My time is running out

Chapter 284 The Second Man-Made Man

Hongyue looked at Chen Tao, she pondered for a moment, and said: "You are very perceptive. The purpose of my coming here is indeed not just as I said before. Although the timeline of the future time is in chaos, it may not be impossible to save it. Now in the future time, the most important thing should be to overthrow the rule of the Red Dragon King, and to overthrow the rule of the Red Dragon King, the power of the time machine must be used."

Chen Tao said: "Then why don't you let her build a time machine now?"

Hongyue said lightly: "It's not that I don't let her use it, but I'm waiting for an opportunity. According to the timeline, the war between the Red Dragon Civilization and the Dragon Civilization has ended. At this time, it has now been ruled by the Red Dragon Civilization, and all I need to do is to go to the Dragon Civilization and help the Dragon Civilization destroy the rule of the Red Dragon Civilization."

"Of course, the premise is to deal with the obstacles of those artificial people from the future first."

Speaking of this, Hongyue looked at Chen Tao.

She seemed to remember something, and her eyebrows slightly frowned: "Wait a minute..., you said that you are the king of the Dragon Civilization in this world..., it's strange, there is no you in my history, what is the situation in this universe now?"

Chen Tao understood.

Hongyue didn't want Haiyue to build a time machine, but she needed Haiyue to build it when she needed it, so that she could rewrite history in the future.

Hongyue meant that she wanted to protect the time machine so that she could use it instead of the enemy.

As long as the machine could be used in the future, Hongyue could still go back to this time period and change the history of this universe as before.

It's just that Hongyue seems to have just discovered that the history of this universe is completely different from what she knows.

Chen Tao looked at Hongyue and said, "In my history, the Red Dragon Civilization has been defeated, and the Dragon Civilization is still the master of this universe."

Hongyue was stunned, and she frowned suddenly: "This is impossible. Those people of the Red Dragon Civilization have fused their genes with elemental bodies. Their means of attack are simply not something that the current White Dragon Civilization can resist. This..."

Hongyue looked at Chen Tao and said, "Is it... because of you?"

Chen Tao hummed: "Of course, I am a sixth-generation gene body. Although the Red Dragon Civilization has indeed researched some new technologies, it is still not my opponent."

Hongyue frowned: "This is why someone used a time machine to go back to the past and deliberately erased you from history..."

Hearing this, Chen Tao frowned slightly: "Maybe, in your timeline I don't exist in this universe. I guess someone has used the time machine to do something. "

Chen Tao looked at Hongyue, crossed his arms and said, "So, in fact, you don't need to think about rewriting the future with your own power. The most important thing is that as long as Haiyue can't make a time machine, everything will be restored. Naturally, the dragon civilization will still be the master of this universe. "

"Well..." Hongyue nodded slightly and said, "What you said is indeed correct."

Hongyue looked at Haiyue, who was still lying on the bed in a coma, and said, "I must keep a close eye on her."

Chen Tao looked at the '∞' symbol on Hongyue's wrist, which symbolizes infinity, and said, "However, it is not so easy for you to achieve this task."

When Hongyue heard this, she looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao said, "Raise your wrist and check your time."

Hongyue raised her wrist and took a look. Her pupils condensed slightly, and her face was a little surprised. She looked at Chen Tao fiercely: "What's going on?!"

Chen Tao said, "Everyone who uses a time machine will have a time break. After the time break, countless time lines will be generated. The time of people who have a time break will no longer be eternal, but only more than 60 years. You want to keep an eye on Hongyue and prevent her from making a time machine. At most, you can only keep an eye on her for 60 years."

Hongyue was stunned. Her pupils trembled slightly, and her expression was a little surprised: " could this happen?"

Looking at Hongyue's expression, Chen Tao could tell that Hongyue didn't know the existence of the time break.


Suddenly, there was a movement in the sky above.

Hearing this movement, Chen Tao raised his head and looked.

A ball of fire above was approaching this side quickly.

"Here it comes."

Hongyue frowned, she hurried to Haiyue's side and picked up the unconscious Haiyue.

"Boom!" The fireball hit the ground, and the dust flew.

The appearance of mechanical Betty was revealed in the dust.

Chen Tao was stunned and said, "What's going on?"

Chen Tao had clearly asked Betty to order the android not to move, but the android still followed him.

Hong Yue opened the micro wormhole, she glanced at Chen Tao, and said, "This thing cannot be destroyed. Even if you destroy it, the future world can continue to send androids until Hai Yue is killed. I'm leaving first and won't accompany you. I can't let Hai Yue take risks."

After that, Hong Yue took Hai Yue into the micro wormhole.

Chen Tao looked at the android in front of him, and the android's pupils condensed slightly. She raised her hand, and there was a red energy sword in her hand. She rushed towards Chen Tao.

The energy sword in her hand slashed towards Chen Tao.

Chen Tao's figure disappeared and appeared again a hundred meters away.

The android suddenly caught up with Chen Tao and attacked again!

The speed of the android was too fast.

Before Chen Tao even had time to react, he felt a sharp pain in his arm.


An arm flew into the sky.

A stinging sensation came from the arm.

Chen Tao's pupils condensed slightly, and he quickly released the protective shield.

"Bang!" The red energy sword hit the protective shield.

The android was directly ejected.

Chen Tao's broken arm recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and returned to its original appearance in the blink of an eye.

Chen Tao raised his hand and shook it, looking at his reborn arm. Although the sixth-generation gene body has a strong self-healing ability, the pain of the broken arm is still daunting.

Chen Tao's eyes fell on the android in front of him.

The android's pupils were glowing with blue code.

"Encountered a high-tech barrier, requesting analysis."

"Begin analysis."

"Unable to analyze."

The android frowned, stared at Chen Tao, spread his wings, and flew up.

She was extremely fast and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this, two black half-moon blades flew out next to Chen Tao.

Chen Tao said: "Lock on the position of the android and start a fixed-point attack!"

"Locked, start attacking."

The half-moon blade shot in the direction where the android left and drilled into the micro wormhole.

Chen Tao opened a screen, through which he could see the android flying rapidly.

At this time, a micro wormhole appeared next to the android, and two half-moon blades flew out and shot at the android.

"Clang clang clang!" The pitch-black half-moon blades slashed directly at the android, but all the half-moon blades were bounced off. The attack was completely ineffective against the android? !

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