My time is running out

Chapter 460 Bullet

Inside the Fire Nation capital.

A man with red hair sat at an oval round table.

Around this round table sit several images composed of 3D simulation technology.

"Marta, the leader of the Western Kingdom, is a golden bird who is kept in a cage and doesn't understand anything." The man in the image said: "The Western Kingdom, a country like her, is managed by a golden bird like her who doesn't understand anything. It’s such a pity. Lord Sun Hao, now that Marta is the first to launch a nuclear war, we have an excuse to do it. When do you think we will do it?”

The red-haired man was Sun Hao, the leader of the Fire Nation.

Sun Hao was wearing a black uniform and black gloves. He put his hands together, looked at the man who spoke, and said: "I have given the Western Kingdom a return gift before, and I don't intend to be too tough on this matter. Although the Western Kingdom is my Fire Country A big enemy, but the number of nuclear bombs that the Western Kingdom possesses is enough to destroy Xia Yaxing. If that woman is angered, the consequences will not be easy for anyone."

"What do you mean, the person who killed Bias was not sent by you?" Someone expressed doubts.

Sun Hao said: "I'm not that stupid. If I really wanted to get rid of Bias, I wouldn't be stupid enough to get rid of him in my own country at such a sensitive moment. But the West Country is too bullying. They actually dropped a nuclear bomb directly on Tinger Island, killing tens of millions of people.”

His face was gloomy.

Seeing Sun Hao's expression, the people looked at each other, and then looked at Sun Hao.

"Then the leader of the Fire Nation plans to handle this matter?"

Sun Hao adjusted his mood slightly and said, "Let's see the reaction of that silly woman first."

As soon as Sun Hao finished speaking, a female secretary next to her finished answering the phone. The female secretary's face turned pale slightly, she approached Sun Hao and whispered a few times in Sun Hao's ear.

Sun Hao's pupils condensed slightly and his face changed slightly.

"I have something to deal with here, so I'll take my leave first." This was originally what Sun Hao was going to say, but what puzzled Sun Hao was that it was not him who spoke, but another man.

After the man finished speaking, the image disappeared.

"I'll take my leave now too."

As the sound rang out.

The images in the entire room disappeared one after another, leaving only Sun Hao himself.

When Sun Hao saw this, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly. He stood up and walked away. He walked out the door, stopped, looked at the secretary beside him, and said, "The nuclear bomb...disappeared?"

The female secretary nodded and said: "Yes, I heard that it disappeared out of thin air. We had guards watching us at the time, and then suddenly disappeared."

"How is that possible?" Sun Hao frowned.

The female secretary picked up the tablet in her hand, handed it to Sun Hao, and said, "The camera we installed in the nuclear bomb depot recorded what just happened. This is the video from the Ministry of Military Affairs."

Sun Hao took the tablet and opened the video to take a look.

I saw a warehouse containing nuclear bombs.

Nuclear bombs one after another are piled up in the warehouse.

Guards stood inside the warehouse wearing uniforms and holding rifles.

Some guards were patrolling.

At this moment, something strange happened. The nuclear bombs placed high on the shelf suddenly disappeared.

Just disappear into thin air.

Seeing this scene, Sun Hao frowned tightly.

The moment he saw the video, Sun Hao felt that the video might have been edited, but Sun Hao knew that it was impossible for the Ministry of Military Affairs to do such a thing.

It was ridiculous for a nuclear bomb to disappear out of thin air, but Sun Hao had to believe that it really happened.

Sun Hao frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "What the hell is going on..."

While talking, Sun Hao and the female secretary entered the office.

Sun Hao sat at his desk, handed the tablet to the female secretary, and said, "Let someone investigate."

The female secretary nodded: "Yes."

The female secretary turned and left.

Sun Hao was the only one left in the office.

Sun Hao frowned, thinking about what was going on.

"Magic?" Sun Hao said subconsciously.

"That's not magic." A voice sounded in the room.

Hearing this voice, Sun Hao's pupils froze slightly. He stood up suddenly and said, "Who?"

He opened the drawer and took out a pistol.

Suddenly, he saw a man and a woman appearing out of thin air in front of him.

It is Chen Tao and Li Xiaolu.

Seeing the two people appearing out of thin air in front of me.

Sun Hao's pupils condensed slightly, he raised his hand, pointed the gun at Chen Tao, and said, "Who are you?"

Sun Hao's expression was a little more solemn.

While talking, Sun Hao said: "Guard, guard!"

He immediately called for help.

But there was no movement at all outside.

Chen Tao had just programmed a sound insulation system to isolate this room, so that his voice could not be transmitted outside at all.

Chen Tao crossed his arms across his chest, looked at Sun Hao, and said calmly: "This room has been isolated by me, and your voice cannot be heard outside."

Sun Hao frowned.

Sun Hao was very confused. The man in front of him could still speak so calmly when he was pointed at with a pistol?

Sun Hao adjusted his mood. Now he was holding a pistol in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed at the enemy in front of him. He also gained the courage and said calmly: "Who sent you here? What is the purpose of sneaking here?"

Chen Tao looked at the person in front of him, his eyebrows slightly stretched: "I'm not used to answering questions, I prefer to ask questions."

"Shut up!" Sun Hao snorted coldly. He pulled the barrel of the gun, opened the safety of the pistol, stared at Chen Tao and said: "Now I ask, you answer. If the answer dissatisfies me, then you will die here. "

Chen Tao was startled. He didn't expect that the guy in front of him would think he could kill him just because he had a pistol in his hand?

Chen Tao looked at Sun Hao and said, "Don't you think the way I appeared is a bit magical?"

In theory, normal people would definitely think that Chen Tao was a god when they saw him suddenly appear. If there was such a cognition, Sun Hao would not think that his gun could have any effect on Chen Tao.

Sun Hao frowned: "Invisibility technology, I haven't heard of any country opening up this technology. In other words, are you an assassin from a country with high technology? Sen Country? Or Xi Country?"

"Oh..." Chen Tao understood now.

No wonder Sun Hao was a little surprised at first when he saw him. Now Chen Tao understood. Sun Hao thought that Chen Tao used invisible technology to get in.

Chen Tao's eyebrows slightly relaxed. He looked at Sun Hao and said, "You are right to think that I got in with high-tech means. However, you are wrong to think that you can hurt me with just a pistol."

"Really?" Sun Hao frowned and said, "Then let me see if it is the same as you said."

Sun Hao was not scared. Hearing Chen Tao's words, he pulled the trigger directly.


Accompanied by a gunshot and sparks from the muzzle, a bullet shot out and shot at Chen Tao.


The bullet landed on Chen Tao, causing a burst of sparks.

Chen Tao had no injuries on his body, and even his clothes were not touched.

In fact, when the bullet was about to touch Chen Tao's body, it was blocked by a transparent protective shield.

Of course, even if this bullet hit Chen Tao, it would not hurt Chen Tao. Chen Tao just didn't want his clothes to be torn.

Sun Hao's pupils condensed slightly, he pulled the trigger, and the bullet shot at Chen Tao crazily.

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