My time is running out

Chapter 369 Unbelievable

However, on second thought, so is it.

Here in the sanctuary, all resources are in short supply, so being able to eat this is already very good.

Come to think of it, this applesauce is the so-called grain collected yesterday.

Although it's just applesauce, it can indeed be used as food to stave off hunger.

But for Chen Tao, this thing meant that he had no appetite at all.

Breakfast was just applesauce. For Chen Tao, who was used to eating delicious food, it was unbearable.

Suddenly, the woman in front of him stood up.

Chen Tao looked at Pei Ai, and Pei Ai looked at Chen Tao and said with a smile, "I'm going to take a shower first."

Upon hearing this, Chen Tao smiled and said, "Yes."

Pei Ai took small steps, untied the rope on her blond hair, walked to the closet, found a piece of clothing, and then went into the bathroom on her own.

Look at the closed bathroom door.

Chen Tao looked away and looked at the applesauce on the table, his eyebrows slightly stretched.

In the bathroom.

Pei Ai closed her eyes and felt the warm water falling on her body.

What she was thinking about was Chen Tao's face.

Although the man had only been here for three days, in these three days, he had completely occupied Pei Ai's empty emotional space.

"Will there be children?" Pei Ai's face turned red.

Pei Ai shook his head, trying to get rid of this thought.

She thought of what Chen Tao said before.

Chen Tao said that he would be asked to help her liberate the sanctuary.

Is this true or false?

Pei Ai was thinking, and she said, "It's better to ask him."

After taking a shower.

Pei Ai put on her clothes and left the bathroom.

As soon as Pei Ai came out of the bathroom, he smelled a strong aroma.

Pei Ai was slightly startled, her eyes brightened slightly, and she looked at the source of the fragrance.

I found a plate of beef placed on the cabinet. The beef was glowing with white mist and exuding a rich fragrance.

"Meat?" Pei Ai was startled. She looked at Chen Tao in disbelief: "This is it?"

Chen Tao was sitting on the edge of the bed. When he saw Pei Ai coming out, he smiled and said, "This is the breakfast I prepared. Come and try it."

Pei Ai looked at Chen Tao with big eyes. She hummed, walked to Chen Tao obediently, and slowly sat down beside Chen Tao. She looked at the steak in front of her: "What kind of meat is this?"

Chen Tao smiled and said, "Beef, this is steak."

Pei Ai said: "Beef? I haven't eaten beef yet."

Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly: "Don't you raise cattle here?"

When Pei Ai heard this, she said: "It's good, but the quantity is very small. Those who can eat steak are noble people. Like me, I can't eat such a thing."

Chen Tao put his arms around Pei Ai's slender waist, looked at Pei Ai, and said with a smile, "How about giving it a try?"

"Yes." Pei Ai looked at the knives and forks placed on both sides of the plate of steak in front of her. She raised her hand and picked up the knives and forks. She looked at Chen Tao: "How do you use this?"

Chen Tao smiled: "Come, I'll teach you."

Chen Tao picked up the knife and fork, cut a piece of beef with ease, stuck it with a fork, and brought it to Pei Ai's mouth.

Pei Ai was slightly startled. Looking at the red and tender beef pieces in front of her, she pursed her thin lips, opened her mouth slightly, and took a bite.

As soon as she ate, Pei Ai's eyes lit up slightly. She chewed slowly and tasted it carefully.

After finishing the meal in one bite, Pei Ai couldn't help but look at Chen Tao: "It's tastes good. It's better than anything I've eaten in the sanctuary. Where did you get this steak?"

Chen Tao smiled: "Eat more."

"Hmm..." Pei Ai responded.

Chen Tao fed Pei Ai to eat. Pei Ai's face turned slightly red and he seemed a little uncomfortable, but he still ate one bite after another obediently.

She didn't forget to ask: "Where is this?"

Chen Tao said with a smile: "This is taken from where I live."

This was prepared by No.1 from Base No.1, and then Chen Tao took it out from the wormhole.

Pei Ai's big eyes had a hint of luster. She looked at Chen Tao: "Where do you live?... Where is that?"

Before, Chen Tao confessed to Pei Ai and admitted his alien identity, but didn't say much else. Now when he heard Chen Tao mention where he lived, Pei Ai naturally became interested.

Chen Tao smiled: "On a planet called Earth Star."

Pei Ai's eyes glowed, and she said, "Isn't it beautiful there?"

Chen Taoshou: "Well..., not bad."

Pei Ai looked at Chen Tao and said, "Can you take me to see it?"

"Of course." Chen Tao smiled and said, "It's just a thought that I want to go there. As long as you want, we can go there at any time."

Pei Ai looked at the steak in front of him and said, "I really want to go out for a walk with you, but it's just... about the sanctuary."

Seeing Pei Ai's somewhat depressed look, Chen Tao smiled and said, "Don't worry."

Pei Ai was slightly startled. She raised her face and looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao said: "I went out in the morning and settled the matter by the way. From now on, people in the sanctuary can rest assured and live in this world without fear."

Pei Ai was slightly startled. She looked at Chen Tao with astonishment in her eyes: "What?"

She couldn't believe it.

Seeing the shock in Pei Ai's clear eyes, Chen Tao smiled slightly and said, "Just like what you just heard, the Holy Domain has been liberated. It may take some time to change the laws of the Holy Domain, but I think it’s only a matter of time that the laws of the Sanctuary change with the liberation of the Sanctuary.”

In addition, Chen Tao had approached Zhenna and made a promise to Zhenna. As long as the sanctuary confirmed that all viruses and monsters in the outside world had been eradicated, Zhenna would naturally have to obey Chen Tao because of the bet.

The head of the law enforcement team has to obey Chen Tao, so it is no longer difficult to change the laws of the sanctuary.

Pei Ai was a little unbelievable.

Chen Tao just spent one morning changing the world that once plunged mankind into despair?

How is this possible?

Like many people who heard this, Pei Ai also couldn't believe this fact.

Pei Ai looked at Chen Tao, with disbelief written all over his little face.

Looking at Pei Ai's expression, Chen Tao smiled.

He said: "I think your people will go out to confirm this matter during this period. If you don't believe it, just wait a few days and the matter will be resolved."

Pei Ai's eyes glowed with a hint of luster. She pursed her thin lips, and her eyes glowed with a trace of luster.

Chen Tao held Pei Ai's chin, raised her face, looked into her eyes, and said with a smile: "The Holy Land is liberated, how are you going to repay me?"

Pei Ai's eyes trembled slightly, with luster shining inside, and her face turned slightly red after a while.

She rested her little head on Chen Tao's shoulder and said, "I will repay you how you want me to repay you." She raised her face, looked at Chen Tao, and said, "Is that okay?"

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