My time is running out

Chapter 265 Using the Time Machine Again

Veliya thought about it, and she decided to tell Chen Tao about this first.

Chen Tao is the king of the dragon civilization. Three hundred sisters died, and Chen Tao must know.

At the same time.

Chen Tao on the other side was lying on the bed, resting with his eyes closed.

It was only seven o'clock in the morning on Earth.

For Chen Tao, who loves to sleep in, this time period is the time to sleep.


Suddenly a voice came, waking Chen Tao from his sleep.

Chen Tao opened his eyes.

"Veliya? What's wrong?"

"Just now, three hundred dragon warriors were attacked by unknown people when they were not wearing armor, and they were analyzed, including the dragon Qiao. I think you should know about this."

Upon hearing this, Chen Tao frowned and said, "I know, wait for me."

Chen Tao hung up the call, and he looked at Ziqing in his arms.

Ziqing was closing her eyes, with a blush on her face, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and a satisfied smile on her face.

She was sleeping, sleeping soundly.

Chen Tao got off the bed carefully, so as not to disturb Ziqing.

After getting off the bed.

Chen Tao put on his clothes, passed through the micro wormhole, and came to Veliya's side.

Veliya saw Chen Tao appear, and she said: "This is the residence of Dragon Man Qiao."

Hearing this, Chen Tao looked around.

"Nebula, search for Dragon Man Qiao's genetic information."

"Received the order, searching..."

"Search is over, Dragon Man Qiao's genetic information does not exist in the known universe."

Chen Tao frowned, he looked at Veliya and said: "How long did this happen?"

Hearing this, Veliya looked at Chen Tao, and she said: "About three minutes ago."

In the inner world, it only takes a moment, as long as the other party comes into contact with Dragon Man Qiao, this situation will naturally occur.

Veliya seemed to realize something. She subconsciously looked at Chen Tao and said, "Tao, you can't?"

Chen Tao said, "Well..., if you can save people, then of course you should save them."

Veliya said, "I think the time machine is a kind of existence that will change the balance of the universe. If you can avoid it, I want you to try not to use it."

Hearing this, Chen Tao looked at Veliya and said, "I know..., but if I have the ability to save people's lives and see them die but don't use it, then... I can't accept it."

Hearing this, Veliya nodded slightly and said, "I know what you mean."

Chen Tao looked at Veliya and said, "Then, I'll go."

Veliya nodded silently.

"Xingyun, turn on the time machine and go back five minutes ago."

In order to avoid missing the time just now, Chen Tao deliberately asked for two more minutes.

"Received the order, preparing for time travel..."

"Ten, nine..."


Listening to the end of the countdown by Xingyun.

Chen Tao felt the surrounding environment change.

Chen Tao regained consciousness. He looked and found himself lying on the bed, and in his arms was Ziqing.


Chen Tao tiptoed out of bed and said, "Nebula, synchronize the databases of all dragon warriors."

"Received the command, started synchronization."

"Synchronization successful."

Chen Tao said, "Synchronize and write new definitions. When dragon warriors encounter danger, they will automatically wear super-concept armor."

"Received the command, started to write new definitions synchronously..."

"Writing new definitions..."

"Writing completed."

"Tao." Suddenly, a voice sounded in Chen Tao's gene channel.

Hearing this voice, Chen Tao said, "Veliya."

Veliya said, "Someone moved my database. Did you do it?"

Really sharp, worthy of being Veliya.

Chen Tao smiled and said, "It's me. I upgraded the super-concept armor for all dragon warriors to avoid accidents."

"By the way, is Dragon Joe here?" Chen Tao asked.

Veliya said, "She's talking to me."

"Hmm..." Chen Tao said, "That's fine."

"Hmm." Veliya responded.

The communication was disconnected.

On the other side.

Veliya sat in front of the dressing table, looking at herself in the mirror. She was a little confused. Why did Chen Tao suddenly think of upgrading their database?



A muffled sound.

Veliya looked through the mirror and saw a black flying knife passing by and slashing towards Long Renyue behind her.

Just as Long Renyue was about to be cut in two, the gauze skirt on Long Renyue's body automatically replaced with armor.

The armor lit up and instantly bounced the flying knife away.

Veliya stood up suddenly and looked at the source of the weapon.

There stood a man with white hair and white eyes. White hair and white eyes were common in the fifth universe.

Veliya frowned.

The man saw that his attack failed, he frowned and raised his hand.

The other world appeared, and the surroundings turned into blue code.

Long Renyue and Viliya remained as they were.

The man's face changed slightly, and he opened the micro wormhole.

Seeing this, Viliya said, "Want to escape?"

She raised her hand, stretched out the micro wormhole, and took out the dematerializer.

The dematerializer fell on the man, and the man's body disappeared.

The inner world mode was released.

Vilia seemed to realize something, and subconsciously looked at Long Renyue beside her, and at the armor on Long Renyue's body. She looked at Long Renyue and said, "Is this what you wore?"

Long Renyue shook his head and said, "No, I was in danger just now, and it was automatically attached to me."

Equipment, like the human body, can be entered into the wormhole through analysis and then worn on the body, but generally speaking, it requires people to react and then perform calculations and assembly by themselves.

But at that moment, Long Renyue had no chance to react.

Could it be..., Wei Liya thought of Chen Tao.

Wei Liya immediately entered the public genetic channel and said, "I was assassinated just now. Has anyone encountered this situation?"




A chorus of voices rang out.

Hearing this voice, Wei Liya said: "Dragon Man Qiao, count how many people have just been assassinated."

Welia slowly sat on the chair, her eyebrows furrowed, she looked at herself in the mirror, she thought for a moment, and connected to Chen Tao's genetic channel.

other side.

Chen Tao was coming out of the bathroom after taking a shower. He came to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the scenery outside.


Hearing Wei Liya's voice, Chen Tao said, "How's it going?"

"Did you use a time machine?" Vilia's voice was solemn.

Hearing this, Chen Tao said nothing.

Vilia said: "I think the time machine is an existence that violates the balance of the universe. I hope you can try not to use it."

The familiar words first made Chen Tao slightly startled, and then a smile appeared on his face.


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