My time is running out

Chapter 151 Dark Energy Creatures Are Just Mounts

With the help of the light, Chen Tao saw the person in front of him clearly.

This is a woman. This woman looks similar to humans, but also different.

She has a curvy figure, but she has a pair of pure white wings behind her. There are two holes on the wings that glow purple, just like two eyes.

Except for the wings, she is the same as humans in other aspects.

She is wearing a black outfit that fits her curvy figure. She has a pair of dark purple eyes and long dark purple hair.

Purple hair and purple eyes match her fair skin and black clothes, which looks quite interesting.

While Chen Tao is looking at the woman, the woman is also looking at Chen Tao curiously.


Why is this woman in the stomach of this dark energy creature? Is she also attacked by this dark energy creature?

Thinking of this, Chen Tao said: "Are you also eaten by this dark energy creature?"

Hearing this, the woman was slightly startled, and she said: "Are you talking about this Boer beast?"

Boer beast?

Chen Tao was startled, and he said: "Do you know this creature?"

The woman crossed her arms, looked at Chen Tao, and said: "This is my mount, of course I know it..., but you, breaking into my residence, what do you want to do?"

Now, Chen Tao was a little confused.

This dark energy creature is her mount?

Chen Tao frowned, thought for a while, then looked at the woman and said: "Who are you?"

The woman looked at Chen Tao and said: "Before asking about others' identities, report your own identity first, this is the proper courtesy."

Chen Tao said: "I am Chen Tao from the Earth Star Civilization."

"Earth Star Civilization?" The woman frowned and said: "I have never heard of this name..., are you from this small universe?"

Small universe?

What does it mean?

Chen Tao looked at the woman and said, "Small Universe?"

The woman looked at Chen Tao and said, "You don't even know about the small universe. It seems that you are indeed from this small universe. There is more than just your small universe in this world. There is a big universe outside the small universe. In the big universe, there are countless small universes. The place where you are is one of the small universes. I am from another small universe. But..., it seems that if you don't even know about the big universe, it can be seen that the level of civilization is still very low."

The woman crossed her arms and stared at Chen Tao with dark purple eyes.

Chen Tao was silent for a while.

This... He didn't understand, and he didn't intend to understand.

However, after hearing what she said, Chen Tao thought of what Xingyun said before. Since Xingyun can rebuild the universe, it is not so strange that there are other universes.

It seems that this woman seems to be from a more advanced civilization in other universes.

Of course, Chen Tao doesn't care where she comes from.

What Chen Tao cares about is whether this woman will threaten the balance of the universe.

Although this is not what Chen Tao wants to care about, it is what Katie wants to care about. Katie is Chen Tao's woman. As her man, Chen Tao must ask about it.

Chen Tao said: "I'm not interested in knowing where you come from. What I want to know is, what are you doing in our little universe?"

The woman looked at Chen Tao and said: "My name is Bessie, and I come from... well, you won't know even if I tell you, you just need to know that I come from another universe. As for what I come here for..."

The woman looked at Chen Tao and said: "It's useless to tell you, it's better not to tell you."

She found a chair and sat down, crossed her legs, looked at Chen Tao, and said: "If you are worried that I will harm your universe, you can rest assured. I am not an evil person and will not harm your universe. My purpose of coming here is just to seek refuge."

"Refuge?" Bessie said: "Yes, refuge. The little universe I was in before has been expanded by the universe, and then it is like a balloon..."

"Bang!" Bessie said with onomatopoeia, saying: "It exploded, now my home is gone, so I ran to your side."

Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly.

"Didn't you say that your technology is better than ours? Why don't you rebuild the universe?"

Bexi looked at Chen Tao strangely and said, "Are you kidding? Rebuilding the universe? Are you kidding me?"

Well, looking at Bexi's reaction, Chen Tao was sure.

It seems that the technology of the cosmic civilization where Bexi is located is still not as powerful as the technology owned by Nebula.

Chen Tao turned his head slightly, looked around, and said, "Baby, did you hear it?"

"I heard it." Katie's voice came.

When Chen Tao talked to Bexi just now, he had synchronized the conversation with Katie and others.

Of course, Katie and others also heard it.

"I just wanted to open a micro wormhole to go there, but that place seems to have set up a micro wormhole barrier, and a micro wormhole cannot be built inside." Katie said.

Hearing this, Chen Tao looked at Beshi and said, "You have restricted micro-wormholes here?"

Beshi said, "Of course, this is my home now. Your civilization would not like others to go directly to your home, would it?"

Chen Tao said, "Then you can remove it. Our universe manager wants to talk to you."

Beshi was startled. She touched the back of her head and said, "It's really troublesome. OK."

She said, "Boer Beast, unlock the wormhole permissions."

"Received the command, unlocking the wormhole permissions."

"Removed successfully."

Falling with that mechanical voice.

A micro wormhole appeared next to Chen Tao.

Two figures walked out of the micro wormhole, they were Kati and Bai Yao.

Kati's eyes fell on Bexi. She looked at Bexi and said, "I am Kati, the king of dragons, and I am the one who maintains the balance of this universe. You said that you came from another universe and fled here, but from this side, the technology there is much more powerful than ours. In other words, your existence is likely to threaten the balance of our universe."

"We need to confirm whether you are suitable to stay in our universe." Kati looked at Bexi.

Bessie was silent for a moment, staring at Katie, she slowly stood up and said: "Have you tried this..."

Bessie said: "Since you can manage the order of this universe, your civilization and technology should not be low. You must have been to civilizations lower than yours... Then, will those lower civilizations be like what you are saying now? Want to make sure whether you will threaten their civilization?"

Bessie said: "Obviously not, in the eyes of higher civilizations, lower civilizations are like a group of ants. And lower civilizations look at higher civilizations, just like seeing gods."

She stared at Katie and said: "Your feelings at that time are just like my feelings now. Do you think that I, who is like a god, will agree to let you judge whether I am suitable to live in your universe?"

Bessie opened her hands, and purple light emerged from her palms, and her hands turned purple.

Seeing Katie frowned.

"It's dark energy." Bai Yao frowned.

Bessie raised her hand to Katie, and suddenly a purple light emerged from her palm and shot towards Katie.

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