My time is running out

Chapter 221 Technology Battle

From the moment Chen Tao took him out of the restaurant and into the pitch-black space, Hei Ming had already felt strong fear.

Hei Ming realized that he had stepped on hard scum this time.

Everyone knows that if you want to use wormhole transportation, you must analyze the body into molecules before entering the wormhole for transportation.

Just now, Hei Mingming was indeed transported by the wormhole, but the problem was that Hei Ming did not allow others to analyze his body at all.

The man named Chen Tao in front of him was obviously him. He forcibly analyzed Hei Ming and analyzed Hei Ming's body into molecules before carrying it.

During this process, Hei Ming could not even react.

It is extremely difficult to forcefully analyze others and then carry out wormhole transportation.

And Hei Ming's body is already the fifth generation of genes, and the amount of data his body possesses is unimaginable. If others want to forcibly analyze it without Hei Ming's own permission, in the past, it would be the same as It's just like an idiot's dream, it's impossible.

But now it's happening.

Chen Tao can analyze his body, which means that Chen Tao can kill him at any time.

When Hei Ming was transported here by the wormhole, Hei Ming had already realized that he could not be the opponent of the man in front of him.

But when he saw his body cut into two pieces, Hei Ming was shocked again.

He has the fifth-generation gene body, and he has not yet been able to find anything in this world that can hurt him.

But now his body was cut in two by Chen Tao.

Hei Ming looked at the weapon that cut off his body. It was a pitch black blade that looked like a crescent moon. It was a pitch black half-moon blade.

Seeing the weapon, Hei Ming narrowed his eyes.

"Analysis!" Hei Ming opened the other world.

I want to use the power of the other world to analyze that weapon.

The weapon did not pause time because it entered Hei Ming's other world. Instead, it maintained its original appearance and slashed at Hei Ming's body.


Hei Ming's body, which had been broken into two parts, was slashed wildly by the dark half-moon blade.

Hei Ming was unable to use the other world to stabilize the half-moon blade, but the celestial computer behind him named 'Black Sky' helped him collect some information about the weapon.

Hei Tian's mechanical voice sounded in Hei Ming's mind.

"The object does not belong to the matter of the known universe. It is programmed by a computer and is a conceptual weapon."

Concept weapon?

Hei Ming's heart condensed. Concept weapon?

Concept weapon, Hei Ming knew this thing.

The celestial computer has the ability to program matter. It can program matter, and naturally it can program weapons. Weapons programmed by the celestial computer can program 'definitions'. And weapons that have a 'definition' are called concept weapons.

Hei Ming also often writes conceptual weapons to bully the weak.

But Gu Heiming knew that even if he used Black Sky, the most powerful celestial computer in the sixth universe, he could not program a weapon that could cut off the fifth-generation genome.

"How is it possible..., it's actually a concept weapon." Hei Ming had a trace of disbelief on his face.

He said, "Krishna, analyze it!"

Krishna said, “Instruction received.”


At the same time this sound sounded.

Chen Tao also heard the voice of 'Xingyun'.

"Someone is trying to analyze the half-moon blade." A mechanical voice sounded in Chen Tao's mind: "Do you want to stop it?"

Hearing this, Chen Tao crossed his arms and said, "Stop it."

"After receiving the instruction, turn on the protection mode and stop the analysis." Nebula's mechanical voice came.

Heiming heard the voice of ‘Krishna’.

"Analysis 0.1%..."

"0.2 percent..."

Too slow.

Hei Ming frowned.

Heitian is the most powerful celestial computer in the universe of Heiming, and its data processing capabilities are extremely powerful.

But Hei Ming never expected that Hei Tian would be so slow to analyze such a conceptual weapon.

This means one thing, the amount of data used by the concept weapon is so huge that even with Heitian's data processing capabilities, it would be difficult.

Is this still a concept weapon?

"The analysis was interfered with and the other party created a protective shield..."

Hei Ming was startled and said, "Analyze the protective shield!"

"Received the order and began to analyze the protective shield."

"Parsing failed, the protection shield is encrypted and cannot be parsed."

"Crack the code."

"Receive instructions and start cracking the code."

"Cracking the code..."

"The progress of cracking the password is one billionth, and the estimated time is one thousand years."

Hearing this, Hei Ming was stunned.

How is it possible? !

Hei Ming knew very well just now that it was the celestial computer behind him, competing with the technology of the celestial computer held by Chen Tao.

But the results are clear.

The celestial computer technology possessed by Hei Ming was hung up and beaten by the opponent.

Not an opponent at all!

The black half-moon blade has not yet been cracked, and the control of the half-moon blade is still in Chen Tao's hands.

In the process, Hei Ming's body had been chopped into pieces by the half-moon blade and scattered in the universe.

Heiming's body suddenly disappeared.

Appearing out of thin air again, his body appeared completely in front of Chen Tao.

After reaching the fifth-generation gene body, let alone being chopped into pieces, even if it is broken into molecules, it can be restored.

Chen Tao looked at Hei Ming in front of him, and the black half-moon blade returned to Chen Tao and surrounded him.

Chen Tao looked at Hei Ming and said, "Sure enough, it is still a bit difficult to destroy the fifth-generation gene body by destroying the body."

Chen Tao said lightly, "In this case, I will chop you into pieces, and then isolate you with technology and throw you into every corner of the universe. What do you think?"

When Hei Ming heard this, his face changed drastically, and he said, "No, no..., I admit defeat..."

Hei Ming looked at Chen Tao with a smile and said, "I just wanted to make you angry, so I did that. I didn't mean to hurt your relatives, don't worry, don't worry..."

"Humph." Chen Tao snorted coldly and said, "You said it, do you want to take it back now?"

Chen Tao raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


With a crisp sound.

A transparent cube wrapped up the space where Chen Tao and Hei Ming were.

This space was completely blocked.

Hei Ming was startled. He looked around and his face changed drastically. He looked at Chen Tao fiercely: "What did you do?"

Chen Tao said calmly: "Now in this space, it is cut off from the outside world. You can't contact your celestial computer in this space, nor can you use the genetic ability in your body. In other words, I will break you into pieces now, and you can't put them together again."

"When the time comes, I will throw your pieces of meat into the universe." He stared at Hei Ming and said: "Although you will still be alive at that time, I believe it will be no different from being dead."

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