My time is running out

Chapter 249 New Super Concept Weapons

"Did you see it?" Veliya's voice sounded in Chen Tao's ears.

Hearing this voice, Chen Tao said: "I saw it."

Veliya said: "Just now this thing suddenly appeared in the universe, it looks like a very powerful defense project."

"Well, I made it." Chen Tao explained.

Hearing this, Veliya was slightly startled and said: "Did you make this? Such a vast celestial project cannot be done without several years. You are..."

Chen Tao said: "You guessed it right. I stayed in the inner world for a year just to write this thing."

"One year... What is the use of this thing that took you a year?" Veliya's voice came slowly.

Hearing this voice, Chen Tao said: "It belongs to the solar system security project, a security system that can protect the entire solar system, and it can withstand all attacks from the outer universe."

"Indeed, your star system is too fragile without defense. If people from the outer universe want to destroy your mother star, they can do it easily. Your star system defense project can indeed effectively protect your star system." Veliya agreed with Chen Tao's approach.

Chen Tao smiled and said, "Then... I need to do something else next."

"You want to invade the fifth universe?" Veliya's voice came.

Chen Tao was not surprised at all when he heard Veliya's words. He was used to it.

Veliya's sharp ability that seemed to be able to see through everything seemed to make people's thoughts invisible.

In front of her, few people can have their own secrets.

Chen Tao said, "Well..."

"If you want to go to the fifth universe, you have considered the problem of your home planet, but have you considered the problem of our universe?" Veliya said lightly.

Hearing this, Chen Tao was slightly startled.

Veliya said, "If you don't want to come back from the fifth universe and see your own universe full of dragon corpses, I think you still need to deal with our side."

Chen Tao condensed.

He frowned.

Chen Tao understood Veliya's reminder.

At present, the invasion of the outer universe continues.

If Chen Tao really went to the fifth universe, and if someone from other universes invaded our universe, without Chen Tao as a support, the threat that this universe would face would be extremely huge.

At present, if a fifth-generation gene body with a celestial computer came from the outer universe, the only one who could confront it head-on would be Veliya, who had the celestial computer written by Nebula.

Even if Katie and Bai Yao had the fifth-generation gene body, the performance of the celestial computer behind them was too poor, and they would not be opponents facing the enemies from the outer universe head-on.

The threat was too great.

Chen Tao frowned.

Yes, although Chen Tao was reluctant to admit it, Veliya's reminder was normal. Chen Tao's previous decision was simply a matter of taking care of the beginning and not the end.

We must find a way to protect the entire universe.

But how to do it?

"Your Nebula has the ability to analyze any substance, and it also has the ability to write super-concept props. I want to combine these two methods..." Veliya said.

Hearing this, Chen Tao's heart condensed slightly, and he said: "You mean..."

Veliya said: "Write a prop that can analyze everything. In this way, we can analyze the fifth-generation gene body without relying on the nebula and deal a heavy blow to the opponent."

"Also, our main threat at present is the inner world ability brought by the opponent's celestial computer. Simply put, it is the opponent's analysis ability. Although the armor you gave us has the ability to be immune to all physical and mental attacks, it cannot avoid being analyzed. So..."

Veliya said: "I want you to write 10 million sets of armor that can be immune to all physical and mental attacks, and can also be immune to the ability to be analyzed."

Hearing this, Chen Tao felt his eyes light up.

He immediately remembered the artificial man from the outer universe that he had met before.

In the past, Chen Tao couldn't figure out why the artificial man could be immune to being analyzed, but now Chen Tao understood.

It is very likely that the artificial man has similar super-concept equipment that can be immune to being analyzed.

Veliya's words made Chen Tao suddenly realize.

Indeed, what Chen Tao has been worried about is that the female dragons will be analyzed, right?

But if the super-concept equipment is redefined to make it immune to it, then wouldn't it be solved? !

Chen Tao said: "Call back all the female dragons on the front line, and prepare a warehouse for me."

"Okay." Velia responded briefly.

Chen Tao looked at Betty beside him.

Betty looked at Chen Tao with her big eyes, and their eyes met.

Chen Tao's eyes fell on Betty's clothes.

Chen Tao is now wearing a Lolita-style outfit.

Her waist is bound by a pink strip of cloth, which is very slender. The fabric fits her petite body and looks very cute.

Under the skirt, her slender legs are wrapped in white stockings, and she is wearing a pair of pink leather shoes.

Her long red hair is tied up, and below is a delicate and perfect baby face. Under the narrow eyelashes, there is a pair of big ruby ​​eyes, and her big eyes are looking at Chen Tao.

Her skin is as white as cream, her figure is petite and slim, and she is very cute.

This outfit was naturally prepared by Chen Tao for Betty, after all, Betty didn't know what kind of clothes would suit her body shape.

Now look at Betty, the pink Lolita dress, matched with her fair skin and petite figure, is simply impeccable.

She is like a princess from a fairy tale, so beautiful that she seems to be out of this world.

Chen Tao smiled and said, "I will program your outfit."

Betty was slightly startled: "Program?"

Time stopped.

Chen Tao's eyes fell on Betty, and Betty's body turned into blue code.

Chen Tao said to Xingyun: "Xingyun, redefine Betty's outfit, making it immune to physical attacks, mental attacks, and immune to the analysis of celestial computers."

"Received the instruction, redefining."


Chen Tao saw that the code on Betty's dress made of blue code began to change.

Time passed by.

"Programming completed."

The moment this sentence appeared.

Betty's figure left the inner world mode and entered the outer world mode.

Seeing this, Chen Tao was slightly startled.

He did not cancel Betty's otherworld mode...

Chen Tao understood that it was the clothes on her body that worked.

Betty was slightly startled, she looked around, looking at the blue codes around her, she looked at Chen Tao and said, "What are you going to do now?"

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