My time is running out

Chapter 16 Robbery

The whole supermarket was driven into a group.

This is a small supermarket in the slums, and the supermarket has only one floor.

The other party has three people, holding guns.

In this small space, no one dares to test their shooting skills.

One by one, they were driven to the entrance and surrounded.

Robbery is common in the slums.

You have to know that people in the slums are all on the verge of death. In order to survive, they dare to do anything.

Robbery with guns is too common.

Chen Tao felt that he was a little unlucky. Now, he chose to watch first.

Chen Tao followed the group of people and stood aside.

"Squat down and hold your head with both hands." The man said coldly.

Those people squatted down one after another, holding their hands on their heads.

"I said it's not suitable to go out to buy things today, but you didn't believe it. What about now?"

"It's not my fault. Who knew they would come to rob today."

Chen Tao looked at the people around him, and they looked panicked.

These conversations seemed to be trying to ease the anxiety.

"Shut up!" The robber leader shouted coldly.

The noise just now was quiet all of a sudden.

The robber leader said lightly: "Get up." He stretched out his big hand, grabbed a man and pulled him up.

The man's face turned pale and he looked at the robber leader in horror.

The robber leader smiled playfully and said: "Look at how scared you are. Don't be afraid. I'm not interested in your life. Give me the 'time'. I will keep ten hours so that you have a chance to escape."

As he said that, the robber leader grabbed the man's wrist and pressed his wrist against his own wrist.

The man's face became paler as he watched the time on his wrist decrease.

On the other hand, the time on the robber leader's wrist increased, and he had a smile on his face.

The robber leader let go of the man's hand and said: "Ten days a year, you can save a lot. Okay, go back." He kicked the man.


The man was kicked to the ground, but facing the gun in the robber's hand, he didn't dare to say anything, just continued to squat submissively, holding his head with his hands.

The robber leader looked at the people around him, and his eyes fell on a woman. He narrowed his eyes and said, "It's your turn next." He stretched out his hand and grabbed the woman's hand.

The woman stood up in panic.

The robber leader looked at the woman in front of him with his eyes fixed.

The woman was wearing a black tights, which fit the woman's figure. When she grasped her waist, the black fabric was propped up by her upper body to an amazing extent.

She was tall and her legs were estimated to be more than one meter long.

This woman made the robber leader's eyes shine.

"Come with me." The robber leader pulled the woman and walked away.

The woman seemed to realize something, and she struggled hurriedly: "What are you doing? Let me go, I will give you all my time, you let me go, don't!"

She was panicked.

The robber leader frowned, let go of the woman's hand, and slapped her.


The woman was slapped in the face, and she was stunned.

The robber leader bent down, carried the woman on his shoulders like a sandbag, and walked in.

The woman struggled hard, and she said in horror: "Let me go, let me go1"

She hurriedly looked at the crowd and shouted: "Lin Hang, save me!"

Lin Hang? Chen Tao looked at a man, and he just noticed that the woman and the man were a pair.

This should be Lin Hang.

Lin Hang's face turned pale, he lowered his head, and didn't dare to look at the woman's eyes for help.

"Lin Hang! Save me!"

Lin Hang lowered his head even lower, his hands clenched into fists, but he didn't dare to speak.

"Lin Hang..."

The light in the woman's eyes slowly dissipated, her face was gray, and she was desperate.

Chen Tao looked at the scene of the robber leader taking her farther and farther away, and he frowned.

If it was just a matter of time, Chen Tao could ignore it and use his ability to escape directly, but now, he couldn't ignore it.

Chen Tao slowly stood up, looked in the direction of the robber leader, and said: "Stop!"

As soon as Chen Tao's voice came, everyone's eyes fell on Chen Tao.

The robber leader's footsteps paused slightly, he turned slightly and looked at Chen Tao behind him.

The woman's eyes lit up, as if she had seen hope again.

The robber leader looked at the other two robbers on the side.

The two robbers understood what the leader meant, and they looked at Chen Tao.

The muzzles of the two rifles were aimed at Chen Tao.

"Bang bang bang..."

The two men fired without saying a word.

The muzzle spit out a tongue of fire, and the bullet flew from the tongue of fire to Chen Tao.

Seeing that hope was about to be destroyed, the woman raised her hand, her pupils were panicked: "No..."

Chen Tao's pupils lit up with blue numbers.

Everything around him turned into code, and the world was banned at the same time.

Chen Tao stretched out his hand and caught the five scattered bullets one by one.

Code time disappeared, and time resumed flowing.

The three robbers were all confused.

Where are the bullets?

The robbers were confused.

Chen Tao opened his palm.

Bullets slipped from Chen Tao's palm one by one.

They fell on the floor, making muffled sounds.

"Bang... Bang... Bang..."

The three robbers' eyes were wide open, and even the woman's eyes were wide open.

The two robbers looked at each other, and there was a trace of disbelief in each other's eyes.

How could this be possible?

"Kill him!" The robber leader felt something was wrong and shouted loudly.

The two exchanged glances and pointed their guns at Chen Tao again.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

A burst of random shooting.

Countless bullets sprayed out from the muzzle and swept towards Chen Tao.

At such a close distance, there was no need to suppress the gun, and all the bullets were like rain, shooting at Chen Tao.

Under the gaze of everyone, Chen Tao raised his hand.

The bullet suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Chen Tao opened his hand.

All the bullets fell to the ground.

There were bursts of crisp sounds.

"Impossible." The robber leader's face turned pale.

Chen Tao said: "Next, it's my turn."

Time stopped again.

Chen Tao appeared next to a robber, pulled out a pistol from the robber's waist, and pointed the gun at the robber's head.

Time resumed flowing.

As soon as it resumed, Chen Tao pulled the trigger.


The bullet penetrated the robber's forehead.

Without waiting for the robber to fall, Chen Tao pointed the muzzle of the pistol at another robber and pulled the trigger.


Two gunshots rang out in succession.

The two robbers fell to the ground without a sound.

The muzzle of the pistol in Chen Tao's hand was misting, and his sight was looking at the last robber leader.

The robber leader's face was pale, he threw the woman to the ground, pointed the muzzle at the woman, stared at Chen Tao and said: "If you dare to do something to me, I will kill this woman!"

Chen Tao narrowed his eyes, and his figure disappeared out of thin air under the gaze of the robber leader.

The robber leader was startled, and he looked down.

He found that the woman also disappeared out of thin air.

What happened?

The robber leader looked around, and suddenly he turned around, but saw Chen Tao standing behind him. Next to Chen Tao, the woman in the tight clothes was hugged by Chen Tao.

Chen Tao held the pistol in his other hand, and the muzzle was facing the robber leader.

The robber leader's pupils trembled slightly: "How is it possible?"


The bullet flew out of Chen Tao's pistol and shot at the robber leader.

The bullet instantly penetrated the robber leader's forehead.

Blood spurted.

"Bang." The robber leader's body fell down.

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