My time is running out

Chapter 58 Whose luck

"Ziqing, what about you?" He Yixuan suddenly spoke.

Ziqing looked at He Yixuan and said, "Me? Why?"

He Yixuan smiled and said, "Your man is so outstanding, aren't you afraid that he will give you a few more sisters after he goes out?"

Hearing this, Ziqing smiled and said, "I am his childhood sweetheart. I knew him when I was very young. He saved my life when I was a child. From that time on, in my opinion, he is everything to me."

"I love Chen Tao." Ziqing said, "I love him as a person. I support him in everything he does."

Ziqing looked at He Yixuan and smiled, "If he wants to add a few more sisters, I can do it too. I support him."

He Yixuan blinked, she smiled, looked at Chen Tao, and said, "Did you hear that? This is what Ziqing said."

Chen Tao ate a piece of meat, he looked at He Yixuan, he didn't quite understand why He Yixuan emphasized what Ziqing said.

He retracted his gaze and ate dinner by himself.

Seeing this, He Yixuan pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Master." No. 1 suddenly spoke.

Chen Tao said, "What's wrong?"

No. 1 said, "No. 10 just sent a message saying that she found a sniper outside and the sniper seemed to want to snipe you, the master."

"In order to protect the master, No. 10 captured him first. He was kept alive so that the master can interrogate him."


Chen Tao thought of the sniper named Lin Hai he met in Black Swan before.

Could it be Black Swan again? Has he chased him to the Tal District?

Chen Tao frowned slightly and said, "Bring him in to see."

"Okay." No. 1 nodded.

She covered her ears with her hands and said, "No. 10, the master asked you to bring someone in."

"Squeak..." There was a movement from the gate.

Chen Tao saw No. 10, who walked in from the gate with a pale man.

"Kneel down." No. 10 stared at the man indifferently.

The man's face turned pale, and he knelt down in front of Chen Tao.

Chen Tao looked at the man and said, "What's your name?"

The man lowered his head: "Lu Feng."

Chen Tao said, "Who sent you?"

Lu Feng fell silent and lowered his head without saying anything.

No. 10 frowned and said, "Master is asking you a question."

Lu Feng raised his face, looked at Chen Tao, and said, "Kill me if you want. I, Lu Feng, will not do such a thing as betraying others."

Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly.

Lu Feng's face turned pale and he looked a little scared, but Lu Feng's words were very firm. It seemed that he was mentally prepared to die.

Chen Tao looked at No. 10 and said, "Scan it. I want his information."

No. 10 nodded slightly and looked at Lu Feng.

Her eyes were filled with blue codes.


"Scanning completed."

No. 10 looked at Chen Tao and said, "Master, the scan is completed."

Chen Tao said, "Who sent him?"

"Gao Peng."

Lu Feng's pupils condensed slightly and his face changed.

Chen Tao frowned.

"Gao Peng? That guy said he wanted to make friends with you at the dinner, but secretly, he had someone assassinate you." He Yixuan said: "He is worthy of being the eldest son of the Gao Group. He smiles and greets people openly, but secretly kills people."

"What did you do to me?" Lu Feng looked ugly and stared at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao looked at Lu Feng and said: "Nothing, just read your memory." Scanning data, this is what Xingyun said. In Xingyun's words, human memory is data.

"No. 10, take him down and deal with him." Chen Tao said.

Chen Tao didn't want to kill people. He respected life, and every life was precious.

But Lu Feng was an enemy sniper. Letting him go back would be too threatening to people.

Chen Tao didn't care, but if Lu Feng pointed the gun at Ziqing or He Yixuan, the consequences would not be acceptable to Chen Tao.

Lu Feng is Gao Peng's man, not Black Swan. Black Swan claims to be righteous, and at most he can imprison Ziqing, but Gao Peng doesn't care about that.

In order to protect the people around him, Lu Feng, as an enemy, can only die.

"Okay." No. 10 looked at Lu Feng and said, "Let's go, don't stay here, disturb the master's meal."

Lu Feng gritted his teeth, he stood up, touched the dagger tied to his thigh, and rushed towards Chen Tao.

"Bang." No. 10 chopped Lu Feng's head with a knife.

Lu Feng fell down and fell into a coma.

No. 10 grabbed Lu Feng's hand and pulled Lu Feng out.

"What are you going to do?" He Yixuan looked at Chen Tao and asked.

This is the second time Gao Peng has asked someone to assassinate Chen Tao.

If he continues to endure like this, who knows if Gao Peng will continue to send people over.

Chen Tao stood up and said, "I'm full."

He put his clothes in order, looked at Ziqing beside him, and said, "I'm going out for a while."

Hearing this, Ziqing looked at Chen Tao and said, "Come back early."

Chen Tao nodded slightly and left the villa.

He drove away.

He Yixuan looked at the car going away through the window, she retracted her gaze, looked at Ziqing, and said, "Aren't you worried about Chen Tao?"

Ziqing looked at He Yixuan, she retracted her gaze and looked at the scenery outside the window.

"Worried? I choose to believe him. He is my man. His judgment will not be wrong. He will be fine. I believe in his ability."

He Yixuan was slightly startled. She looked at Ziqing's delicate profile and said with a smile: "Unconditional support. Few people can do it to your level. Chen Tao is so lucky to have a confidante like you."

Ziqing looked at He Yixuan: "Really..., but I think the lucky person should be me. Meeting Chen Tao is the luckiest thing in my life."

She retracted her gaze and looked ahead, as if she was lost in thought. She said: "I am from the slums. I like dancing. I have been studying dancing seriously since I was a child. But in a place like the slums, poor people like us, even if we have good dancing skills, If you don't have good dancing skills, you won't be allowed to dance in some formal places. "

"As people in the slums, we are despised by many people. In the end, I had no choice but to choose to perform in bars. "

"The bars in the slums are very chaotic. If it weren't for Chen Tao, my life would probably be ruined. "

Zi Qing looked at He Yixuan beside her and smiled: "Chen Tao saved my life when I was a child, and saved my life again when I grew up. For me, he is everything. It's my luck to meet him. "

He Yixuan pursed her lips and smiled.

"I really envy you."

Chen Tao didn't know about the conversation between Zi Qing and He Yixuan.

He was driving and flying towards Gao Peng's residence.

The first time Gao Peng assassinated Chen Tao, Chen Tao killed the assassin, thinking of killing the chicken to scare the monkey, so that Gao Peng would retreat and not provoke him.

But now Gao Peng actually sent an assassin again.

"It seems that I am just wishful thinking." Chen Tao murmured, "If that's the case, don't blame me."

Since warnings are useless, we can only take action.

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