My time is running out

Chapter 244 A thousand years?

This is the weapon that just launched stellar energy to bombard the Earth.

Chen Tao glanced at it and waved his hand.

He directly wiped out the warship.

Of course, in addition to the warship, the people inside the warship were also wiped out.

After finishing, he looked at the empty space.

There was no second warship in the space.

Just one?

Chen Tao didn't think much about it.

His figure disappeared again and appeared above the solar system.

In Chen Tao's vision, the entire solar system is now blue code.

When Chen Tao's eyes fell on the sun, he saw the blue code that was different from usual, and his eyebrows frowned slightly.

The code of the sun has obviously been rewritten. According to the current code, the reaction in the sun will stop quickly and the heat will disappear.

If the heat of the sun disappears, it will no longer be a star, and without the heat of the sun, the Earth will usher in the end.

However, for Chen Tao, modifying the code of the star is not a difficult task.

Chen Tao rewrote the code of the sun. Under Chen Tao's operation, some blue codes that should not exist were erased, and then new blue codes were re-entered.

It took Chen Tao half an hour to repair the sun.

After it was done, Chen Tao's sight fell in one direction.

During the writing process just now, Chen Tao paid attention to the surroundings, and he found a figure not far from the solar system.

Chen Tao's figure disappeared, and when he appeared again, he appeared in the position of the figure.

He looked at the man in front of him.

He was made up of blue codes all over his body. Through his appearance. Chen Tao could tell that this was a man.

However, he couldn't tell what he looked like...

At this time, the man entered the surface world from the inner world mode, he exited the blue code mode, and changed back to his original appearance.

As soon as he changed back to his original appearance, Chen Tao saw it clearly.

This man has white hair and white eyes, and is somewhat similar to Ster. Obviously, he is from the fifth universe again.

After seeing the man's appearance, Chen Tao was sure that he was not wrong.

It turned out to be a person from the fifth universe.

As soon as the man saw Chen Tao, his pupils condensed slightly: "Chen Tao?!"

He recognized Chen Tao.

Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly and said: "Do you recognize me?"

The man's face sank, and he raised his hand, as if he wanted to do something.

Suddenly, the man seemed to realize something and his face changed drastically.

Looking at the man's actions, Chen Tao crossed his arms and said: "You are now in my inner world. In my inner world, I am a god. I can make any rules I want. You can't attack me."

The man's eyebrows frowned suddenly, he stared at Chen Tao and said: "You killed God Ster, this matter will not be let go. You killed me, but no one else in the fifth universe will let you go!"

Hearing this, Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly, and he said lightly: "Okay, let's see who won't let who go. I didn't want to cause trouble for you, but now you are like flies , which is annoying. I think it's time for me to go to your fifth universe and take a look. "

Speaking of this, Chen Tao paused for a moment, as if thinking about something. He looked at the man and said, "The gene function of the sixth-generation genome can create a new universe, but I don't know yet whether I can destroy a universe. What do you think will happen if I use your fifth universe to do experiments?"

The man's face changed slightly: "Destroy the universe..., you... this is impossible."

Realizing the horror of this matter, the man's face turned pale, and there was a trace of fear and uneasiness in his pupils.

Chen Tao said lightly: "It is possible only after trying it. Of course, as for the result, I think you can't see it."

As he said, the man was startled: "What do you mean?"

Suddenly, the man seemed to realize something. He looked down and found that his body was disappearing out of thin air at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The man's pupils trembled slightly: "You..."

Before the man said the last word, his body had completely disappeared.

His data was directly erased by Chen Tao.

According to common sense, after reaching the third generation of the genome, it is immortal. Even if the genome can be destroyed with sharp silver, the genome's self-recovery ability will restore it to normal.

However, Chen Tao's technology has long surpassed that level. He can completely erase the other party's data.

In this way, it will be true death.

Chen Tao did not let time resume.

He said to Xingyun: "Xingyun, I need to write a defense system for the solar system so that it can have its own defense ability. Can you do it?"

"Received the instruction, do you want to use the strongest celestial defense system in the database?" Xingyun's mechanical voice came.

Chen Tao said: "The strongest..., how long will it take?"

Xingyun said: "It is expected to take a thousand Earth years."

Chen Tao touched the back of his head and said: "No, the defense system I need is only as long as they can withstand the technological destruction of the alien universe. How long does it take to make such a celestial defense system?"

Xingyun said: "Calculating, calculation completed, the time required is one Earth year."

One year, too long.

But it is natural that it takes so long for a celestial system as huge as the entire solar system to have the technological capability to resist invasion from the alien universe.

And one year is certainly much less than a thousand years.

Realizing this, Chen Tao nodded slightly and said, "Okay, start writing."

Although it takes a lot of time to do this, it will be done once and for all.

It can completely eradicate the threat of the fifth universe.

After all, the solar system is too fragile for those enemies from the outer universe, and they can be killed at will.

A celestial defense system is necessary.

"Received the order, start writing." Nebula's mechanical voice came.

Chen Tao could see blue codes appearing on the periphery of the solar system, and those codes were being generated rapidly, very fast.

But even faster, the solar system is still very large.

One year...

Chen Tao shook his head and asked him to continue waiting in this space. He didn't think he could stand it.

However, Chen Tao thought of a way to relieve the boredom.

He asked Nebula to continue writing, and he returned to the earth.

Back to the bedroom in Yuehu Manor.

To be precise, it was Betty's bedroom.

The whole bedroom looked like blue codes. He could recognize what the items were by looking at their shapes.

However, Chen Tao found that he couldn't find Betty.

Chen Tao looked around and paused. He noticed a small humanoid code on the balcony. Seeing this, Chen Tao smiled.

It should be her.

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