, I love you!"

He said.

At this moment, Wushuang was really stunned. The whole person was stunned. Mu Jinchen had said many promises to her, except that he had never said that he loved her so formally.

She always thought that the position of his chest was the place closest to his heart. Now she realized that the back was the one, so when the phrase "Wu Shuang, I love you" came out from there, Wushuang actually felt like a thunderous. Sound of nature.

Because he was so good to her, because he was already familiar with the bones, and because acquaintances and encounters were too natural, and loving each other had become a habit, so that they all forgot to say "I love you" to each other officially.

"Mu Jinchen, I love you too!"

When the last light of the sunset faded, she hugged the man's neck and whispered in his ear.

The sea breeze gently sent these words into Mu Jinchen's ears, and into his heart.

Mu Jinchen lifted up with the woman behind his back. In fact, when Wushuang said, "Mr. Mu, give me a decent home," he had already decided to take her whole life on his back.

In fact, it may have been thought of earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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