My time is running out

Chapter 178: Veliya's Specialness

"No." Chad said, "He is resting in the room we prepared for him."

"Queen, do you want him to be your man?" Chad asked.

Veliya said lightly, "For many years, I have been tired of this boredom and loneliness, and I want a man who can control me. In order to find this man, I searched all over Kayata, but there was no one. Now I have met him, and I will certainly not give up."

Very strange.

Veliya has possessed extraordinary strength and leadership since she was born.

Her strength makes her almost have no opponents.

Muen, who is regarded as the first warrior of Kayata, is not Veliya's opponent.

Veliya is very strong and confident.

But the stronger and more confident she is, the more she looks down on the opposite sex.

In Veliya's eyes, none of the men in front of her can match her.

So, Veliya is looking for a man who can control her.

Up to now, Veliya has searched all over the north, but she has not found it.

And now she has found it, yes, it is the man named Chen Tao, she can feel the strength of that man.

Whether it is strength or character, he will be strong.

She wants him very much.

Thinking of this, Veliya took a deep breath, she picked up the sword on the table, went out, and said: "Don't follow me, this matter can only be done by me alone."

"Yes." The guards responded one after another.

Chen Tao didn't know Veliya's thoughts. He was lying on this strange big bed, looking at the strange ceiling.

The bed was padded with animal skin, but because the weather was a little hot, it was not padded too much.

The bed was a bit hard.

But Chen Tao didn't hate it.

As a person in the slums, Chen Tao used the hard wooden bed most often, and he was used to it.

The reason why Chen Tao couldn't sleep now was that Chen Tao rarely slept in strange places.

And he was not so sleepy, so naturally he didn't fall asleep.

Looking at the ceiling, Chen Tao was in a daze.


Suddenly, there was a sound at the door.

Hearing this voice, Chen Tao slowly sat up and said, "Who?"

"Chen Tao, it's me, Veliya." Veliya's unique noble and indifferent voice came from outside the door.

Hearing this voice, Chen Tao was puzzled.

The queen came to see him alone in the middle of the night?

It's really strange.

"I'll tell you." He Yixuan's smiling voice came from beside him.

Hearing this voice, Chen Tao looked at He Yixuan beside him.

He Yixuan was lying on her side, looking at Chen Tao with a smile on her face.

Chen Tao showed a helpless look, pinched her nose with his hand, looked at the door, and said, "Is there anything the queen needs?"

"Yes, there is something, is it convenient to come out and talk?" Veliya said.

Hearing this, Chen Tao pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, please wait a moment."

Then, Chen Tao got out of bed and put on his clothes.

When he came to the door, Chen Tao opened it.

As soon as he opened it, Chen Tao saw Veliya, who was still wearing the armor and carrying a sword.

Veliya is tall, about 1.72 meters tall, wearing a pair of high-heeled boots, which makes her tall figure stand out.

She looked at Chen Tao and said, "Follow me." She turned around, turned her back to Chen Tao, and walked forward.

Chen Tao followed Veliya.

There were two flying mounts in front.

Veliya rode on one of them, then looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao's sight fell on the other flying mount.

This thing has a body like a lion, a head like an eagle, and a pair of huge wings on its back.

"The name of this mount is Lion Eagle." Veliya said, "If you don't have this mount, you probably don't know the name of this thing."

Chen Tao nodded slightly, and he turned over and sat on the back of the Lion Eagle.

Veliya pulled the reins, and the Lion Eagle flapped its wings and flew up.

Chen Tao looked at Veliya's actions, and he also held the reins and pulled like Veliya.

The lion eagle spread its wings and flew up.

Flying into the air.

Veliya looked at Chen Tao and said, "Where are your wings?"

Chen Tao was slightly startled. He looked back behind him and looked at Veliya and said, "I put them away. It's not convenient to sleep with the wings here."

Veliya nodded and said nothing.

After the two lion eagles flew for a distance, they slowly landed on the edge of a lake.

Riding the lion eagle for a walk by the lake.

Veliya looked at the lake water reflecting the silver light next to her and said nothing.

Chen Tao looked at Veliya's tall figure and saw that she didn't speak, and Chen Tao didn't speak either.

The two walked by the lake for a while, and she retracted her gaze and said, "Chen Tao, I want you to be my man."

Fortunately, Chen Tao didn't drink water now, otherwise he would have to spit out a mouthful of water.

Isn't this too straightforward?

Chen Tao did not expect that what he thought was an illusion at the time would become real, nor did he expect that He Yixuan's speculation would also become true.

Chen Tao said: "Queen, I already have a wife."

Veliya said: "I know, I don't care about this. It is not uncommon for capable people to have a few confidantes around them."

Veliya slowly looked at Chen Tao and said: "If you want, I can give you the position of the king of Kayata. At that time, even if you want to use this king's status to find other women, I won't care."

This sounds too familiar...

It seems that someone had said these words to him not long ago.

Chen Tao said: "This... Queen, you are the queen of Kayata, there should be many men here who are better than me. You have been the queen for so long, haven't you found one?"

Veliya said: "No, so far, I haven't met any man who is better than you. To be honest, I don't like any of the men in Kayata."

Chen Tao blinked and looked at Veliya.

Veliya raised her hand and looked at her gloved hand. She said: "I don't know why, since I was born, I have extraordinary strength and leadership."

The lion eagle slowly stopped.

Seeing Veliya stop, Chen Tao also stopped.

Veliya got off the lion eagle and walked forward. There was a tree that was thick enough for five adults to hold hands and hug.

Veliya drew out the long sword, held the long sword in her hand, and shouted: "Ha!" and waved her hand.

The long sword swept across the trunk of the tree.

The tree was split in half.

The whole tree slowly fell down.


The huge tree fell down with a loud bang.

Chen Tao's eyes trembled when he saw this scene.

Chen Tao always surprised others, but this time, Chen Tao couldn't help but be surprised.

What is this? !

The trunk of the tree was so thick that even those tall and strong men like bears would probably have to chop it with a big axe for several hours before they could chop it.

And this woman in front of him, just an ordinary woman, used such a thin long sword to chop such a tree in half? !

What kind of power is this?

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