My time is running out

Chapter 4 Want to change the waiter?

The man in black also noticed Chen Tao. He glanced at Chen Tao and noticed Chen Tao's clothes. He narrowed his eyes with disdain and looked back casually.

"Sir, please sit over here." The woman said to Chen Tao.

Chen Tao sat down on the sofa minding his own business.

The woman looked around. She saw one of the women in black clothes and said, "Xiao Ke, come here. This gentleman wants to save time, and you will serve."

The woman called Xiao Ke came this way.

She looked at Chen Tao with a signature smile on her face.

The woman said to Chen Tao: "Sir, if you need anything, just tell Xiao Ke, I am the person in charge of the hall and I have to go back first."

Hearing this, Chen Tao said: "Go ahead." He was not interested in this supervisor. She wanted to return to her job, which Chen Tao naturally wanted.

The woman is gone.

Chen Tao's eyes fell on Xiao Ke in front of him.

Xiao Ke was wearing black business attire that fit her figure perfectly. She had an amazing bust, thin waist, and tall figure.

Xiaoke's hair is tied into a single ponytail and paired with black professional attire, which makes her look quite capable.

Xiao Ke sat on the sofa next to Chen Tao. She looked at Chen Tao and said with a smile, "Sir, what services do you need?"

Hearing this, Chen Tao was about to speak out.

"Hey, I need to change the waiter."

Suddenly, there was a voice from the side, which was a little loud.

Chen Tao couldn't help but look back.

The one who spoke was the man in black who just came in.

The man is staring here, to be precise, staring at Xiao Ke.

He said: "Beauty, come here and exchange with the waiter here."

Xiao Ke was slightly startled, her face was full of embarrassment.

This guest actually made such a request.

Chen Tao frowned.

The man in black said, "What's wrong?" He looked at Xiao Ke and said, "Don't want to?"

Xiaoke looked at the man in black in embarrassment and said, "Sir..., please don't make things difficult for me."

The man in black curled his lips and said: "I, Lin Lei, have been depositing money in this bank for eight hundred years. I am a major customer of your company. How dare you disobey me? I can ask your company to fire you at any time." "

At this time, a man in professional clothes came over.

Xiaoke saw the man's eyes light up slightly, and she quickly said: "Korean Angkor." She stood up.

Chen Tao handed over the man's business card, and the name written on it was.

Wu Heng.

With a signature smile on his face, Wu Heng said, "What's going on?"

Lin Lei said: "I want to change my waiter. Look at your service. I, Lin Lei, have been with you for nearly seven hundred years and am your big customer. Look at you, my waiter." , as thin as anything. The waiter assigned to that poor guy must have a good figure and good looks. "

Lin Lei stared at Wu Heng. He crossed his legs and said, "Are you planning to get me as a big customer?"

Wu Heng was startled, he frowned, looked at Xiao Ke, and said, "Xiao Ke, go and provide services to this gentleman."

When Xiao Ke heard this, she pursed her lower lip and looked at Chen Tao apologetically.

"It's really interesting. Those who have deposited money in the bank for seven hundred years are human beings, but those who have deposited money for one thousand years are no longer human beings?" A faint voice sounded.

Wu Heng, Xiao Ke and Lin Lei all looked at Chen Tao.

It was Chen Tao who spoke.

Chen Tao crossed his chest with his hands, leaned against the sofa, and looked indifferently.

Lin Lei frowned, looked at Chen Tao, and said, "Just you, a thousand years? Haha... You don't even look at your poor look. I can smell the poverty on you even from this far away The sour taste will last for a thousand years? Haha, go change your clothes and brag again, maybe someone will believe you."

As he said this, Lin Lei curled his lips disdainfully.

Ordinary people working outside can only earn about sixty days a month.

A month takes thirty days, plus food, drink, and accommodation. If you want to save money in a month, you can only save it in ten days at most.

For ordinary people, trying to save enough for a hundred years is simply a dream.

Therefore, if you can save money in your time bank card for a hundred years, you are already rich; if you can save it for five hundred years, you are a great person.

As for those who can save for a thousand years, they must be the bosses of some large companies. Their status and so on must be extraordinary.

And among those people, no one would dress like Chen Tao.

Shopping all over the place.

So as soon as Chen Tao spoke out, Lin Lei concluded that Chen Tao was bragging.

Chen Tao looked at Lin Lei and said lightly: "Believe it or not, I will know after I save it."

He looked at Wu Heng and said calmly: "In other words, your bank now only needs customers who are ready to withdraw money for five hundred years, and does not need me, a customer who plans to save for one thousand years?"

Wu Heng was slightly startled. He glanced at Lin Lei and said, "Sir, are you planning to take away five hundred years?"

Lin Lei was startled, but he didn't know how to answer for a moment, so he hesitated.

Wu Heng narrowed his eyes and said, "Mr. Lin, everything comes on a first-come, first-served basis. Since Xiao Ke is already this gentleman's waiter, if you want Xiao Ke to serve you, just wait a moment."

Lin Lei gritted his teeth and glanced at Chen Tao fiercely.

He crossed his arms across his chest, stared at Chen Tao, and said, "Okay, then I want to see how you are going to embarrass yourself for a thousand years, haha..." Lin Lei sneered twice, full of disdain.

Wu Heng looked at Xiao Ke and said, "Go."

Xiao Ke nodded slightly, she walked to the sofa in front of Chen Tao and sat down, she looked at Chen Tao, she said: "Sir, I don't know how to address you yet..."

Chen Tao said: "Chen Tao."

Xiao Ke smiled, she said: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen has a long time to save, if you save for a thousand years, you can open a thousand-year card in my bank, that is, the thousand-year card launched by my bank."

"Millennium card?"

Xiao Ke nodded slightly, she said: "Our ordinary time card has a deposit limit, and can only be saved for a hundred years at most. The limit of a thousand years is within ten thousand years. The thousand-year card is also a symbol of status. If you have a thousand-year card, you can get a lot of convenience in many places."

Chen Tao said: "Then apply for one."

"Okay." Xiao Ke smiled, she took out the contract from her briefcase and handed it to Chen Tao.

Chen Tao didn't waste any words and completed the formalities.

Xiao Ke took the contract and stood up, she smiled respectfully and said: "Please wait a moment."

Chen Tao watched Xiao Ke leave with the contract.

After completing the formalities, Xiao Ke probably planned to get the card for Chen Tao.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lei on the side curled his lips and said with a smile: "Millennium card, haha, I'm afraid you don't have the 'time' to activate it."

Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly, and he didn't bother to pay attention to this guy.

After a while, Xiao Ke came out with a red card, and she handed the card to Chen Tao.

Chen Tao took it. It was a bank card.

It was just red in color, with an English logo of Time Bank in the middle, and a display interface below, showing zero.

"This is your Millennium Card, sir, and this..." She took out a silver box made of unknown material and handed it to Chen Tao. She smiled and said: "Please deposit the time into this time storage device, sir."

Chen Tao looked at the silver box. The box was silver-white in color, with a faint green Arabic numeral in the middle, and it was still zero.

Is this the time storage device? The time storage device is only used when the time to be stored exceeds 100 years. Generally, if it does not exceed 100 years, it is directly stored in the ATM.

Chen Tao has heard of this thing, but has never seen it with his own eyes.

"What are you looking at? Saving it? Why not saving it?" Lin Lei curled his lips and said with a playful laugh.

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