My time is running out

Chapter 304 Haiyue's Emotions

"I understand." Haiyue breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had made up her mind. She looked at Future Betty and said, "After knowing the start and end time of your time loop and what you did, I know what's going on."

Got it? Chen Tao's eyes lit up slightly. He looked at Haiyue and said, "What's going on?"

Haiyue said, "You erased my data about time, and the time machine over there will no longer exist. Originally, Future Betty should have disappeared with the disappearance of this timeline, but because Future Betty is at the intersection of one timeline and another, she survived."

Haiyue looked at Future Betty and said, "But, you exist because of the intersection, so you can only survive within the time period of this intersection."

"Give me an example." Haiyue said, "You hold two wooden boards, and the two boards are parallel, then it is the normal timeline, and when you use the time machine and step into another When there is a timeline. It is equivalent to two planks overlapping. And you live between the overlap of the two planks. If you leave the overlapping place, you will be pulled back to the previous time point. "

Future Betty frowned: "If this is the case, I can understand, but what about Chen Tao? Why does he also?"

Haiyue said lightly: "It is probably because you and Chen Tao are too close, and your genes are mixed, which makes the time judgment unexpected, which leads to this. If you two stay away when the time loop restarts, then Chen Tao can leave that loop. "

Future Betty was slightly startled, and she looked at Chen Tao.

Haiyue was not wrong. Indeed, when the two loops restarted, Future Betty was nestled in Chen Tao's arms.

Chen Tao looked at Haiyue and said, "How do we get out of this time loop?"

Haiyue looked at Chen Tao and said, "For now, I have a way. As long as you don't erase my time data, the time machine will still exist. Another timeline will also appear. If another timeline exists. Then the wooden board will not have this problem, because in this way, the two timelines can overlap together, and the time loop will disappear."

"This is impossible." Future Betty looked at Haiyue and said, "The time machine must disappear, otherwise, the impact of the time machine is too great."

Haiyue's eyebrows stretched slightly and said, "In addition to this, there is another way."

Everyone in the room looked at Haiyue.

Haiyue said, "I can make a time device that can merge your timeline with this timeline, so that you are a person in this timeline, and then you can live in this timeline without worrying about the time loop."

"Can you do it?" Chen Tao looked at Haiyue

Haiyue raised her hand, pushed her glasses, looked at Chen Tao and said, "I can even make a time machine, a time device, do you think I can't do it? But you have to return my genetic function to me. If the genetic function is not returned to me, then I can't do it."

Giving the genetic function back to Haiyue means that Haiyue will have the ability to communicate with the outside world, and she can pass on her knowledge to others. If Haiyue really does this, the time machine will appear uncontrollably.

The timeline will also become very chaotic.

But if the genetic function is not returned to Haiyue, then the time device cannot be made.

Chen Tao is fine, but Future Betty will be trapped in this time loop forever and can't get out.

"Give it to her." Future Betty said.

Hearing this, Chen Tao looked at Future Betty.

Future Betty nodded slightly.

Chen Tao looked at Hongyue and said, "Hongyue."

It was Hongyue who deprived Haiyue of her genetic function, and Hongyue could only return Haiyue's genetic function to Haiyue.

When Hongyue heard this, she hesitated. She looked at Future Betty, then looked at Chen Tao and said, "Do we really want to do this? If we do this, we can't be sure whether Haiyue will copy her database to others, and..., that's Future Betty. She is a violent and terrifying existence in my timeline. Wouldn't it be better if she could be trapped in the time loop?"

Hearing this, Chen Tao frowned and said, "Hongyue, you are a member of the Dragon Civilization, right?"

Hongyue was slightly startled, and she nodded slightly.

Chen Tao said, "In this timeline, I am the King of Dragons, and this is an order from the King."

Hongyue looked at Chen Tao and said, "Yes, King."

She looked at Haiyue beside her, and a blue light flashed in her eyes.

Hongyue said, "Okay."

Haiyue felt her own genetic function, and she slowly closed her eyes.

And then.

Chen Tao felt that the surroundings were slightly dark, and all the surroundings turned into blue codes.

Haiyue entered the inner world.

Haiyue's inner world did not affect Chen Tao and others, so naturally Chen Tao also entered Haiyue's inner world.

Chen Tao looked at the side, Betty, future Betty and Haiyue, but they were in a normal state and were not affected by Haiyue's inner world.

Haiyue looked at the people around her, and she said: "It takes me three days to make a time device. I can only use the inner world to stop time. If I don't do this, I guess you will enter the cycle again."

"Yeah." Chen Tao nodded slightly.

Chen Tao had no opinion on Haiyue's statement.

Haiyue said: "Then I'll start."

"Wait a minute." Chen Tao suddenly spoke.

Hearing the voice, Haiyue looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao looked at Haiyue and said, "I have another question."

When Haiyue heard this, she looked at Chen Tao: "What's the problem?"

Chen Tao looked at Haiyue and said seriously: "You should know that we are very likely to erase part of your database as before. You know that we will do this to you, but you are still willing to help us. Why is that? "

This was a bit difficult for Chen Tao to understand.

Chen Tao thought that Haiyue would threaten Chen Tao to let her go on condition of helping Chen Tao and the others escape from the time loop. But what Chen Tao never expected was that Haiyue not only failed to do so, but also helped them unconditionally.

why is that?

Haiyue took a deep look at Chen Tao, and her eyes fell on Future Betty. She withdrew her gaze and turned her back to Chen Tao. She raised her hand. In front of her, blue codes emerged bit by bit, and she began to write. .

While writing Haiyue, he said calmly: "Betty is the only person who takes the initiative to talk to me. She is also the first person who encourages me and agrees with me when I study time. She is to me, He is a divine being, higher than his colleagues and higher than his friends.”

"Perhaps, to Betty, I am just an ordinary colleague, but in my heart..." Haiyue said, "She is a special existence."

"The purpose of making a time machine is actually to let Betty take a look at it, so that Betty can once again agree with my research on time, and once again cheer and marvel at the new things I have researched." Haiyue's eyes With a hint of water, he said: " original purpose was just to see her smile."

"Later, I heard that Betty wanted to attack the dragon civilization, but... was blocked by the technology you gave to the dragon people. At that time, I hated your existence. Later, I saw Betty with you again and appeared in front of me. , watching you and Betty's intimacy. I feel that Betty has fallen... and it's all because of your influence."

"I thought that once the time machine was built and you were erased, everything would get back on track and Betty could overthrow the dragon civilization." Haiyue's eyes were filled with tears and her eyes were blurred: "It turns out I Found out I was wrong."

Tears fell from the corners of Haiyue's eyes. She covered her face, closed her eyes and said tremblingly.

"It's not important anymore, nothing is important anymore. If the time machine I created is not what Betty needs, then... what's the use of the time machine? What's the point of me studying time? If you want Erase it, just erase it, it doesn’t matter anymore.”

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