My time is running out

Chapter 260 Another Him

Chen Tao can be sure that Ster's death happened recently.

But Ming said that Ster had been dead for three thousand years.

Could it be....

Chen Tao was secretly shocked and said to Xingyun in his heart: "Ster has been dead for three thousand years?"

"Yes, when you passed through the time-space distortion wormhole, time was distorted, and you arrived at your destination three thousand years later." Xingyun's mechanical voice sounded slowly.

Listening to Xingyun's emotionless voice, Chen Tao's face turned pale and his hands covered his head.

He wanted to be angry, but he had no choice.

After all, Xingyun had said that time-space distortion wormholes are risky.

But, it has been three thousand years, so is there any point for him to come here?

Three thousand years is enough time for many, many things to happen. This fifth universe is probably not the fifth universe that he wants to deal with. And now, let alone dealing with the problems of the fifth universe, it is estimated that the universe where Chen Tao is located has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Three thousand years have passed, so is there any point for Chen Tao to come to the fifth universe now?

Suddenly, Chen Tao's mind flashed.

Time machine!

By the way, now we can use the time machine to go back to three thousand years later!

Thinking of this.

Chen Tao said: "Xingyun, use the time machine, I want to go back to three thousand years later."

"There is no time data of the fifth universe, so the time machine cannot be used." Xingyun's mechanical voice came.

Hearing this voice, Chen Tao's face changed slightly.

What do you mean? !

Cannot be used? !

"Hello." Suddenly, a voice came from the side.

Chen Tao came back to his senses, and he looked at Betty beside him.

Betty was looking at Chen Tao with her big eyes, her eyes were shining, and said: "Are you okay?"

There was worry in Betty's eyes.

Looking at the worry in the little face in front of him, he looked at his hand, which was held by Betty's little hand, because Betty's little hand was too small, and could only hold one of Chen Tao's thumbs.

But Chen Tao could feel Betty's concern.

Seeing Betty's expression, Chen Tao said, "Three thousand years."

Hearing this, Betty said, "I heard it."

Chen Tao said, "Then you don't feel anything?"

Betty said, "What can I feel? Don't forget, I have lived for millions of years. Thousands of years make no difference to me. And in my opinion, the most important person to me is you. You are by my side, so it doesn't matter what happens to others."

She looked at Chen Tao with big eyes, with a look of indifference on her face.

Looking at Betty's calm expression, Chen Tao also calmed down a little. He gently stroked Betty's hair and slowly held her in his arms.

Chen Tao looked at Ming in front of him. Ming's eyes were shining with a hint of light, and his eyes were staring at Chen Tao.

Seeing Chen Tao looking at him, Ming subconsciously opened his mouth and said, "You... came here from three thousand years ago?"

Chen Tao said, "Well..., there was an accident on the way here, and it seemed to take three thousand years to get here."

"Well... three thousand years?" Ming looked at Chen Tao and said, "If you are here to find Ster, then give up, he has been dead for a long time."

Chen Tao said, "I know..., then let me ask you, do you know the dragon civilization and the earth?"

Ming looked at Chen Tao: "Dragon civilization..., do you mean the dragon civilization of the first universe?"

"The first universe?" Chen Tao was slightly startled, he looked at Betty, and then looked at Ming: "There is also a dragon civilization in the first universe?"

Ming crossed his arms and said, "Of course there is. The first universe was just a small universe with no reputation three thousand years ago. Later, the sixth generation of genes appeared in it. Many people from many universes went to challenge it, but they all died. Later, it became more and more famous, and now it is the well-deserved first universe."

Chen Tao felt that all the hairs on his body stood up.

The sixth generation of gene bodies, dragon civilization...

Isn't what Ming is talking about Chen Tao's universe?

Chen Tao slowly stood up, he looked at Ming and said: "Thank you for your explanation, I think we should leave."


Ming looked at Chen Tao and said nothing.

Chen Tao took Betty to the door, he looked at Ming and said: "In view of your help to me, I will give you a gift."

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


A crisp sound.

Chen Tao looked at Ming and said: "Your body has been transformed. From now on, you can be exposed in the universe like us, and nothing will happen."

Ming was slightly startled, and she slowly stood up.

Chen Tao took Betty out of the door.

Chen Tao said: "Nebula, open the space-time distortion wormhole."

A golden door appeared in front of Chen Tao, looking at the dark time of the door.

Three thousand years have been missed, and Chen Tao doesn't care what he is missing.

He took Betty's hand and stepped into the space-time distortion wormhole.

Chen Tao felt a black and bright in front of his eyes.

Chen Tao looked around.

This is a familiar place, this is in Yuehu Manor.

I'm back.

Chen Tao looked around, Yuehu Manor has not changed at all, but...

Chen Tao can see that the society outside Yuehu Manor is already full of tall buildings, and those tall buildings are all black metal plates with blue light.

It gives people a high-tech feeling, and in the sky, there is a huge spaceship flying over those tall buildings.

Seeing this, Chen Tao said: "Xingyun, tell me, has anything changed this time?"

"No change."

Hearing this, Chen Tao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master." A familiar voice came from beside him.

Chen Tao turned around and saw a familiar figure.

It was No. 10.

No. 10 was still the same as before, with a smile on his face.

As expected of an artificial person.

Chen Tao nodded slightly and said: "Three thousand years have passed, are Ziqing and the others doing well now?"

Hearing this, No. 10 had doubts in her eyes. She looked at Chen Tao and said: "Master, what are you talking about?"

Hearing this, Chen Tao was slightly startled: "What?"

No. 10 said: "Aren't you always here?"

Chen Tao was startled: "What do you mean?"

No. 10 said: "According to my database, you have been by our side for three thousand years and have never left."

Chen Tao was stunned.

What does it mean?

Someone pretended to be him and was with Ziqing and the others?

No, this is impossible.

Kati and Vilia, with their intelligence, how could they not tell whether the other party was real or fake?

And to pretend to be a person with the sixth-generation gene body in the known universe is simply a daydream.


Chen Tao said: "Nebula, check if there is another nebula in this universe?"

"Received the command, testing..."

"The test was successful, and there is a data fluctuation of the second nebula in the universe."

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