My time is running out

Chapter 44 Entering the Auction House

Wang Xing was a little confused, he looked at Chen Tao.

This guy stole his invitation letter and gave it to the security guard, but the security guard said he was making trouble for no reason? !

Wang Xing frowned, looked at the security guard, and said: "I don't quite understand, this guy obviously stole my invitation letter. Why do you still say I am making trouble for no reason? That is my invitation letter."

The security guard glanced at Wang Xing, picked up the invitation letter, turned around, and faced Wang Xing, so that Wang Xing could see the text inside.

The security guard said: "Boss Wang, please look carefully, is the name on this invitation letter your name?"

Wang Xing carefully looked at the content on the invitation letter, his face changed slightly: "This... How is this possible?!"

Wang Xing can be sure that it must be Chen Tao who stole his invitation letter, but the text written on the invitation letter in front of him is not his name.

In that short period of time, it is impossible for Chen Tao to steal the invitation letter and change the name on the invitation letter at the same time. This is simply impossible.

Does Chen Tao really own the invitation letter?

This is impossible. If Chen Tao had it just now, why did he talk to the security guard like that?

Wang Xing looked at Chen Tao: "When you talked to the security guard just now, didn't you say you would force your way in? If you have an invitation letter, why did you say that?"

Chen Tao looked at Wang Xing, who was puzzled, and said, "Didn't I say it? I didn't find it before, I just found it."

"No... It can't be such a coincidence. You stole my invitation letter and changed the name on it. It must be you!" Wang Xing was almost certain that it must be Chen Tao who did it.

"Boss Wang, do you think I'm a fool?" The security guard next to him was a little unhappy when he heard Wang Xing say that.

Wang Xing was stunned, and he looked at the security guard.

The security guard frowned and said, "I have been here just now. If Mr. Chen stole it just now, I would definitely see it. And if the text on this invitation letter has been changed, there must be traces. And there is no trace on this invitation letter. It can be confirmed that Mr. Chen's name was written on it for the first time."

Hearing the security guard's assurance.

Wang Xing opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn't.

After all, that's what they said.

The security guard put away the invitation letter and put it on the table beside him, then looked at Chen Tao and said, "Mr. Chen, please."

Chen Tao nodded slightly and took Ziqing into the building.

Looking at Chen Tao's back, Wang Xing clenched his fists, his face gloomy, and gritted his teeth.

"This bastard..."

Wang Xing felt very strange, but he had no way to prove that it was Chen Tao who stole it.

He could only stare at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao entered the building and came to the lobby on the first floor. The lobby was spacious and empty.

Looking forward in the lobby, you can see a three-meter-long desk, in front of which are several women in professional attire.

When the women saw Chen Tao coming in, they all looked over here.

One of the women took the initiative to stand up, she walked out of the counter, with a professional smile on her face, and greeted Chen Tao.

"Sir, please follow me." The woman said with a smile.

Chen Tao and Ziqing followed the woman.

The woman brought Chen Tao and Ziqing to the counter.

She picked up a number plate and handed it to Chen Tao.

She smiled and said, "This is a prop needed for the auction. You can wear it on your chest. Then please follow me... The auction is now being held on the third floor."

She walked forward.

As she walked, she introduced herself: "My name is Pan Qiurong, and I am a waitress here. Sir, I am unfamiliar with you. What is your name?"

There was an elevator in front of them, and the elevator door opened.

The three of them entered the elevator.

Chen Tao said, "My last name is Chen."

Pan Qiurong smiled when she heard it: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, is this lady your wife? She is so beautiful."

Chen Tao nodded slightly.

Ziqing was a little happy to be praised, even if she was of the same sex, and she smiled: "My name is Ziqing."

Pan Qiurong nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Miss Zi."

"Ding Dong..." As she spoke, the elevator had arrived.

After all, it was on the second floor, very close.

The elevator door slowly opened.

After opening, Chen Tao could see a long corridor.

There were lights hanging on the walls on the left and right sides of the corridor. The lights were on, illuminating the long corridor.

There was a big door at the end of the corridor.

Pan Qiurong brought Chen Tao and Ziqing to the door.

She stretched out her hand and pushed the door open.

As soon as the door opened.

Chen Tao felt his eyes brighten.

This was a bright and spacious auction house.

There were many people sitting in the auction house.

On the high platform in front.

A woman stood on the high platform, presiding over the auction.

The woman was wearing a tight white dress.

The close-fitting dress fit her figure.

She held her waist tightly, and the upper body held up the white fabric high.

The skirt was very short, and her legs were slender and straight, matched with a pair of white stockings, and high heels on her feet.

It set off her tall figure to the fullest.

Her long hair was tied into a single ponytail, revealing her beautiful face.

She had a smile on her face, and she looked sunny and lovely.

This auction really knows how to do business.

The host's figure and appearance alone are enough to raise the price of the items being auctioned by several levels.

"Mr. Chen, please come and sit here."

A voice came from the side.

It was Pan Qiurong's voice.

Pan Qiurong was standing next to a chair, looking at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao nodded slightly, and he walked over.

Sit on a chair.

Ziqing also walked over and sat on the chair next to Chen Tao.

Chen Tao's sight fell on the stage.

At this time, a waitress came over and handed Pan Qiurong two tablets.

Pan Qiurong handed the tablet to Chen Tao.

Chen Tao took a look and took it.

Pan Qiurong smiled and said, "This tablet has information about all the items auctioned today. You can take a closer look."

So convenient?

Chen Tao opened the tablet, and sure enough, the tablet recorded various auction items.

Chen Tao planned to see if there was a villa for auction.

But before he had time to take a closer look, he was attracted by one of the auction items.

"What is this?"

The auction item was not anything else, but a pair of eyes stored in a jar.

The eyes were blue in color and very clear, just like a pair of sapphires.

But... these are still eyes, not gems.

This auction, auctioning eyes?

Pan Qiurong said with a smile: "These are the eyes of the Kak Yao people. The Kak Yao people are a very special race. Their eyes are blue, very clear blue, and their eyes are called sapphires."

"For some reason, the Kak Yao people disappeared. Then these eyes are the last collection. Many organ collectors like this."

Pan Qiurong looked at Chen Tao and said with a smile: "If Mr. Chen is interested, you can pay attention to it."

Pay attention? Chen Tao is not an organ collector. He never thought that this auction would actually auction eyes.

It's really shocking.

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