My time is running out

Chapter 468 Negotiations between Marta and Qingya

What troubles Qing Ya is that the leader of the Western Kingdom is so young, so it’s no wonder she needs Bias to help her.

It's no wonder that after Bias's incident, she immediately sent people to use nuclear warheads on Tinner Island in the Fire Nation. It's a stupid idea to use nuclear warheads so casually.

It can be seen that the current leader of the Western Kingdom in front of him is a stupid person, and now if Qingya is asked to talk to this stupid leader of the Western Kingdom, what will be the result?

Although Qingya felt a headache, she had no choice but to sit on the sofa opposite Marta.

She crossed her legs, clasped her hands, looked at Marta and said, "My people didn't neglect you, did they?"

Marta adjusted her mood. She looked at Qingya and said, "Well, they are quite polite."

Qing Ya nodded slightly and said, "Then the Lord of the Western Kingdom came to my place. What's the matter?"

Marta looked at Qingya and said, "I want to cooperate with you."

"Cooperation?" Qingya looked at Marta.

Qingya put her hands on the chair, looked at Marta, thought for a moment, and said, "What about cooperation?"

Marta said: "Now there are connections between countries all over the world. Our country and your country also have various commercial connections. I plan to strengthen some cooperation and military cooperation. I want Sen to become our country." Military allies."

"Are you an ally?" Qingya looked at Mata and said, "The Western Country and the Fire Country are very close to each other. You two countries have always had conflicts on the border. And half a month ago, you were in the Fire Country. The country dropped a nuclear bomb, and the Fire Country responded with a nuclear bomb. The conflict between you has escalated to a new level. Although there has been no further action between the two of you in the past half month... "

Qingya looked at Marta and said, "Now that Lassen is standing aside, is this your next move?"

She continued: "There are a total of nine countries in the world, among which the Fire Country, the West Country and our country can be regarded as the three major powers. Currently, three countries support the Fire Country, the other three countries support you, the West Country, and only our country remains neutral. Now you want to win over our country. If our country stands on your side, then four countries will support your country, and the other four countries, including the Fire Country, will be at a disadvantage. "

Qingya looked at Marta: "I see that you are not very old, but I didn't expect you to be so scheming... Let me tell you frankly, our country of Sen is always neutral. It is neutral now and will be neutral in the future. Our country of Sen has always been based on peace. Basically, we can't help you deal with the Fire Nation."

Marta was startled. She looked at Qingya and said, "No."

"No?" Qingya looked at Marta, squinted her eyes, and said, "How do you say that?"

Marta looked at Qingya seriously and said, "I don't want a war."

Qingya was startled. She looked at Mata's serious little face, her eyebrows furrowed, and she said: "Your brother, Bias was killed, and the Fire Nation used nuclear bombs against your country, causing countless deaths in your country." Tens of millions of people. And you... dropped three nuclear bombs on Ting'er Island, killing tens of millions of people. You were the first to use the nuclear bombs. Now you tell me that you don't want war? "

Qingya looked at Marta and said, "Do you think I believe it?"

Marta put her hands on her legs. She held the black robe fabric on her legs tightly with her hands. Her eyes were filled with luster. She looked at Qingya and said, "Before, I was stupid. I heard After Bias was killed on Tin'er Island, my head was burning and I wanted to kill everyone in the Fire Nation to avenge Bias."

"But after I saw that purgatory-like scene, I knew I was wrong." Marta looked at Qingya seriously. She said, "Although those people are from the Fire Nation, they are also flesh and blood. Follow me. , the same as Bias, but they died because of my order..."

"I was so stupid, I was guilty." Marta lowered her head, her face turned pale, and she looked painful.

Looking at Marta's expression, Qingya was slightly startled, and she frowned.

Qingya said slowly: "It seems that you have grown up."

Marta was startled and looked at Qingya.

Grow up?

Qing Ya said: "Children's perception is that they think the world is centered around them and revolves around them. When they mature, they find that the world does not revolve around them alone. There were others like himself. And you seem to have matured and realized that the world does not revolve around you alone. "

"In this case, you, who understand your own stupidity, are qualified to talk to me." Qing Ya looked at the girl in front of her and said, "Tell me, what do you mean by cooperation?"

The girl in front of her was not stupid enough to drag Mori Country to fight against Fire Country. With this prerequisite, Qingya could continue the discussion.

Marta looked at Qingya and said, "What I mean by military cooperation is that we become friendly countries."

She looked at Qing Ya and said: "If our country is threatened, I hope you can provide assistance. If your country is threatened, our country will also provide assistance to your country. In this way, we can have military ties, but This kind of cooperation does not mean that I need you to fight against the Fire Nation."

"As you know, our country used nuclear bombs against the Fire Nation, and the Fire Nation also used nuclear bombs against our country." Marta looked at Qingya seriously and said, "This time our Fire Nation was bombed. It’s our country’s fault. I will not take any military action against the Fire Nation. I will let our country defend itself. We will not be the invaders.”

Qing Ya nodded slightly and said, "I understand what you mean. What do you mean is for our country to have a friendly relationship with your country and to defend against foreign enemies together?"

Marta nodded. She looked at Qingya and said, "The Fire Country, the Western Country and the Forest Country are all neighboring countries and have territorial borders with each other. If the Fire Country annexes our country, then your country will also be affected by it. The threat from the Fire Nation, I feel bad about this..."

Qing Ya showed a smile: "Well... you impressed me. Before, I thought that there was only one Bias in the Western Kingdom who could be considered a figure, but I didn't expect that you, Mata, are not stupid after all."

"But..." Qingya's smile faded. She looked at Marta and said, "I reject your proposal. You and the Fire Nation seem to be in balance now, but secretly there are constant conflicts, and there is a possibility of conflict at any time. I It is impossible to be friendly to either of the two countries at this time. This is a sensitive moment, and you should be aware of the ripple effects that will occur if our country moves."

Qing Ya said: "This proposal of yours should wait until the relationship between you and the Fire Nation stabilizes."

Qing Ya said: "Jin Na, see the guests off."

Marta was startled, she stood up, opened her mouth, wanted to say something, but couldn't help but slowly closed her mouth, because she knew very well that Qingya would not change her mind.

Marta was a little helpless, but she had no choice but to leave.

Marta left Qingya's castle, put on a black robe hat, hid her face in the black robe, and got into a car on the street.

The car started.

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