My time is running out

Chapter 140 Death Star Gray Star

Why does Chen Tao help Lei Hao?

Lei Hao didn't expect that Chen Tao would ask this.

Lei Hao looked at Chen Tao and said, "Let's do this. As long as you repair my planet, I will provide you with my latest research on thunder and lightning technology. If you control that technology, you can control the thunder and lightning for your own use." ”

"Science madman Lei Hao's lightning technology? Your technology is very powerful, but it seems that even you yourself are not able to fully control it." Rose looked at Lei Hao playfully and said with a smile. : "If you use this to make a deal, are you planning to let Chen Tao split your Earth Star?"

Lei Hao said: "More than one million years have passed since that incident. During these more than one million years, I have already improved my lightning technology, and now there is no problem of difficulty in controlling it."

"Oh?" Rose said, "If that's the case..."

She looked at Chen Tao and said: "Lei Hao's thunder and lightning is of some value. If the output power can split a planet in half, it means that after mastering this technology, even the third generation gene can threatened."

Chen Tao looked at Lei Hao and said, "Can your improved lightning technology threaten the third generation of genes?"

Lei Hao nodded slightly and said: "As long as the power of thunder and lightning is added, it is indeed possible to destroy the third generation gene body. But in that case, thunder and lightning will not be so easy to control." Noticing Rose's slightly frowned eyebrows, Lei Hao quickly added, "But there will never be a situation where the planet is split in half. This can set an upper limit."

Rose's eyebrows stretched slightly, and then she looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao thought for a while and frankly said that he had never seen or tried the method of attacking with lightning.

Now hearing what Lei Hao said, Chen Tao became somewhat interested.

Although Chen Tao is already powerful enough, adding more attack methods will not be of much use. He does not intend to use it himself, but if such technology is available, it can also be used to strengthen those around him.

It's also a good thing.

Moreover, being idle now is also idle.

Chen Tao said: "In that case, fine."

Lei Hao's eyes lit up slightly and he said, "The deal is successful!"

Chen Tao hummed and said, "What is the name of your home planet?"

Lei Hao said: "We call it Gray."

Gray planet of Gray civilization?

This is the same as the way to call Earth Star.

Chen Tao didn't bother to think too much. He expanded his perception. At this moment, he was the universe.

Through perception, Chen Tao can sense the location of Gray Star.

Chen Tao raised his hand and opened a miniature wormhole.

He looked at Zi Qing and the others who were standing not far away and looking at them.

Chen Tao said: "You stay at home, I will come back as soon as I go."

Zi Qing nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Chen Tao withdrew his gaze and stepped into the miniature wormhole.

A miniature wormhole appeared in the dark space.

Chen Tao's figure walked out of the miniature wormhole, and he looked ahead.

The scene in front of him made Chen Tao's eyebrows stretch slightly.

There is a huge planet in front... I mean one, it's not normal. To be precise, it should be a pile of planet fragments.

The entire planet was broken from top to bottom, split into two halves, with some floating fragments beside it.

The color of the planet is off-white, and some remaining building debris can be seen on it.

This thing doesn't look like a planet, it looks more like a pile of rocks without any life breath.

There is no crust or core like the Earth's star.

"Gray Star... seems to be a complete Death Star now." Rose's voice sounded next to her.

Katie's figure appeared next to Chen Tao. She looked at Gray Star, who was like gravel, and fell into silence.

"Yes." Lei Hao looked ugly and said: "That time, because of my mistake... too many people died. I... deserved to die, but I can't die. The remaining people, I I need to be rescued...for this reason, I am still alive today.”

Rose glanced at Lei Hao and said, "You are right, you really deserve to die. When the thunder came down, the population of Gray Star was reduced by 99%. The original population of tens of billions was reduced to only Tens of thousands of people. Even I can't handle such a catastrophe. Others say that I was a devil when I became the Queen of Chaos, but I haven't killed as many people as you did in that moment. many."

"Alas." Lei Hao sighed.

After hearing that you were here, Chen Tao glanced at Lei Hao and said, "Your planet has become like this, so where do you live now?"

Lei Hao said: "We used technology to build a giant satellite in the orbit of Gray Star, and we are temporarily living there. It has been a million years... now."

He said: "But this Gray Star is our home star. In these million years, we have not given up on saving our home star for a day. We have studied desperately..., but there are no results. As you can see, Star Gray has turned into a complete Death Star. With our technology, there is no way... we can't cure it at all. "

Lei Hao looked at Chen Tao and said, "Until I heard that you repaired the star..., when I heard the news, I rushed over to find you. Brother Chen, do you have anything to do with this dead planet?"

"Dead planets cannot be cured even with the technology of our dragon civilization." Kati said slowly: "To cure a dead planet is almost completely against the laws of nature. Theoretically, it is impossible."

After speaking, Kati subconsciously looked at Chen Tao.

With the technology of the dragon civilization, this kind of thing is impossible.

The planet where the dragon civilization used to live also died because the star burned out.

Later, the dragons had to move away from their home planet and find a suitable place again. They used their own technology to create a mechanical planet made of high technology. That planet is now the Dragon City.

In theory, reviving a dead planet is no different from creating a planet with life.

The current Reg Star is actually a pile of rubble. Reviving it is equivalent to recreating a planet with rubble.

It can't be done.

The dragon civilization can't do it. What if it is the technological ability that Chen Tao possesses?

Rose said Chen Tao could create the universe. Katie didn't believe it before, but if Chen Tao can really do it now, then his words are more credible.

After all, that's creating a planet!

Katie said, "Can you do it?"

Chen Tao said, "Yes."

Time stopped.

Everything around him turned into blue code.

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