My time is running out

Chapter 364 Make a Bet

Chen Tao never expected that Gen Si would be the commander's son.

Chen Tao thought about Leslie's reaction, and his eyebrows relaxed slightly.

Thanks to Leslie, when he heard that his son was killed by Chen Tao, he could still think about the problem from the perspective of the sanctuary instead of being directly angry.

Chen Tao looked at the ceiling and said: "Zhenna, let me tell you, if viruses and monsters are no longer a threat to humans in this world and the laws of the sanctuary also change, what will you do?"

Zhenna said: "I am a warrior of management laws. It is the commander's job to give orders. I will do whatever he tells me to do."

Chen Tao turned his head and looked at Zhenna.

This woman's management rules can be said to be ruthless.

Just like the punishment tyrant established, as long as others violate the punishment, she will punish them, extremely severe punishments.

Even Chen Tao couldn't stand the cruelty of the punishment.

It can only be said that Zhenna is too cold and inhumane.

But as a law enforcer, isn’t it a little bad to use human nature to deal with the law?

Chen Tao is not sure. Although Chen Tao is the king of dragons, in the final analysis, he is not a qualified leader. He is not clear about law management.

Moreover, dragon people actually don’t need much management.

Those female dragons are too beautiful and kind.

Chen Tao stood up and got off the bed. He looked at Zhenna who was facing him sideways and said, "I plan to liberate the sanctuary so that humans will no longer cower in this ghost place."

He looked at Zhenna and said, "How about it? Are you willing to help me change the world?"

Zhenna was stunned for a moment. She frowned and looked at Chen Tao: "Liberating the Holy Land..., what do you mean? Do you want to rebel?"

"You still want me to betray the Holy Domain and join you?" Zhenna stared at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao crossed his arms across his chest. He looked at Zhenna and said with a smile: "It's not a rebellion, it's just about returning the world to the right path. The laws in the sanctuary are too contrary to nature."

Zhenna frowned and said: "The laws of the sanctuary are to ensure the survival probability of mankind and allow mankind to continue. If this law was not used, mankind would have been extinct long ago. As a person from outside the territory, what do you know? ”

Zhenna said: "Even if you kill me, I can't betray the sanctuary."

She looked at Chen Tao firmly.

Chen Tao blinked.

She is so determined.

Chen Tao said: "Then, let me ask you in another way. If there were no viruses and no monsters at this time, humans would not need to all stay in the sanctuary and could go outside freely. At that time, we would not be afraid of resource shortages. Then humans can reproduce freely.”

He looked at Zhenna and said: "After that, the laws of the sanctuary will have no meaning. Will you still stick to the laws of the sanctuary?"

Zhenna was slightly startled. She looked at Chen Tao: "I don't believe that there are viruses, monsters, etc. outside the sanctuary. If those things are to be eliminated, it will take many generations of efforts."

Chen Tao looked at Zhenna, smiled and said, "If I told you that I can get rid of those viruses and monsters, would you believe it?"

Zhenna was stunned. She looked at Chen Tao, her eyebrows slightly wrinkled: "You?"

She looked at Chen Tao and then her eyes fell on Chen Tao: "You do have some special technology, but those monsters now fill the world, and those viruses also live in various living organisms. As long as they are touched, they may be infected. Can you clear it all by yourself?"

Chen Tao looked at Zhenna and said, "Don't believe it?"

Zhenna crossed her arms and shook her head.

Chen Tao said: "Okay, let's make a bet."

Zhenna looked at Chen Tao: "Bet? What are you betting on?"

Chen Tao's eyes fell on Zhenna's beautiful figure.

Zhen Na blushed slightly and turned slightly sideways, not looking at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao said with a playful smile: "As we talked about before, if I do it, let's talk about how many children you want to give me."

Zhenna was startled and her face turned red. She glared at Chen Tao fiercely, bit her thin lip and said, "Okay."


Chen Tao was startled, he thought it was just a joke. Zhenna had such a perfect figure, Chen Tao couldn't help but want to tease her, but Chen Tao didn't expect that Zhenna would agree.

Zhenna looked at Chen Tao: "How humans can continue to exist is the wish of all of us in the sanctuary. If you can really eliminate the virus and monsters, then what does it mean if I sacrifice some?"

Zhenna looked at Chen Tao seriously with her moving eyes: "If you can really do it, then I will give you as many children as you want. Compared to the continuation and survival of all mankind, this is just a small matter. "

Hearing this, Chen Tao couldn't help but take another look at Zhenna.

The fact that Zhen Na still had such awareness made Chen Tao look at her with admiration.

Chen Tao looked at Zhenna and said with a smile: "Okay, how about we give birth to twelve children when the time comes?" This woman was so rigid, it was just a good time to tease her. He just wanted to see how this iceberg-like woman blushed.

Zhenna was startled, her face turned slightly red, and she said, "It's up to you, but the premise is that you have to do it."

Chen Tao smiled.

Chen Tao said: "One word is settled."

"Well, it's a deal." Zhenna looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao nodded slightly, turned around, raised his hand, and opened a miniature wormhole.

He stepped into the micro wormhole and left.

Looking at the slowly disappearing micro-wormhole, Zhenna slowly sat on the edge of the bed and adjusted her mentality.

"Eliminate monsters and viruses, eliminate monsters and viruses around the world." Zhenna said: "How could he do it?"

Zhenna's eyes were shining: "If... if he really did it, then I have to give him twelve children... twelve." Her face flushed.

She shook her head, he lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling, and said: "Impossible, he can't do it."

On the other side.

Chen Tao's figure appeared in a room.

The lights in the room had been turned off, but there was moonlight outside, which fell from the window and fell on the bed.

Chen Tao looked at the bed, where a woman was lying.

The woman was wearing a thin gauze, lying on her side, with her eyes closed, sleeping soundly.

She had a perfect figure, and with her long golden hair, she looked even more beautiful.

This woman was the leader of the resource group, Di Mansha.

Seeing Dimansa, Chen Tao slowly walked over and looked at Dimansa's beautiful face. He raised his hand and touched her cheek.

At the touch, Dimansa's eyes suddenly opened. She touched the short knife on the bedside table, sat up quickly and stepped back, staring at Chen Tao: "Who?!"

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