My time is running out

Chapter 443 Tea Restaurant

Chen Tao looked at the pair of wings behind Feng Xiaoxiao. He looked at Feng Xiaoxiao and said, "Can you retract your wings?"

Feng Xiaoxiao put the long sword into its sheath. She looked at Chen Tao and said, "Why should I put it away? These wings are part of my body."

Chen Tao said: "Okay then..."

Chen Tao looked at Betty and said, "Dear, let's go to the restaurant."

Betty walked to Chen Tao with small steps, raised her little hand and placed it in Chen Tao's palm. She looked at Feng Xiaoxiao.

Chen Tao held Betty's hand and walked towards the restaurant.

In front is a tea restaurant.

The two entered the tea restaurant, found a seat and sat down.

Betty sat down. She looked around, then looked at Chen Tao and said, "This restaurant looks different from the restaurants we have been to before."

Betty looked at Chen Tao and said, "Is there steak here?"

Chen Tao shook his head and said with a smile: "No, but I can guarantee that there are more delicious food here."

Betty pursed her thin lips, looked at Chen Tao, and said, "Is there anything more delicious than steak?"

" depends on the taste." Chen Tao smiled.

While talking, Chen Tao noticed that Feng Xiaoxiao had already sat down, sitting opposite Chen Tao.

Chen Tao also noticed that the pair of wings behind her had been retracted, and even the white hair and blue eyes had turned into the black hair and black eyes common on Earth Star.

The only difference is her silver-white soft armor.

Feng Xiaoxiao's appearance is stunning, and she can look fashionable even when wearing soft armor.

After she sat down, she crossed her legs and crossed her arms, looking straight at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao happened to meet Feng Xiaoxiao's gaze.

Feng Xiaoxiao didn't dodge, he folded his hands across his chest and looked at Chen Tao.

He looked as if Chen Tao was the only one in this world.

Chen Tao looked at Feng Xiaoxiao and said, "Well, Xiaoxiao..."

Feng Xiaoxiao frowned and said, "I'm not that familiar with you, so don't call me by my name directly. It's very rude."

"Hmm...Okay." Chen Tao said, "Feng Xiaoxiao, I want to ask you."

He looked at Feng Xiaoxiao and said, "Why do you have the idea of ​​challenging me?"

Feng Xiaoxiao stretched his eyebrows slightly and said: "I am the princess of Yunxiao Planet, and I am also recognized as the strongest female warrior on Yunxiao Planet. Among the men on our planet, none of them can borrow a move from me. As for me, I just want to Could it be that the man who can defeat me is from outside the universe?"

She looked at Chen Tao and said, "After that, I heard about you. I heard those people say that you are the strongest in the universe, so I came to see how strong you are, the strongest in the universe."

Chen Tao's eyebrows relaxed slightly, he crossed his arms across his chest, looked at Feng Xiaoxiao, and said, "Is this important?"

"Tao, stop talking, I want to eat." Betty's voice came from beside her.

When Chen Tao heard this, he raised his hand, stroked Betty's hair, and said, "Okay, this."

He picked up the menu on the table, flipped it over, then handed it to Betty and said with a smile, "That's it. Take a look at it. If there's anything you like, just put a tick on it with a pen."

Betty took it, picked up the pen on the table, and looked at the menu above.

"I've never eaten any of these before." Betty looked at Chen Tao and said, "Which one is more delicious?"

Chen Tao said: "Everyone has different tastes, and I'm not so sure about this. If you see which one looks better, just order it and try it. If it doesn't taste good, we won't eat it. If it tastes good, keep eating it."

Betty agreed twice, looking very excited.

Chen Tao watched Betty use a pen to sketch on it, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Sir, what kind of tea do you want?" came a voice, it was a waitress.

The waitress stood nearby, looking over here and asking with a smile.

The waitress said: "We have Longjing, Pu'er, Shanzong..."

Chen Tao said: "Let's have some Pu'er."

"Okay." The waitress responded and left.

Chen Tao withdrew his gaze.

Feng Xiaoxiao was sitting opposite, but Chen Tao could tell that Feng Xiaoxiao seemed uncomfortable.

Chen Tao also noticed that many customers in the tea restaurant were looking this way.

Those people's eyes were fixed on Feng Xiaoxiao.

However, it's no wonder.

Feng Xiaoxiao comes from an alien planet and has a second-generation genetic warrior. She is naturally beautiful and tall, so she cannot be picky.

It's no wonder that such a woman is stared at.

Under the gaze of so many eyes, it is no wonder that Feng Xiaoxiao feels uncomfortable.

Feng Xiaoxiao looked at Chen Tao and said, "So, you and your lover came here just to eat?"

She frowned and looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao was slightly startled.

It turned out that Chen Tao made a mistake in judgment. Feng Xiaoxiao looked uncomfortable because she was angry.

Chen Tao told her that after finishing the matter with Chen Tao and Betty, he would fight her.

As a result, Feng Xiaoxiao followed him and discovered that the reason why Chen Tao didn't fight was because he wanted to eat? !

Chen Tao looked at Feng Xiaoxiao and frowned, looking a little angry.

Chen Tao said: "Well, yes, eat. Of course people have to eat. If I don't eat, I will have no strength. If I don't have the strength, I will become weaker when fighting. Don't you want to fight with a strong person? If I am because of If I lose to you without enough food, even if you win, I believe you won’t be happy, right?”

Feng Xiaoxiao frowned and looked at Chen Tao: "You... haven't gotten rid of food yet? Haven't your genes evolved to the point where you can attract stellar energy as your own energy?"

Chen Tao looked at Feng Xiaoxiao.

Seeing that Chen Tao didn't speak, Feng Xiaoxiao said: "It turns out that food is so important to you. Well... OK, I'll wait for you."

As he said that, Feng Xiaoxiao looked at Chen Tao strangely.

Feng Xiaoxiao never thought that the man in front of him was called the strongest in the universe, and as the strongest man, he hadn't gotten rid of food yet? This made Feng Xiaoxiao feel strange.

Although he was surprised, Feng Xiaoxiao was still very interested in fighting with the so-called strongest man in the universe.

"Have you ordered?" Chen Tao looked at Betty beside him.

Betty hummed, and she handed the menu to Chen Tao.

Chen Tao opened it and looked at it, then looked at Betty and said with a smile: "So much, can you finish it with your small stomach?"

Betty rolled her eyes at Chen Tao: "I can finish it even if you give me three times the amount. As long as it tastes good."

Chen Tao smiled: "Okay."

At this time, a waitress came over and put down the teapot.

Chen Tao said: "I've ordered here." He handed the menu to the waitress.

The waitress took a look, stretched out her hand to take it, and then left in silence.

Chen Tao picked up the tableware by himself, disinfected it with boiling water, and then poured a cup of tea.

Betty, who was standing by, looked at the tea in Chen Tao's cup curiously, and said: "What is that? A drink?"

Chen Tao looked at Betty, he smiled and said: "It's called tea, come, have a sip."

He handed the tea bowl to Betty.

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