My time is running out

Chapter 235 Death of Dragon Man Joe

Dragon Man Qiao couldn't dodge at all, and his body was directly hit by the black ball.


There was a muffled sound.

Dragon Man Qiao's body flew backwards, flying a full twenty meters away before he stopped.

Ste's pupils condensed and his eyebrows wrinkled.

Ten thousand decibels of ultrasonic waves can cause space to collapse and create a black hole. Ste uses technology to condense the power of ultrasonic waves into the sphere. The moment the ultrasonic waves hit the enemy, the ultrasonic waves will break open the space and create a black hole.

The terrifying gravity of a black hole is enough to tear apart four generations of genes.

It stands to reason that if this attack continues, the woman in front of him will be swallowed by the black hole in an instant.

But the scene in front of him made Ste a little puzzled.

"What's going on?"

Dragon Man Qiao looked at the silver-white armor on her body, and her eyes fell on Ste.

Wei Liya, who saw this scene through the screen, her eyebrows slightly stretched, she said: "It seems that your super concept armor is quite useful."

Chen Tao crossed his arms and said, "It would be great if this super-concept armor is enough to deal with the 'God of the Universe' from the fifth universe in front of us."

Wei Liya said: "You think it can't be done?"

Chen Tao said: "I hope so, but I can't think too absolutely about everything."

within the screen.

Dragon Man Qiao stared at Ste and said, "It seems that you, the 'God of the Universe,' are nothing more than that."

Ste's eyebrows wrinkled slightly and he said: "Through your data, I can see that your body only has the level of three generations of genes... No, what are you wearing?"

He discovered something unusual.

Dragon Man Qiao snorted: "What I wear has nothing to do with you, just suffer death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dragon Man Qiao jumped up and rushed towards Ste, the silver-white sword in his hand glowing with thunder and lightning.


Both Ste and Dragon Man Qiao disappeared from the spot.

"This is..." Villiya's face became more solemn.

Chen Tao frowned: "In the other world, he used the power of the computer behind him to open the other world."

Katie said calmly: "The battle of technology is not only about the equipment on the body, but more importantly, it is the battle between the mainframe computers and the mainframe computers... It seems that Vilia lost."

"Lost?" Wei Liya looked at Chen Tao and said, "Does this mean you lose?"

Although Vilia has gained a lot of knowledge through the 'Dragon King's Academy', she is still somewhat lacking in cutting-edge technological battles.

Katie said: "Dragon Joe cannot move. Although he has the super-concept armor given by Chen Tao, the problem is that the armor can be analyzed. Although the computer behind Chen Tao is very powerful, it is difficult to analyze the armor written by Chen Tao. , but as long as there is enough time, it will be analyzed. In the world of Stre, time will not pass in his range. In other words, he has a lot of time analysis armor. "

Katie looked at Vilia and said: "When the armor is analyzed, Dragon Joe will definitely lose."

"Damn it!" Chen Tao seemed to realize something, and his expression changed.

His figure disappeared from the spot and came into space.

Enter the world of Stetri.

The sight that caught his eye made Chen Tao clenched his fists.

Within the world.

Ste stood in the world full of blue codes, holding a silver-white armor in his hand, but Dragon Man Qiao had disappeared.

Ste looked at Chen Tao and said, "Are you here?"

In this world, time does not pass.

In other words, just after Ste pulled Dragon Man Joe into the other world, although it seemed to the outside world to be just a moment, time had already passed for a long time in Ste's other world.

During that period of time, Ste can slowly dissect Dragon Joe's armor and then kill Dragon Joe!

Chen Tao clenched his fists, looked at Ste, and said, "Where is Dragon Man Qiao?"

Ste's eyebrows slightly stretched, and he said: "Dragon Joe? Oh? Are you talking about the woman with the horns? She humiliated me, and I was very unhappy, so I killed her. This thing she left behind It’s quite interesting.”

Dead? !

Chen Tao's heart suddenly sank, and anger surged into his heart.

"You deserve to die!"

He stared at Ste and raised his hand.

The world of Stetri covers an area as large as a planet.

The moment Chen Tao raised his hand, another world enveloped the surroundings.

The planet in the distance was still in its original state. After Chen Tao raised his hand, everything around him and all the matter that could be seen turned into a blue code.

Seeing this scene, Ste's always calm face changed slightly.

"Inner world? Such a huge inner world?" Ste looked at Chen Tao suddenly and said, "What's going on with the performance of the celestial computer behind you...?"

Chen Tao stared at Ste and said, "You don't need to know what's going on."

Ste was slightly startled. He frowned and was about to move, but suddenly found that his body could not move.

He looked down and found that his entire body had turned into code blue, and his entire body was normal only from his neck up.

Seeing this scene, Ste's expression changed.

His pupils trembled and he looked at Chen Tao in disbelief: " can analyze me?! It's impossible. My body is already the fifth generation of genes. It's impossible for you to analyze me in such a short period of time." My body has analyzed it. This universe... even this big universe cannot have such a computer. "

Steve couldn't believe what he was seeing.

This has completely surpassed Ster's common sense.

Chen Tao said: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it or not. Tell me, where is that woman?"

Dragon Man Qiao is a special existence for Chen Tao. She is Lin's good sister. At the same time, when Chen Tao had not yet completely mastered the power, Dragon Man Qiao took the initiative to enter the Earth Star and helped Chen Tao.

Now Chen Tao is the king of dragons, and Dragon Man Qiao is his right-hand man. But he just watched the woman who had done him a favor and was also his right-hand man die tragically.

Chen Tao couldn't accept this!

Ster's face turned pale. He stabilized his emotions, looked at Chen Tao, and said: "I said, she is dead."


Chen Tao said: "Where is the data?"

Ster said: "I used a 10,000 decibel ultrasound to bombard her, creating a black hole. The black hole swallowed all the data in her body and crushed it into quantum. There is nothing left at present."

Chen Tao clenched his fists, and he stared at Ster: "You deserve to die!"

Ster opened his mouth, and before he could make a sound, his body was swallowed by the blue code.

Ster's code was directly cleared by Chen Tao.

Just like that, Ster evaporated directly, and there was no such person as Ster in the whole world.

Time resumed.

Chen Tao was the only one left in the entire space.

Chen Tao looked at the empty space.

Chen Tao shook his head, and his figure disappeared on the spot. When he appeared again, he appeared in the Dragon Hall.

Seeing Chen Tao coming back.

Veliya and Katie looked at each other, and they looked at Chen Tao.

Veliya looked at Chen Tao and said, "Where is Joe?"

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