My time is running out

Chapter 134 Dark Energy

Katie looked at Chen Tao and said calmly: "I don't know why you changed your purpose, but for us, your decision is the right one. Frankly speaking, we can deal with those ordinary elemental bodies, but the spirit possessed by the Elemental King The attack method is not available in the technology of our dragon civilization.”

"If we start analyzing her attacks now and find ways to restrain them, it will take at least several decades, and during that time, we will not be able to prevent the other party from invading and destroying other civilizations. For other civilizations, This would be a horrific disaster."

"If you are willing to help us now, the outcome will be different," Carty said.

Having said this, she paused, stared at Chen Tao, and said, "Chen Tao, let me ask you, King of Elements, can I leave it to you to deal with it?"

Chen Tao said lightly: "I can play with her."

Katie nodded slightly and said, "Then the elemental king will be left to you, and we will take care of the other elemental bodies."

As he spoke, Katie stood up slowly, holding a silver-white sword, and said: "This is a physical war between the elemental body and the genetic body. This war is destined to be recorded in the history of our dragon civilization. Sisters, this time we will sacrifice our strength and our lives for the balance of the universe!”

The group of female dragons below gave a deafening response.

"We are willing to give our strength and lives for the balance of the universe!"

Katie raised her silver-white sword, pointed it straight at the sky, and said, "This battle will be won!"

"The 'Dragon King's Academy' searches for the location of the elemental body." Katie said aloud.

"Searching, search completed, positioning in progress." A mechanical voice sounded, saying: "Location is over."

Katie said: "Open the wormhole!"

In an instant, a huge wormhole appeared in the sky.

Katie said, "Let's go."

She jumped up, spread the dragon wings behind her, and flew into the wormhole.

When the other dragonmen saw this scene, they immediately filed into the wormhole.

Chen Tao blinked. He did not expect that the dragon civilization would be so vigorous and resolute.

Chen Tao was too lazy to think too much. The ring turned into white light, fell on Chen Tao's back and turned into white wings. He spread his wings.

Chen Tao followed and flew into the wormhole.

The surrounding environment changes accordingly.

Chen Tao found himself in outer space, with Katie standing beside him. In front of Chen Tao, there were groups of giant creatures.

These behemoths are either made of water, fire, light, or darkness...

These are behemoths composed of various elements, which are elemental bodies.

At the front of this group of behemoths, there was a behemoth that looked like a gigantic whale. The behemoth was carrying a dark chair on its back, and a woman was sitting on the chair.

This woman was wearing black soft armor and was lying lazily on a chair. She squinted her eyes and looked here.

This woman's body shape is the same as that of ordinary people, and she is more beautiful than ordinary people. But apart from her first-class figure and beautiful appearance, in other aspects, she is not much different from her genetic body.

But Chen Tao had a special feeling. He was almost certain that this woman was not a genetic body, but an elemental body.

Because Chen Tao could feel that this woman had the same aura as the elemental body.

The woman noticed Katie and squinted her eyes. Her mouth didn't move, but Chen Tao could hear her voice.

"King of the Dragon Civilization, I really didn't expect you to come out of my mental cage... You shouldn't have such mental power, even with the blessing of your 'Dragon King's Academy', it would be impossible. Who saved you?" There was no emotion in the woman's voice, as if she was asking a very ordinary question.

Katie looked at the woman, then looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao noticed Katie's gaze, and he also realized that it was time for him to appear.

Realizing this, Chen Tao looked at the woman, and the woman's eyes had also fallen on Chen Tao.

The woman didn't open her mouth, but Chen Tao could hear her voice from the genetic channel.

"Is that you?" the woman asked slowly.

Chen Tao looked at the woman in black armor in front of him and said, "Yes."

The woman squinted her eyes and looked at Chen Tao: "So, you are the support of the dragon civilization to challenge us this time... In other words, as long as you are destroyed, you will fall into despair again."

She said calmly: "I, the Queen of Elements of the Elemental Civilization, the new ruler of this universe, if you stand up for the dragon civilization and block my progress, you will pay the price with your life."

Her voice fell.

An invisible wave came from the woman and hit Chen Tao.

This invisible wave cannot be seen with the naked eye, but Chen Tao has been promoted to the sixth generation gene, and he can completely feel the existence of the wave.

This is probably the woman's mental attack.

But Chen Tao did not dodge and allowed the mental attack to fall on his brain.

Chen Tao felt..., to be precise, he felt nothing at all.

When this mental attack hits Chen Tao, it is like a ladle of water falling silently into the sea. As Chen Tao has a mental power as broad and powerful as the sea, naturally he cannot feel any impact at all.

"Psychic attacks are ineffective...why?" The Queen of Elements slowly stood up and looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao looked at the Queen of Elements and said, "You know how to use spiritual attacks, so you should be able to feel my spiritual power."

The Queen of Elements' pupils condensed slightly, and said: "Impossible..., why is your mental power so strong?"

Chen Tao said: "Nothing is impossible. You think you are the only one with the strongest mental power in the known universe, that's too stupid."

The Queen of Elements frowned: "Your mental power is indeed far superior to mine, but my strength is not just mental power!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Queen of Elements' body turned into a dark shadow, and the shadow rushed towards Chen Tao.

Very fast!

"Want to use physical attack? That's my territory!" Kati, who was standing aside, saw this scene, raised her hand, and slashed the black shadow with the sharp silver weapon.

It was slashed in an instant.

The black shadow was not cut off, and even without any injury, it appeared directly beside Chen Tao and wrapped Chen Tao's whole body.

At the same time, Kati noticed that the blade of the sharp silver weapon that had just slashed the black shadow had turned black.

The black thing was slowly corroding the sharp silver weapon.

Seeing the unspeakable horror of darkness.

Even when her body was broken down into countless molecules and scattered in the corners of the universe, Kati, who was always calm, could remain calm.

But when Kati saw the darkness that swallowed the sharp silver weapon, her face changed completely.

"Dark energy! She is using dark energy!"

Dark energy is a kind of energy that cannot be seen with the naked eye. This energy has a terrifying swallowing ability and can swallow everything.

There is no substance in the known universe that can harm the sharp silver weapon of this level, except dark energy!

Dark energy is an absolutely terrifying energy. It is a terrifying energy that is enough to make any creature...matter tremble!

And this guy who calls himself the Queen of Elements is actually using dark energy? !

Kati looked at Chen Tao, who was wrapped in the black mist of the Queen of Elements, and her face turned pale.

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