My time is running out

Chapter 167 Time Resets

Zhou Han's eyebrows suddenly furrowed: "You guy..."

"If you don't dare, don't bet." Chen Tao said lightly.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Han snorted and said, "Bet, why don't I dare to bet?" Not betting would be equivalent to admitting defeat. Just now he looked down on the time Chen Tao had. If he admits defeat now, wouldn't he be beating himself up? Face?

You have to gamble.

Zhou Han said: "Then how do you want to bet? Just roll up your sleeves?"

"No need." Chen Tao said, "I plan to give my lover a certain amount of time. It just depends on who gives the most time."

Zhou Han showed a playful smile and said, "Oh? I understand. Are you planning to rely on this bet to earn some time for your lover? What a good idea."

Chen Tao said lightly: "If I win, the time you have now is mine. If I lose, we will naturally give the time back to you." He was too lazy to say anything more and stretched out his hand to Fang Xueqing.

Fang Xueqing looked at Chen Tao, raised her hand and placed it in Chen Tao's palm.

After hearing what Chen Tao said, Zhou Han stopped talking.

Fang Xueqing looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao said: "Are you afraid?"

Fang Xueqing pursed her lower lip. She looked at Chen Tao and said, "Don't be afraid, I believe you."

Fang Xueqing didn't seem to know that Chen Tao had unlimited lifespan and unlimited time.

She was a little nervous.

Chen Tao smiled and said, "Okay."

He put his wrist on Fang Xueqing's wrist.

The time on Fang Xueqing's wrist is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fifteen days from the beginning.

It turned into a year.

Two years.

Three years.

ten years.

One hundred years.

Zhou Han's expression slowly changed on the side.

A thousand years.

Seeing this, Zhou Han's eyebrows suddenly furrowed.

a thousand years.

One hundred thousand years.

Seeing this, Zhou Han's eyes were trembling.


Seeing that the time number jumped to one hundred thousand years later, Chen Tao slowly took it back. He looked at Fang Xueqing and said, "This can be used for a while. When I get back, I will upgrade your genes."

Fang Xueqing looked at the time on her wrist, her eyes filled with surprise. She looked at Chen Tao and nodded slightly.

Chen Tao looked at Zhou Han and saw that Zhou Han's face was as pale as paper. He looked at Chen Tao with an expression of disbelief and said, ""

Li Jin on the side could not help but smack his mouth, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

One hundred thousand years? ! What is this concept?

Even if Kedoria, the most famous underwear company in the continent, sold all its supermodels, real estate, and the entire company, it would not take a hundred thousand years.

And the man in front of him can easily take out a hundred thousand years? !

That's ridiculous, right?

Li Jin subconsciously rubbed his eyes and looked again. He swallowed and then looked at Zhou Han.

Chen Tao looked at Zhou Han and said, "What are you? How about you? Do you want to compete?"

Zhou Han clenched his fist, raised his hand and approached Fang Xueqing.

Fang Xueqing also raised her wrist.

Zhou Han put his wrist on Fang Xueqing's wrist, but his hand was trembling.

Slowly, Zhou Han transferred time into Fang Xueqing's wrist.

The time slowly increases.

One year, two years….

ten years.



By about three thousand years.

Zhou Han was shocked and his body fell to the ground without any movement.

Fang Xueqing was stunned. She hurriedly squatted down, pulled up Zhou Han's sleeves, and exposed Zhou Han's sleeves.

The time on Zhou Han's sleeve became zero.

Seeing this, Fang Xueqing raised her face and looked at Chen Tao: "He is dead."

Chen Tao frowned slightly.

Would you rather die than suffer such humiliation? What an idea.


" there such a way to commit suicide?"

"Oh my god, he actually committed suicide here. This person is too crazy."

"Sorry, please leave quickly, otherwise people from Hong Tao's organization will come later and we won't be implicated."

After a while, those people paid their bills and left.

Chen Tao didn't expect that this guy Zhou Han would do this.

Chen Tao came here to have a meal, so this made things worse again.

Time stops passing.

Everything around turned into blue code.

Chen Tao looked at Zhou Han below. Zhou Han's body also turned into a blue code, but the code after death was different from that of a living person.

A part is missing.

Chen Tao rewrote it, added some of the lost code to Zhou Han, and then gave him some time to write.

Time resumes its passage.

Zhou Han moved his body and slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the ceiling, then raised his hand and looked at the remaining fifteen days on his wrist. He froze for a moment, climbed up, and looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao said calmly: "If you want to die in front of me, you must obtain my consent."

Zhou Han was startled, his eyes widened, and he looked at Chen Tao in disbelief: "I deliberately reset the time to zero, you...can you save me?"

Li Jin on the side was also frightened, and his mouth opened slightly.

Zhou Han was clearly dead just now. After time returns to zero, the person will be absolutely dead and cannot be saved. This is common sense, but just at this moment, Zhou Han was actually saved by this man?

Chen Tao looked back and said: "You have already died once, forget about running naked, go away, don't let me see you again."

If Zhou Han died here, Chen Tao would have a headache. He came here to eat. If Zhou Han died, he would have nothing to eat and the matter would get out of hand.

Zhou Han is more valuable alive than dead.

At least he would get out of this restaurant by himself.

Zhou Han was about to say something, but Li Jin said, "Mr. Zhou Han, forget it."

Zhou Han looked at Li Jin when he heard it.

Zhou Han opened his mouth, but could only close it again.

He adjusted his mood, looked at Chen Tao, and said, "Thank you."

After that, Zhou Han left with Li Jin.

That thank you was probably for Chen Tao saving his life.

Of course, for Chen Tao, Zhou Han didn't need to thank him, because Chen Tao just wanted to have a good breakfast for himself.

"Not dead?"

"Hey, didn't the time return to zero?"


Seeing that the matter had gotten out of hand, the spectators who wanted to check out and leave early saw that Zhou Han was alive.

Everyone was a little stunned.

Li Jin paid the bill with Zhou Han and left.

"Sir, the beef ribs you ordered are ready." A voice came from the side.

Chen Tao looked at the waitress beside him, his eyebrows slightly stretched, and said: "Yes."

The waitress brought the meal to the table.

Open the lid, pour black pepper sauce on the beef ribs, and a fragrance came to the face.

Smelling this fragrance, Chen Tao also had an appetite.

He picked up the knife and fork and slowly started to eat.

Fang Xueqing, who was beside him, followed Chen Tao and slowly enjoyed this delicious breakfast.

When she ate a piece of meat, Fang Xueqing's eyes lit up slightly, she looked at Chen Tao and said: "It's delicious."

Hearing this, Chen Tao looked at Fang Xueqing, and seeing Fang Xueqing's shining eyes, Chen Tao smiled and said: "If you like it, eat more."

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