My time is running out

Chapter 102 Seizing Weapons

"Ah? What nonsense are you talking about? World tree makes sharp silver?" Rose stared at Chen Tao strangely, seeming to be a little confused by Chen Tao's question. She showed a smile and said: "You mean, making matter Haha, someone has indeed studied this, what is it called? Let me think about it, what is it called? "

Rose crossed her arms and said, "Substance collision technology is said to be able to collide one substance with a certain force to produce another substance. This technology can indeed change it if it relies on the 'World Tree' . But turning matter into sharp silver requires a lot of data, which is impossible even with the data processing capabilities of World Tree."

Chen Tao frowned slightly.

Weird, so weird.

According to Rose's statement, it seems that neither the 'Dragon King's Academy' nor the 'World Tree' can directly write matter like Nebula.

You must know that the 'Dragon King's Academy' and 'World Tree' are the two most powerful celestial computers in the universe. Even the most powerful celestial computers in the universe can't do it, but Nebula can do it? Is Nebula even stronger than the strongest in the universe?

Where did the nebula come from? What kind of existence is it?

Rose stared at Chen Tao, smiled, and said, "Oh..."

She scratched her cheek with her hand and said: "I understand, you don't mean to make sharp silver. Rather, you mean, why don't I use World Tree to snatch sharp silver from that bitch Kati?"

She seemed to have figured out what Chen Tao meant.

But in fact, her understanding was correct at first, but now that she thought about it more deeply, she misunderstood Chen Tao's meaning.

Rose said: "The Dragon King's academy is connected to Katie's brain, and Katie is unkillable, unless Katie volunteers. Otherwise, it cannot be taken away."

Rose stared at Chen Tao and said, "Okay, you haven't told me where your sharp silver weapon came from."

Hearing this, Chen Tao said, "Can I not answer this question?"

Rose was startled. She looked at Chen Tao and smiled: "Yes, of course. I respect everyone's ideas. If you don't want to answer, I won't force you. But I still have one question."

She looked at Chen Tao and said, "I want you to become my subordinate and regard me as your king."

Chen Tao looked at Rose and said, "You want to help Kurt invade my home, but now you want me to make you king? Do you think this is possible?"

Rose was startled, her eyebrows slightly stretched, she thought for a moment, and said: "That's true. I promised little Hute that I would give them the resources of the Earth Star. Well, let's do this, if you regard me as your king, How about I tell Little Hught to leave half of his resources to you? "

Hearing this, Chen Tao looked at Rose and said: "This Earth Star belongs to the Earth Star people, and it originally belonged to us. You want me to make you king, but you want to occupy half of my resources. You are quite funny. ”

Rose looked at Chen Tao, she showed a smile and said: "The Earth Star does not belong to the Earth Star people. Tens of thousands of years ago, you did not even exist. The Earth Star does not belong to you. You are just on the Earth Star." Only the strong can possess any resources in this universe."

"Now that bitch Katy no longer exists, I, Rose, am the strongest in the entire universe." Rose said, "All the resources are mine, including this planet. I promised to give it to Little Hute, and now I will give it to him. Giving half of it to you is already a sign of my respect for you.”

She looked at Chen Tao and said, "How about it? If you make me your king, you can get these benefits."

Chen Tao looked at Rose and said, "This is impossible."

When Rose heard this, she looked at Chen Tao, frowned, and said, "You don't seem to know how powerful your king is. I think I have to let you experience how powerful your king is. That’s it.”

She was about to take action.

Chen Tao looked at Rose: "If you can't explain it, do you have to use violence?"

Rose laughed: "Boy, you are so naive." She spread her wings and flew into the air, staring down at Chen Tao.

"In this universe, the most powerful thing is force! Only those who are strong enough are qualified to speak. The weak will only be enslaved by the strong! They can only become a stepping stone for the strong!"

Two wormholes appeared behind Rose.

Two silver-white chains emerged from the wormhole.

The chain shot towards Chen Tao.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Tao's body was tied up.

Rose looked at Chen Tao and said, "This pair of chains is made of the toughest tough silver in the world. This is my new creation, and I can try it on you."

Chen Tao couldn't move his body and fell to the ground.

In other words, are Rose's pair of chains similar to silver ropes?

Chen Tao frowned.

Suddenly, the half-moon blade emerged from the micro wormhole next to it and slashed at Rose.

Rose narrowed her eyes, and a transparent protective shield appeared around her body, wrapping Rose inside.

The half-moon blade hit Rose's protective shield and was bounced away.

Rose said calmly: "It's really dangerous. Although I have been upgraded to the third generation gene, the sharpness of the silver weapon can still cut me off easily. But unfortunately, this protective shield is compiled by the World Tree It's like this, the east-west front silver can't cut it."

Rose looked at Chen Tao and said calmly: "Give up. You are a special Earthling. I am very interested in you. I don't want to kill you, but if you want to save your life, you must treat me as your king."

Chen Tao struggled, but the more he struggled, the tighter the chain became.

Chen Tao couldn't move at all.

According to Chen Tao's current second-generation gene ability, the possibility of breaking free from the chain made of tough silver is almost zero.

There was a silver-white chair behind Rose. She stepped on the void and sat on the chair by herself, looking down at Chen Tao and said, "Tough silver is a substance that can bind even the third-generation genes. With your current second-generation genes, it's simply a daydream to break free."

Rose said, "Give up, worship me as your king, and this queen can let you get anything you want."

Chen Tao said in his heart, "Nebula, analyze the tough silver chain."

"Received the command, analyzing..."

"Analysis completed."

Chen Tao said, "Change the owner of the tough silver chain and change the owner to me."

"Received the command, erasing the information of the tough silver chain and rewriting the information."


"Writing completed."

For a moment, Chen Tao could feel that the tough silver chain had a stronger connection with him.

This connection made Chen Tao's eyes light up slightly.

It's done.

The tough silver chain released Chen Tao.

Chen Tao slowly stood up.

Seeing this.

Rose, the woman sitting on the chair, looked very proud, and her face changed.

Her face, which was very calm just now, was a little shocked at this moment. She stared at Chen Tao and said, "What did you do?!"

Rose could feel that she had lost contact with the tough silver chain.

Chen Tao controlled the two tough silver chains and came to his side, just like two living things, circling around Chen Tao.

Chen Tao looked at Rose and said lightly, "Thank you for the two chains you sent me. I will accept them without hesitation."

"Analysis... You analyzed my chain?" Rose stood up suddenly and stared at Chen Tao.

Her face was a little unbelievable, and she said, "Who are you?"

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