My time is running out

Chapter 361: Gensi's Threat

Chen Tao thought.

Pei Ai plans to liberate the sanctuary.

Also, Pei Ai was born and raised in the Sanctuary, and the Sanctuary is like this. It is obviously embarrassing for Pei Ai to give up the Sanctuary and leave.

Unless... Pei Ai is an emotionless person, it is impossible for her to leave like this.

Chen Tao also understood.

Chen Tao said: "Okay, I promise you to help you liberate the sanctuary."

Pei Ai was slightly startled and looked at Chen Tao: "Really?"

Hearing this, Chen Tao smiled and said, "It's boring to have nothing to do now anyway."

Chen Tao is the king of this dragon, the king of this universe, according to the dragon's law of balance. Now that the civilization of this world encounters such a thing, he can choose to intervene.

When a civilization is in crisis, the dragon people can guide and help. This is how the dragon people civilization handles it.

Of course it is possible for Chen Tao to liberate the Sanctuary.

Pei Ai was happy. She raised her face, approached Chen Tao, and kissed Chen Tao.

Parted lips.

Chen Tao looked at Pei Ai's face, saw her eyelashes trembling slightly, and watched her slowly open her big eyes filled with moisture.

Looking into her eyes, Chen Tao smiled.



Suddenly there was a muffled sound at the door.

The door was kicked open.

In an instant, five warriors wearing light mechas rushed in from outside and rushed in.

A group of people directly held the firearms in their hands, surrounded Chen Tao and Pei Ai, and pointed their guns at Chen Tao and Pei Ai.

At this time, one of the blond men walked in from outside the door.

With a playful smile on his face, he looked at the two of them and said, "They are quite close."

Seeing the person coming, Pei Ai frowned: "Gensi, what do you want to do?!"

The person who came was none other than Gen Si, the deputy head of the law enforcement team.

Gensi crossed his arms and looked at the two of them. He squinted his eyes and said lightly: "What do I want to do? Don't you know?"

Gensi's eyes fell on Chen Tao, and he said: "It is obvious that the owner of the technology can save all mankind, but he is unwilling to hand it over. Hum, if you don't hand it over, then I will have a way to make you hand it over."

"Is this the commander's intention? Or is it Zhenna's intention?" Pei Ai stood up and blocked Chen Tao behind him.

Gensi narrowed his eyes and said: "The old guy Commander doesn't listen to me at all, but that doesn't matter. When I catch him, I will pry his mouth open and let him spit out the secrets of technology. When the time comes, I will I don’t believe it, he still doesn’t recognize me.”

Pei Ai frowned: "In other words, is this what you mean?"

"Yes." Gensi smiled slightly and said, "That's what I meant."

Pei Ai frowned. She looked at the firearms and thought to herself: She must find an opportunity to call the mecha over.

"Don't move." Gen Si stared at Pei Ai playfully and said, "I know your mechas can fly over from a distance for assembly, but if you dare to move, I believe my people can easily assemble them on the machine. Before it can be assembled, it will kill you."

Pei Ai frowned.

Gensi is already prepared.

This is troublesome.

Gensi said: "You two turn around, hold your heads in your hands, lean against the wall, hurry up!"

At this time, Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly, and he took a step forward, keeping Pei Ai behind him.

Seeing Chen Tao's actions, Gensi frowned: "Don't move. If you move again, I'll shoot." He pulled out his pistol, pulled the safety, and pointed the gun at Chen Tao.

He said: "What I want is your technology, as long as you can speak. As for breaking one or two of your limbs, it doesn't matter to me. I believe you don't want your hands and feet to be broken either, right?"


Chen Tao looked at Gen Si. He crossed his arms across his chest, looked at Gen Si and said, "Didn't Di Mansha tell you about what happened in the orchard?"

When Pei Ai heard this, she seemed to remember something.

Her eyes lit up slightly.

By the way, she had seen before that Chen Tao could turn a fruit tree into oblivion in an instant. Does this mean that Chen Tao could also use a few tricks to deal with Gen Si?

Gen Si tilted his head and squinted his eyes, staring at Chen Tao and said, "Di Mansha said something about your mecha and unlimited energy. What's wrong?"

Chen Tao said: "Well, that is to say, she didn't tell you about that matter. Then let me tell you."

Chen Tao looked at Gen Si and said, "There were hundreds of monsters in that orchard. When Di Mansa knew about the situation, she chose to retreat. After that, I dealt with those monsters. You know what methods I used Deal with those monsters?"

Gensi's pupils trembled slightly, and there was a hint of uneasiness in his eyes. He calmed down and said, "What do you mean? Didn't you and Pei Ai use the mecha to deal with it?"

Chen Tao shrugged and said, "There are hundreds of monsters. We only have so much time, and it's difficult to clear hundreds of monsters in a short time while wearing a mecha."

Gen Si frowned.

Chen Tao said: "Then let me show you now how I disposed of them. You can look at your sides."

When Gensi heard this, he frowned: "I advise you, don't play any tricks, otherwise you will be the one who will die if the gun is pointed at you." As he said that, he looked around.

At first glance, nothing happened.

Gensi's eyebrows slightly stretched, and he thought to himself: This guy Chen Tao seems to be scaring himself... No, wait a minute?

Gensi's pupils narrowed slightly and he looked around.

"What happened?" Gensi was suddenly shocked to find that the mecha warriors around him were gone.

The people he brought just now were still here in the last second, but now they are all gone.


Gensi looked at Chen Tao, his face turned pale, he stared at Chen Tao and said: "You...what did you do? Where are my people?"

Chen Tao looked at Gensi and smiled: "I said, I am showing you how I deal with those monsters. It is much easier to deal with your people than those monsters. Your data is too simple, and it only takes a thought to erase it."

He crossed his arms,

Gensi's face was as pale as paper, he stared at Chen Tao: " guy!"

He pulled the trigger of the pistol in his hand.


A bullet shot at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao raised his hand and clenched it.

Gensi was stunned, his pupils trembling as he watched the scene in front of him.

Chen Tao slowly opened his hand, and a bullet that was twisted by the pinch fell from Chen Tao's hand and fell to the ground with a slight sound.

Seeing this, Gensi's pupils widened, and he looked at Chen Tao: "You are a monster! You are a monster!" He shouted and was about to continue to pull the trigger.

Suddenly, the pistol in Gensi's hand disappeared, just like that.

Gensi's pupils shrank, he subconsciously took a step back, and fell to the ground.

Chen Tao looked at Gensi's panic, and said: "Are you scared? When you came in, I saw that you were not afraid at all. Now you are scared, but it's too late."

The words fell.

Gensi was stunned, and he looked, but found that his body was turning into sand at a speed visible to the naked eye.


"Ah!" Gensi screamed.

The body turned into sand at a speed visible to the naked eye. When the wind blew, the sand turned into powder and dissipated in the air.

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