My Third Gentleman

Chapter 954: Honeymoon baby (4)

Chapter 954 Honeymoon Baby (4)

"Mu Jinchen, stop, I'm dizzy..."

"Master, you quickly put down the young lady, she is a physically fit person now..."

"Chen'er, Wushuang still has a fever, just relax a little..."

The three elders present were all who watched Mu Jinchen grow up. They had never seen him so gloomy. They all mentioned that their voices went up, for fear that he would throw both of them out.

Especially Mu Zhilan, Wushuang was still a little weak, unable to withstand his toss.

Fortunately, Mu Jinchen's sanity was still there, and he stopped shortly. The handsome face that couldn't be suppressed joy fell down again, and kissed the little wife in his arms, "Sorry, I'm so excited."

Although he did it intentionally, it was confirmed that it was a different situation. He could not describe his feelings at the moment. Before meeting Wushuang, he had never imagined a creature like a child, and even a wife, which he did not expect, but there is After Wushuang, he realized that he was actually an ordinary man with many desires. For example, the continuation of his blood with Wushuang was the one he was looking forward to most.

He thought, he is greedy, loves unparalleled, and a lifetime is not enough. He must be passed on from generation to generation, but the mark of their love in this life must be passed down in another form, such as children, such as children's children...

"Mu Jinchen, I'm dizzy..."

Wushuang is really dizzy. He hasn't eaten much in the past few days, and he has been turned around twice again, and he has a fever. Right now, it really feels like a spin.

Such a weak voice made him a little anxious, so he hurried back to the bed and sat down, holding Wushuang in his arms, and refused to let go. He looked at Zhao Zhiliang baffledly, "Uncle Zhao..."

"Chen'er, you put Wushuang down and lie on your back, give me the thermometer, let me see how much it burns."

Mu Jinchen's smart brain didn't seem to be very bright. He could only follow Zhao Zhiliang's orders to do things, put Wushuang down, and tucked the quilt, before reaching out and taking out the thermometer from her armpit.

"It's not very high at 38 degrees, and there is no need to take special medicine. Drink plenty of water and pay attention to the physical temperature. If the temperature rises again, or it won't go down tomorrow, let's talk about it."

Zhao Zhiliang shook the thermometer and said.

"Zhiliang, does Wushuang still need to go to the hospital?"

"Let's go, take a B-mode ultrasound, and feel relieved. Now that I have a fever, I feel safer in the hospital."

As soon as Zhao Zhiliang's voice fell, Mu Jinchen had already picked up Wushuang and started to walk outside the door without saying a word.

"Chen'er, slow down, Wushuang is still wearing pajamas, and I don't know how to change it..."

On weekdays, Mu Jinchen such a calm child would have to discount Wushuang things, and now it is even more serious. Mu Zhilan can foresee that he will be more difficult than Wushuang in the days to come.

Shaking his head, this prospective father is really...

Having said that, Mu Zhilan also followed, and did not forget to tell Ma Wu, "Go and pack some of their changed clothes. In addition, you may have to bring something Wushuang likes to eat and pay attention to nutrition. How long has this child not eaten? Oh..."

"Zhiliang, you should go back to Mu Mansion to report the good news first. Oh, I have to tell Mu Xue and the others..."

What a mess...

It shows that Wushuang is a child who is loved by thousands of people. He is the person on the cusp of Mu Jinchen's heart. The baby of the three families, her pregnancy is even more terrible, and she may not decide how to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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